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  1. BauerAlmeida

    Grade 'Cuckoo's Nest'

    From nearly every single aspect for this episode, it was all pretty solid, sure there were the occasional tad-too-convinient placement of objects and characters, but in a fictional drama that's all understandable. The case was solid storytelling and the puzzles all fit together very well, as was...
  2. BauerAlmeida

    8x08 - 'Point of Impact' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Actually, it is not unrealistic for a 14 year old to know how to drive these days. In where I live, it's more like kids know how to drive before walk and talk. And besides, there's been enough reports out there of 8 year olds driving cars and being caught by police and all that. Many 14 year...
  3. BauerAlmeida

    8x07 - 'Bone Voyage' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Funny moments in serious situation is not something that's uncommon or wrong. Sometimes humor may be what gets one through the horrors of a situation. And Miami wouldn't be a first show to employ that technique. But even then, in this case it wasn't even done on purpose so that Ryan and Walter...
  4. BauerAlmeida

    8x08 - 'Point of Impact' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Got it! Thanks for that! I had been wondering about the differences in rank and stuff since NY's got Detectives and Miami's got Lt, Sgt, and Officers......'cause I always thought all Law Enforcement groups have the same rank and positions...... Now that u mention it, she does look a bit like...
  5. BauerAlmeida

    8x08 - 'Point of Impact' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Really love the episode! My three musketeers continue to be hilarious and funny! So lovely to see Ryan being able to just joke around and act silly with people without the tension or people looking at him funny. Ryan fits right in with Walter and Jesse! There was one thing that the episode...
  6. BauerAlmeida

    just curious

    hmmm I always felt like Don was suppose to be in his early 30s, maybe even younger than Danny.....I don't know, I just always felt like Don is younger comparing to Danny...... I felt like the ages of the team is Sid being the oldest, then Mac, Stella, Hawkes, Danny, Don, Lindsay, and Adam.
  7. BauerAlmeida

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    Hmmmm I just read it, and actually I'm kinda excited to see this storyline play out, and it totally explains alot of Jesse's reactions. It certainly wasn't what I thought it was gonna be, but actually I kinda like this idea, and I know Eddie will do great with this material, now if only the...
  8. BauerAlmeida

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    what spoiler? where did u read it?
  9. BauerAlmeida

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    Just saw the promo and I have to say, I am so totally psyched for this! Eddie and Gary are simply a powerhouse team together when they're in intense scenes!!! Two of my fav actors going head to can I not be excited!?!??!?! Not to mention two very HOT actors at that!:drool: And...
  10. BauerAlmeida

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    Now I may mock the man to death about all his funny quirks and moments, but I will never hate him and will defend him to the end! His heart and his compassion has always endeared Horatio Caine to me, and I will never forget the moment when Speed died and Horatio's voice broke as he softly called...
  11. BauerAlmeida

    Grade "Hammer Down"

    I think Flack's snark has been off lately since Angell died, so I can see why they have him quiet and somber and not much humor, though it was cute when he said he got his "Mac on" LOL! And as for Adam's quirkiness, I think it was just the gravity of the situation that was getting to the team...
  12. BauerAlmeida

    Grade "Hammer Down"

    I think the interactions says alot of the crime labs' connection to each other. Miami is able to have stronger connection and easier tone with both Vegas and NY because they've crossed over with both shows. Horatio's interaction with Catherine and Warrick in the pilot, and then once again with...
  13. BauerAlmeida

    8x07 - 'Bone Voyage' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    The most endearing quality of Horatio Caine is his compassion. Out of all the CSIs in three series, he is the most compassionate one of them all! It was a mistake.....Walter ACCIDENTLY mistakened the shell for a skull, it wasn't done on purpose.. Well, like you said, this is a debate, and...
  14. BauerAlmeida

    8x07 - 'Bone Voyage' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I believe that Bear moment will be immortalized in the pantheon of the most hilarious Miami moments! :guffaw:Ryan and Walter's faces were just priceless!! I always enjoy seeing Natalia do her job, she's got that tough girl feel about her and more than capable of handling herself. And Calleigh...
  15. BauerAlmeida

    CBS Launches 'CSI Zeta Casefile Site'

    How did you get it to work? I tried about 20 times and it's always stuck at Connect Now to Verify Identity and under it it's just this bar that loads back and forth......
  16. BauerAlmeida

    Flack #9: An Officer and a Gentleman

    Well, if anything, Flack's snappier mood, his constant flashbacks to the shootings, both Angell's and the killer's, should be enough sign that the writers still remember what's happened with Flack, and it was obvious a few episodes ago that Flack is carrying some kind of guilt over what...
  17. BauerAlmeida

    8x06 - 'Dude Where's my Groom' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    I never thought Walter was anything like Adam or Greg.......Walter is much more confident and carefree than either of those two....Adam and Greg were both nerdy, sensitive, and could be insecure and nervous, it took both of them a while before they grew out of that awkward phase and gained...
  18. BauerAlmeida

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Re: "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2 That was incredibly sweet of Horatio! It's these small moments like this that makes the show so much more realistic, like they actually know and care about each other rather than just a simple TV show. And this was classic Horatio as well...
  19. BauerAlmeida

    8x07 - 'Bone Voyage' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Hmmmm perhaps Jesse will just intimidate the Bear into submission by being really really intense and harsh a la last week's episode with the stripper could happen.....:shifty:..........:guffaw: Poor poor Horatio, he has no idea what catastrophe is forming under his own...
  20. BauerAlmeida

    8x07 - 'Bone Voyage' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I can certainly understand the equal distribution of screetime here, but it was just nice that at least this time, those who dislike Jesse's presence can't complain of his screentime or say that the show is picking him as the golden boy. Even if it's only for one episode, at least it was nice to...