8x08 - 'Point of Impact' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

I really enjoyed the episode. It was fun watching everyone work as a team!

I didn't think that Ryan's comment to Walter was a result of jealousy. I felt it was another example of those two messing with each other! I seriously love watching these two and the friendship they are developing. I'm so happy that Ryan is finally connecting with someone. :)

I've never been a big fan of people teasing others with things that really bother them, so I didn't find the scene with Calleigh putting the eyeball in Walter's face cute or funny. I felt sorry for Walter. But that's just me. That scene also made me wonder if Walter was deaf or seriously focused on what he was doing. I could hear Calleigh's heels on the pavement every time she stepped down! How was she able to sneak up on him? :lol:

I missed Natalia. :( :(

Loved the M.E.

Loved Dave and would really like to see more of him!

As far as the case itself, I liked it because I didn't figure it out. In the end I felt horrible for this family.

It was nice to see Ryan and Horatio be so compassionate as they all began to realize how the accident had happened and what part the son had played in his mother's death.

I'm really looking forward to next week!
Ok maybe its just me...way too much of Jesse in this episode for my liking. I am sick of him already. As someone mentioned to me last night, who died and left Jesse in charge. Sorry, still bitter.

I have to disagree on this one. I actually forgot Jesse was in the episode, lol, until the scene with the victim's sister started and at the end of the episode, they were all together in the garage working on the car. He wasn't front and center like some episodes. Overall, I thought they did a good job with screen time, minus for Frank, who appeared for a minute, and Natalia, whose absense can be explained by Eva's schedule as others have already said.

I felt really bad for that family, all the suffering they had to go through during the case. The only thing that made me raise an eyebrow was when H asked the daughter why she was driving and she said that her mother had forgotten her glasses and her brother had a suspended license. She didn't even HAVE a license. Bad judgement on part of the mother. I think if I had to choose, I'd have gone with suspended license and some experience over no license and no experience.

I don't think the accident was the fault of just one person. There were a series of events by each character that ultimately led to the accident happening.
I think you may be right about Ryan being embarrased. But I don't beleve Ryan is that outdated on the forensics portion of his job. Is he? Because everywhere he turns, it appears he doesn't know anything? IMO, the writers need to do a little work. In most professions (such as this), they are required to take classes, attend siminars etc. to remain current. I was in nursing for years, and that was one of our requirements.
You are right.I'm in nursing now and there are always updates.The writers do need to remember what characters they are working with. Ryan is supposed to a thorough type of person,that was stated in his very first episode.He would keep up on his own, he wouldn't need to be told so often what was going on. Eric would sometimes speak of journals,etc.I'm sure Ryan must do some reading, and ceu's must be a requirement (I would think) .It would be an expectation to stay current even though there doesn't ever seem to be mentions of attending seminars on Miami as there has been for Vegas.
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I still say the ME was smokin someting. :lol:

:lol: He's definitely very quirky and original, that's for sure. But as wacky as he is, he kind of fits in to the wacky world of Miami. :lol:
**sigh** Was twiddling my thumbs through this one. :shifty:

The ending where they showed the accident in reverse was the best part of the entire episode, everything in between was just a little blahhh.

Marta ..... :rolleyes: Good lord did she suck! That was the most awful performance I've seen in a guest star. Her "emotion", if you want to call it that, was terribly off....bad casting choice...just very bad.

Walter .....just give the guy the CSI title 'cause it's too obvious he is no lab rat. Figure out where he belongs already. I love him, but the "funny-haha's" got a little irritating in this one, & not just with Walter, but all of them -- please don't force it TPTB.

And that's really about it -- nothing exciting -- emotions could've been much higher given the situation - that part fell very flat for me, mostly with Marta & a few of the main castmembers.
Another good episode. I have to admit that it should have ended a little quicker than it did

Is it me or is Dave one of the few people to speak like he did with Horatio in that it was a more casual and relaxed way. I kind of liked H's deadpan reaction to crossing his fingers and toes...

It was a very sad ending though and that guy will have to live with the consequences for the rest of his life. What will his dad say? will his sister think lower of him now?

Tom continues to impress me. I know people aren't ok with his behaviour but I do know many other people didn't react too quickly to Alexx and her "speaking to the dead" approach. Perhaps Tom will grow on his doubters as time passes.....

Ok maybe its just me...way too much of Jesse in this episode for my liking. I am sick of him already. As someone mentioned to me last night, who died and left Jesse in charge. Sorry, still bitter.

I don't think there was too much of him. He appeared in the first and last third while Walter, Ryan and Cal got the majority of scenes...

That scene also made me wonder if Walter was deaf or seriously focused on what he was doing. I could hear Calleigh's heels on the pavement every time she stepped down! How was she able to sneak up on him?

I would probably say a combination of him devoted to his work and ambience
I thought it was one of the better episodes; it kept me guessing until the end. And it was so tragic because it was an accident.

Random thoughts:

Decent screen time for all except no Natalia. She must have been, as Speed Cochrane said, be participating in the AMC 40th anniversary. Hopefully, she will be back next week

Looks as if Jesse is raiding Ryan's closet:guffaw::lol:. Ryan isn't the only one who looks good in pink. Love his "jello" exchange with Tom; I laughed out loud when Jesse mentioned the victim "breaking his brain":lol:

Boy, Paul G is TALL!!

Did I miss something: I thought Walter was a lab rat not a CSI.

Well, we are back to me enjoying some and being frustrated with other Ryan's scenes. Granted, he always looks good and I enjoy his scenes with Walter but...........

I really have a bone to pick with tptb/writers of CSI:M--why when you need someone to look stupid, incompetent, lazy and a slacker, why does it always have to be Ryan (or any of them for that matter?) He is being lectured by people who shouldn't have the experience to lecture him. At the accident scene when Ryan wanted to bug out and cut corners because he was hungry (admittedly he looked cute when he said it and certainly would have brought him a sandwich:devil:) he had to be reminded by Walter that they needed to keep investigating, and gather evidence. Why are they writing him like he just joined the force?! Granted he did get back to work and gathered information in a professional matter but please...:scream:And the "Are you afraid of a little challenge" scene (lest one thinks I am slamming Jesse it is just my way of identifying the scene I am talking about), why was he spouting the dummy dialog and whining like a spoiled child?!:scream: I saw no humor in his comment to Walter, more like he being embarrassed that he didn't know what was going on (and maybe a little male ego thrown in). Note to CSI:M writers: Ryan is far smarter than that.The only reedeming part for me about both scenes was that Ryan smelled the pot first and remembered that the son was busted for pot possesion which eventually solved the case. But this is ridiculous. This has been a frustration of mine for a couple of years now and I thought we were moving past this crap. I am beginning to wonder if tptb/writers have so little respect for Jon Togo that they have to write his character like that

After my initial snit, I did find the pot part of that scene funny (Call "questioning" both Jesse and Ryan and their responses) and I did say ahhhh when Ryan and Walter fist bumped. Still nice Ryan has a friendly coworker.

Loved all the scenes Ryan worked with H (and it was good to see H in a lab coat working side by side with Ryan

Dave Benton's scene with H was cute

Did Walter use his magifier to stick his tongue out at Ryan?

Not enough Frank

Again, still liked the episode despite Ryan's "lapses"

After reading your post and others, I have to say I am a little concerned about Ryan suffering from what I like to call "Homer Simpson syndrome" where a person is smart early on but then is written as a putz as the series goes on. I've seen it happen to many other characters and feel that it is a sign of poor writing in that a person has to dumb a character down to make them interesting. It's also sad that CSIM's writers have resorted to this to make Ryan "interesting"

Let's hope they prove us wrong in that regard.
I think it's more of them trying to add humor to the show (coupled with them trying to explain things to the audience). But, you don't have to make a character stupid to make them funny. Yeah sure characters who are kind of dense such as Phoebe Buffay/Joey Tribbiani (Friends), Cody Lambert (Step By Step), Van/Cheyenne, Barbara Jean (Reba) are funny, but they started out as ditzy to begin with. That isn't the case here. If they are having trouble making comedic moments without making characters dumbed down, then they need to seriously consult a comedy writer to help out. Cause this... this is just unacceptable. At least it's not always Ryan though. Last week, Walter mistook a turtle shell for skull and was corrected by Ryan. :lol: But even still, Walter's supposed to be smart too. They've done this dumbing down thing (in order to explain something to the audience) to Cal and Nat a time or two also... and probably Eric as well. But its really annoying and it needs to stop.

If they want to explain something to the audience, why not have forensic students come in to the lab to observe and have the CSIs explain things to them rather than to each other.
I almost would rather no explanation be given.If it's a new technique ,a character could comment at least that he or she had read about it,but never had seen it in practice.You would think that who ever was having the "duh" moment never kept up with anything.
I've seen it happen to many other characters and feel that it is a sign of poor writing in that a person has to dumb a character down to make them interesting. It's also sad that CSIM's writers have resorted to this to make Ryan "interesting"

Let's hope they prove us wrong in that regard.
We know so little about Ryan,there is no excuse that the writers couldn't come up with something else.
Ryan's hungry. Awww. It was cute the way he said that. :lol:
Exactly, i was like awwww..=D

"How in the hell did you fit under there?" :lol:
That was funnnyy...lol

"Eyeballs are like my Kryptonite." :lol: I love when Calleigh was sneaking up on Walter to show him the eye... and then her giggle. So cute. :lol:
I agree

Did anyone else think that the person in the lab room with Ryan (when he was processing the pedal) looked like Valera? Or the back of her head at least.
Gosh...U just read my mind , i was like thats valera..haha...if that was her, they should show HER and not just her hair or back ..lol
Really love the episode!

My three musketeers continue to be hilarious and funny! So lovely to see Ryan being able to just joke around and act silly with people without the tension or people looking at him funny. Ryan fits right in with Walter and Jesse!

There was one thing that the episode made me wonder.....Walter called Jesse "Officer Cardoza", so does that mean that Jesse isn't a Detective? Does this mean that Miami's team are Officers instead of Detectives? Anyone know how that works in Miami?
Really love the episode!
There was one thing that the episode made me wonder.....Walter called Jesse "Officer Cardoza", so does that mean that Jesse isn't a Detective? Does this mean that Miami's team are Officers instead of Detectives? Anyone know how that works in Miami?

I think they are Officers. Except for Horatio and Stetler who are Lts. And Frank who is a Sgt (I think). People have called Ryan, Cal and Eric officers as well. The Megan Fox lookalike also called Jesse "officer" in this episode.

Am I the only one who thought the tall guy's sister looked like Megan Fox? :lol:
Really love the episode!
There was one thing that the episode made me wonder.....Walter called Jesse "Officer Cardoza", so does that mean that Jesse isn't a Detective? Does this mean that Miami's team are Officers instead of Detectives? Anyone know how that works in Miami?

I think they are Officers. Except for Horatio and Stetler who are Lts. And Frank who is a Sgt (I think). People have called Ryan, Cal and Eric officers as well. The Megan Fox lookalike also called Jesse "officer" in this episode.

Am I the only one who thought the tall guy's sister looked like Megan Fox? :lol:

Got it! Thanks for that!

I had been wondering about the differences in rank and stuff since NY's got Detectives and Miami's got Lt, Sgt, and Officers......'cause I always thought all Law Enforcement groups have the same rank and positions......

Now that u mention it, she does look a bit like Megan Fox, of course, Megan Fox is much prettier....at least IMHO...:p