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  1. C

    Grade 'Heart of Glass'

    Ok, I admit I shouldn't have said that but its true. Anyway, Lets hope that Stella doesn't have HIV on the next episode. I love Mac/Stella.
  2. C

    Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

    I love Yelina and Horatio, too bad that they haven't shown her in the show for a long time. I hope she comes back.
  3. C

    Grade 'Heart of Glass'

    OMG, I cannot believe that some people didnt like this episode. Particularly I thought it rocked and it was so not insipid, it had drama, romance and a good dose of CSI NY to keep us wanting for more. If people dont like CSI NY than they should so not watch it.
  4. C

    Grade 'Heart of Glass'

    I loves this episode. :D Everytime Mac flirted with Peyton I literally jumped out of my seat and my mom is like What are you doing?. Anyway Stella/Melina as always acted beatifully and it left us craving for more CSI NY. I think its the best episode of the season :devil: ;) :lol: and Mac looked...
  5. C

    Grade 'Heart of Glass'

    I know this episode is going to be one of the best episodes this season has given us, Im not even going to change the channel, I wanna see this episode so badly and Ill watch it tomorrow on innertube.
  6. C

    Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

    The episode was great, Im hoping the next episode is better.
  7. C

    Stella beating up on the man that beat the heck out of her

    That scene in "Run Silent, RUn Deep" with Frankie and Stella was hot. In All Access I almost cried when she was tring to cut the the wires and she was hurting herself, god I was like come on, come on.
  8. C

    Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

    Stella, like always looks stunning in everything she wears, that woman makes is gorgeous. Love her.
  9. C

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    Who knows, maybe Criss Angel is Stella's new interest, the guy has a body that wow.
  10. C

    Peyton: should she stay or should she go?

    Peyton is allright, She is the only woman except for Stella that has gotten to get Mac to show some affection.
  11. C

    The Naughty Picture Thread-Ny Style!

    I have seen all the pics and have laughed my a** off. I was laughing so much when my mother came into the room looking at me like if I was crazy, which made it more funny. LOL.
  12. C

    Stella beating up on the man that beat the heck out of her

    Hi, Sweetheart, Stella is a CSI along with Dt. Mac Taylor, Danny, Lindsay, Hawkes and Flack. Second, the man who wass beating her up was her very hot boyfriend Frankie Mala who even though was hot almost killed her, she shot him 3 times.
  13. C

    CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

    I love Peyton's accent, English accents are hot. Im woman they are good but on man are hot.
  14. C

    Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

    Mac was so sweet with Reed. He is so hot.
  15. C

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    I know write, or when someone says Everything is connected. I use that phrase so much and I laugh so much.LOL :D :D :D
  16. C

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    Also, when your friends are talking about the latest clothes and you say how good Mac looks.
  17. C

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    Your teacher is explain the assignment and instead of writing it you subcontiously write CSI NY, MAC, Stella, and SMack all over your paper.
  18. C

    Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

    Mac looks so hot.
  19. C

    Peyton: should she stay or should she go?

    People, When did Peyton stand up to Stella? I need to see that episode. I like Stella more than Peyton and I totally agree with Silencer, we need more hot men like Frankie on the show. Give us another scene like Run Silent, Run Deep and am happy cause that scene between Frankie and Stella is hot.
  20. C

    Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

    Im so gonna watch Some Buried Bones again cause I loved this episode.