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    :D Yankees doing great as usual. 9 games ahead of ol' Boston. That's what I like to see. Yup.
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" :D Of course Sandle is a happy ship, it's so fun! That was attracted me to Greg/Sara too SaraStar. The lighthearted flirting and the hugs of course. :) Thank ya'll for reading my fic, glad you enjoyed it. No it's not a ploy to secretly get...
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" Yeah I don't think I could take them getting together then splitting. I'd probably cry like a little girl (no offense to any little girls here :D ). More flirting this season would be great. Nope CSIangel, Greg doesn't change his mind, he's...
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" Hmm that's an interesting question. I'd like to see the flirting continue but then have them get together close to the end. That way we get to see some good Sandle lovin' before the show ends. Hugs and kisses and all that good stuff. :devil...
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    What's in Raviloli? (and other Food Mysteries)

    Vienna sausages! That's right, god I hate those things. The smell and the fact they were in the gross looking gel stuff made sure I'd never eat them ever. My brother consumes them like air. Disgusting.
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    Last Song Syndrome

    Save Tonight - Eagle-Eye Cherry
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Hmmm a new topic, new topic. Ummm what topics havn't we covered yet? There could be tons of stuff to talk about but I can't think of nothin' right now. Anywho, my new fic should be up as soon as stops acting weird. :D
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    Add a line Part 2

    Greg tried to bite Warrick to keep him from taking the teddy bear. Suddenly Sara showed up, jumping on Warrick's back and trying to...
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    What's in Raviloli? (and other Food Mysteries)

    I've never had much of a problem with vegetarians or vegans either. But this one time I went on a field trip in high school to a place where they reenact medieval times and I sat next to a teacher who was a vegan. I could almost feel her disapproval when I got chicken. Needless to say I paid...
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    :D Yay for the new thread! Those are great pics. Sandle love worldwide baby! I loved in Kiss Kiss Bye Bye how Greggo made Sara laugh twice in one scene. Anyways, the piece of fanfiction I was writing for this new thread is done, just have to touch up a bit. Should be posted by tomorrow...
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    Add a line Part 2

    Greg held it tighter. "No! It's my pooky, I love him!" He shouted, struggling with Warrick over it as...
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    What's in Raviloli? (and other Food Mysteries)

    Sometimes I've wondered but never really wanted to know. I've wondered about Spam of course and those little hot dog things that come in a can. Don't remember what they're called.
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    :D Dog Eat Dog is a good episode, no Sandle moments in it though if I remember correctly. I'm watching Gum Drops now, my fav episode! :lol: They work great together don't they? In "Bite Me" Grissom tells the DA he's going to send an investigator back to the scene and who does he send? Greg...
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    CSI: Hangman #4

    Hmmm how about an "M" please. :D
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    Last Song Syndrome

    I Will Wait by Hootie & The Blowfish.
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    Yeah, I'm glad ya'll agree with me that Greg will be next to put himself out there. Poor guy is a glutton for punishment, having been denied before. But obviously Sara is special to him. :) *covers his eyes* Ahhh! Good lord people, keep your spoilers and spoiler reactions to yourselves...
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    :eek: That title game was amazing. Both teams should be extremely proud. USA only got bronze, but at least we medaled! :D
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    Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin killed!!!!

    Very sad! :( Apparently he was killed by a stingray. My prayers go out to his family.
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    CSI: Hangman #4

    Ah, I have the last two lines but not the first! Um, an R please. :D
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    Add a line Part 2

    Meanwhile, Sara and Greg were snuggled up with the stolen teddy bear. "This is the best teddy bear ever Sara!" Greg said, wrapping his arms around...