Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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CSI Level One
Wow, thread number eight!! And I get to open it... der... I've never done this before, forgive me!!

My thread opening present.


And... Sandle banner from YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!
I just noticed while on the other page that it's Silhouette's bday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Your present is a new Sandle thread! ;)
Yaaaay!!! :D :D :D New Sandle thread!!!! and my first new Sandle thread :)

*Throws more confetti*

A little present for the new thread ;)

I can't believe I missed the ending of the last thread, but I'm glad that I'm here for the opening! And I actually brought presents!

Sandles Icon (first one I made! Note the simplicity)

A darker sandles icon

A Sandles banner

These are animated! (they took the longest! :eek:)


I didn't miss Silhouette's birthday, did I? If I did, Happy Birthday! You can have any sandle icon I made... well, anyone can take them if they think they're good enough! ^.^
YAY!! New thread! *dances around the room* woohoooooo!!! <3 And I'm loving all the pics/banners/icons :D

Here's another cute-as-heck picture for your enjoyment :)

Yay!!!!!!! New thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lovely pics everybody!!!! I love them Hestia!
Keep the sandle love coming!
Congrats on the new thread, guys!

You Sandles shippers are the best ;) And I just know Greg and Sara are completely adorable together. Keep on with it! <3
:D Yay for the new thread! Those are great pics. Sandle love worldwide baby! I loved in Kiss Kiss Bye Bye how Greggo made Sara laugh twice in one scene.

Anyways, the piece of fanfiction I was writing for this new thread is done, just have to touch up a bit. Should be posted by tomorrow. I'm even thinking about doing a sequel. I'll have to think about it.
Ahh I was away all day watching the CSI marathon on Spike!

Irma happy birthday! or belated birthday... time zones confuse me.

hehe i just noticed how much Greg made Sara laugh in Kiss-Kiss Bye-Bye. it made me really happy and i was giggling uncontrollably. i love that episode.

cute pics! hmm... i have one saved on my computer that i might post cause i think it's adorable.
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