What's in Raviloli? (and other Food Mysteries)


CSI Level One
Have you ever wondered what's in your food?

This idea came across me today when I was eating Raviloi, and I wanted to know what eberyone thought!
No, I would rather not know what's in the food I'm eating...
I have a very weak stomach about certain things and food is one of them :lol:
Sometimes I've wondered but never really wanted to know. I've wondered about Spam of course and those little hot dog things that come in a can. Don't remember what they're called.
i will never eat a hotdog again now that i know whats in them. or any processed meat. for years ive refused to eat any processed chicken products (like mcdonalds mcnuggets, or anything labelled 'mechanically reclaimed') i only eat whole meat ones.
ive never been able to eat ravioli, or any canned noodle really. the smell of the sauce makes me feel gross. but the fact that i have eaten some of the meat products before makes me sick to my stomach :(
I actually stopped eating one... meat...jelly...kind of thing after I found out it's made from pig's head and legs. It was good untilt then but my grandma decided to do it onher own and we had pig's head and legs in our freezer. Wasn't funny.

So I also rather don't know. Of course I can pick the stuff up that I hate. Such as mushrooms/champions and blue cheese.
I think that the only food you couldn't get me to even consider eating is haggis. I forget who said this, I know it was from a comedy movie but I don't remember who made the movie. The quote is very true "All Scottish food is based on a dare."

Also food related but in a different way, is it me or a vegetarians hard to be friends with if you eat meat. I know that there are some exceptions like my sister, who was a vegetarian for a while in high school and didn't stop being best friends with someone who she knew from the fifth grade. After a while I had trouble being around my sister. It seems like vegetarians always try to convince you to stop eating meat, but meat eaters don't try to convince vegetarians to eat meat. Which is why I won't be friends with a vegetarian unless they become a vegetarian after I'm friends with them, even then I will make them promise to not push their belifs on me. I might become friends with a vegetarian if we have a shitload of common intrests but I'll still make them promise that they won't push their belifs on me and be critical of me for eating meat. It's your choice not anybody else's.
For ravioli, I have seen or eaten some filled with pork, some with beef, some with cheese, some with chicken. Just like making chili, there are many varieties. If you do a search on Yahoo or Google, some ravioli recipes include goat cheese and scallion (green onion), pumpkin, crab and salmon, blueberry, butternut squash, chorizo sausage, spinach and beef, smoked haddock, portabella mushroom, sweet potato, butternut squash, pumpkin pecan, lobster, chestnut, artichoke, ricotta and sun dried tomato, shrimp, tofu, crab rangoon, and many more. And the sauces that go on them are just as varied.
Ooooh, interesting topic.. when I was little my mom disuaded me from wanting gum by informing me (truthfully) that an essential ingredient was the same type of rubber used to make tires. It scares me how many damned chemicals are in the food we eat.. the thing that first got me interested was the fact that girls are getting their periods earlier and earlier these days, and teens in general are maturing earlier, and it's being tied to the chemicals in the foods we eat.

What bothers me more, though, is what happens to the meat that we consume. I am not currently a vegetarian, as I am anemic (and recovering from mono) and need lots of iron, but I was a veg for 5 years and a vegan for 1. I try to still be conscious of at least eating meats that come from humanely-run farms: ie, I only eat free-range products from local establishments, and try to make sure I'm educated on where my meat comes from. I have nothing against eating meat, the human race is omnivorous and it's in our nature to eat meat- I just think that we should make an effort to make sure our food is obtained in a humane way. Tigers and other predators don't torture their prey, they kill them quickly and painlessly. Why should we be any different?
I never had problems with vegetarians or vegans. And I know exactly what I'll answer if they start to feed some propaganda at me :rolleyes: Most of them have known my background so they haven't even started.

I am anemic too (been my whole life) so...
Points that ziggy pointed out. Here it's much easier to have food/meat that is produced in a "good way" because EU is very strict when it comes to this. There's a reason why so many US products have been banned here (such as genmanipulated corn) With tagging you can hunt down every cow, where they've grown and evern 2nd year there's inspection that farms are safe for animals and places are hygenic enough.
My ex-bf (when he still was my bf)... his home used to have Danish cheese. When I was there, I refused to eat it. He thought I was stupid but I told I won't eat foreing milk products. May be safe, but it's wrong towards the Finnish farmers.

Food mysteries... I think spring rolls are quite mysterious. I usually hate fried/boiled vegetables. then there was this one paella that I always thought tasted bit icky and then I figured there was mushrooms... but I guess those can change too.
I've never had much of a problem with vegetarians or vegans either. But this one time I went on a field trip in high school to a place where they reenact medieval times and I sat next to a teacher who was a vegan. I could almost feel her disapproval when I got chicken. Needless to say I paid unnaturally close attention to the person sitting on my other side.
my veggie friend knows ill never stop eating meat, and i know shell never go back to it. but when ever the crazy ones confront me i simply tell them 'if a bipedal ape hadnt started eating meat 2 million years ago you wouldnt be here' its true, but you should see the blank expression that goes over their face :lol:
anyway, more weird foodstuff: i dont know if they have powerade outside of north america, but its a sports drink and contains sorbitol. in small doses sorbitol will calm you down, but if you have too much its a depressant. what its doing in a sports drink is beyond me.
ive also noticed recently that gum and diet drinks that have aspertame have a warning that says 'contains phenylalanine' which causes serious problems if people with pku ingest it. i just thought it was weird these warnings suddenly popped up.
YouandMe1105 said:
Sometimes I've wondered but never really wanted to know. I've wondered about Spam of course and those little hot dog things that come in a can. Don't remember what they're called.

Think those are called vienna sausages, GROSS, my parents used to buy those, can't get passed to slimy gel crap that they are in.....
ET: Can someone tell me what tripe is used for, I keep seeing it at the store and its really GROSS looking!!!!, its white and looks like it had holes in it...
Haha, my dad, knowing I watched CSI, once told me that they ^ were packaged in an ingredient used for embalming (sp) fluid, and I stopped eating them for like, 4 weeks. Then I wanted them again.. stupid cravings.
Vienna sausages! That's right, god I hate those things. The smell and the fact they were in the gross looking gel stuff made sure I'd never eat them ever. My brother consumes them like air. Disgusting.
I used to eat tripe and something called chitterling here in the U.K. Used to love it till my dad told me what it was. It's a pigs intestine and funnily enough i went off it.
We have powerade here in the U.K. as well as our version which is Lucozade. Never noticed it to make me depressed. Just makes me hyper.
Spam is just really poor quality processed pork meat. It's gross but strangely popular still despite half my customers at work being determined not to buy processed ham. They go for all this good quality stuff and then still buy spam. Stupid