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    The Off-Topic Thread.

    most of europe? its 16
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    I Suck At Cooking!

    i love making currys onions, garlic, tomatoes, mushrooms, potatoes, meat (anything you want), sauce and any other veg :p two or three things are cooking at the same time rice curry and potatoes well, you cut the veg and meat etc... add everything to together and wait a bit..and its cook...
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    Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers*** ryan chappele is dead :( no ticky-tock
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    Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers*** watching s3 tony is getting the suicide capsule for the hotel definately my favourite series and scene
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    Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers*** SPOILER!!!! damn :cool:
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    LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

    Re: LOST # 2 kate is hot :D
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    Confessions Thread #2

    confession: i got a "date" on tues she says a cinema, meal or something i alway let the lovely lady choose :)
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    Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

    whoa school has changed a lot since i "left"..or finnished :rolleyes: im only 21 :lol:
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    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

    :eek: :eek: :eek: yummmy :D
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    Teenage Thread 3- We Are the Tomorrow

    goood luck girls :) i failed all but two GCSE's..and now im in my 2nd yr at Uni. :)
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    Confessions Thread #2

    confession: im missing my "special friend" :( ..maybe me too ;)
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    The Off-Topic Thread.

    im a fruit juice man.. the stuff you dilut
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    The Off-Topic Thread.

    i gathered ;) :p no one shed-ed a tear or turned off for holly :rolleyes: :D
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    The Off-Topic Thread.

    why oh why do people stop watching a show cos a character died?! no one in particular every show has practically done it
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    Re: Introductions its impossible to JUST leave...ill slowly fade away :lol: ;)
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    Re: Introductions i think ill be leaving... dont ask :mad:
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    How tall are you?

    165cm around 5'6 huge feet ;)
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    ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother! ~

    Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother do i have to post it again :p ..will that annoy you ;)
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    ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother! ~

    Re: ~Horatio's Thread #4 - Everybody Loves Raymond's Brother the film Deadlocked was on last night :D only saw one scene...then changed the channel :p DC does his usual pose and demands stuff :p
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    Prison Break

    hehe i saw a little of it today no idea what it was about but looks like a prolonged movie :p