Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

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NEW THREAD RIGHT ON MY BDAY WOOOHHHHOOOOO!!!! :D *happy dance* This is one of the best bday of my life, thank you so much everyone :D You guys rock!
I guess I could celebrate both my bday and the opening of the new thread at the same time... *hands cake around the room* Here, have some everyone! :D

Ooh loving the pics... :)
Beautiful work on the art, Hestia.. I particularly love the banner, Greg's adoring look sums it all up ;)

And welcome to the thread, SaraStar! That's a cute little fic, I hope to see lots more from you in the future. We need more Sandle fic writers!! :D
I f'n knew it that you would call our new thread this way. I f'n knew it! BTW, I love the Eric/Jorja pic up there. I'll make something out of that. I loved ths banner as well!

(Sigh) What a breath of fresh air. I feel more pumped about SANDLE being alive. heck, I've never felt so excited like this for a couple since I found out Stephanie McMahon-Levesque gave birth to her and Triple H's daughter.

... There I go again talking about WWE... ;)
New thread? OMG I feel so un-Sandle! Someone help me! :eek: I love the pics, and I love everyone here btw! :D About the add-a-chapter: someone else do it, if you hadn't done that already. I just don't have time, I'm sorry. :(
yey Dutchie i feel loved! hehe. some else can do the next chapter. i already did one, so i should give others a chance. :D

hmm.. we need a new topic. any ideas?
Hmmm a new topic, new topic. Ummm what topics havn't we covered yet? There could be tons of stuff to talk about but I can't think of nothin' right now.

Anywho, my new fic should be up as soon as stops acting weird. :D
yey! i know. that's been bothering me, cause i've been trying to read stories and they like won't load.

i can't think of a topic either so for now me can just ramble on about how amazing and cuteyful sandle is!! :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Hmm well i have a new topic if no-one else does it not really a topic, more of a question.

Would you want Sandle to get togther sometime during the CSI show so that the relationship can develop, or would you want it to officially happen right at the end, like the last episode, so that they can keep on flirting and hinting to each other? :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I love your fic SaraStar :D Its really cute.

Good question. A part of me wants to say on the show so we can see them together :devil: :). But another part of me wants it to be at the end so we have to imagine what happens. If it happened in the middle of the show they could brake up or something, unlike the end. I really dont know :eek: :lol:
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

SaraStar your story was awesome! :D

I kinda wanna see it develope. cause i've been waiting so long. and i've already kinda been imagining what could happen, yanno. we've seen them flirt and such, but i wanna see them in an actual relationship. there can even be some angst, as long as it ends up well in the end. :D
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I'd like to see a relationship develop. It shouldn't be the very last episode of the show, though I'd be happy if Greg and Sara would end up together in the last episode anyhow. It should either be with Greg, Grissom or me. :p I won't accept any other possibilities.
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

I was scanning through my songs in my old palylist on my computer, and I found two: "Are You Gonna be My Girl?" and "All The Small Things". (One's by Jet, the other is by blink-182.) Would those work, possibly?

I LOVE the "Are you Gonna Be My Girl?"... *runs off to write a Sandle fic*
Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

Look forward to the fic szmandatogoholic :)

Well i kinda dont want them to get together until maybe not the last episode but quite near the end, cos i think the scenes with them flirting are the best and usually very funny, and if they are together i can see TPTB maybe giving them less banter, cos they would have to seperate their relationship from work, if that made any sense. And if Sara doesnt get Greg by the end of CSI, then i want him :lol:
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