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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    Ahhh.... *ponders whether she should post more fanart with lyrics from The Pussycat Dolls 'I dont need a man...'* Nahhh....I'm not that cruel :p Mercy granted ;) I dunno why, but I feel a manipulation of the picture coming on..... :devil: muahahaha.... But I'm not gonna post it here.. ;) Oh...
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    :lol: Oh, Mike! You're too funny :D But you know, it really does say something about her when it even gets the ladies revved up... :p Megan That is just the cutest. :D Now I finally have a picture of Emily that my mom would be interested in....She is basically in love with Gene Simmons.. :lol...
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    Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Thread

    Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th Hey, everyone! :D I'm not sure if you all remember me, I dont even remember when I was in here last :lol: I've been reading most of the posts in here and they make me smile. Seriously, you guys are the best :D Anyways, I voted for...
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    Wallpaper thread #5

    Heres three of my idol: I apologise if they're not my best work, because I am going through a...
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    Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

    Those caps are just the cutest, Leela! I espcially love the second one, the look in Calleighs eyes is so cute....amzing and toally squee-worthy! :D I'm excited to see this episode, and I'm amazed I haven't tried to ransacked i-tunes yet for it :p
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    Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

    Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants I picked: Aw that's sweet, looks like he really cares for her and Calleigh, um, I've done this before. There were so many of my favorites in those epis, but I picked those two instead of spending a whole hour of slecting and un selecting boxes :lol:
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    That's shameful, really... But it was so real and convincing I almost believed it was a *please forgive me* reality TV show for a second! :eek: That was a great episode, I espescially liked that bit too... :p
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    I am seriously freaking pissed off right now at this whole mess. First, they ignore the oh-so OBVIOUS chemistry with the two characters, then they go steal all our scenes away from us! I mean, I totally understand that the E/C thing is what both Adam and Emily want, plus Corey Miller and a...
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    Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

    I dont care either, Midi. I was just.uhh... *turns pink* dont worry ;) Not that you would, anyway :p My dream... :devil: *gets pen and paper ready..* :p They wouldn't need to battle it out. Calleighs heart and mind are already made up... :devil: :lol: I'm so excited for y'alls, I'm like...
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    Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

    Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants calleighspeedle, my god I love those pics! :D :devil: Soo yummy :p Our man, luvspeed....Our..... Hes a valuable resource, so you have to share! :p :lol:
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    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    Congrats on the new thread, everyone! :devil: My favorite won, now I like it even more 'cause of our lovely lady Mo^^ lookin' it up on wikipedia...... I use that thing all the time, the only thing that means more to me is google. that search engine is like my bible. :lol:
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    Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

    Hey, Guys! :D You know, all I could do at school today was gush to my friends about E/C and that kiss...? I'm running around like a total fruitcake and they're rolling their eyes and going 'Oh, whatever.' and something else, but its way to vulgar for the thread.. :p I have noticed by caps that...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    TracyLynn DuCaine Discussion is my fan forum for our wonderful couple, Horatio and Calleigh. You can post fanart, pictures, chat about the actress and actor 'behind the talent' and of course Roleplay them The link is: Hope you have fun and join too :p
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Hmm...I made three a while back and posted them on the last page, What I meant is that I haven't mailed any.... :( Oh, and I wonder what Horatio would say to this?: ^^That's a little something I whipped up with one of my favorite piccies earlier :p EDIT: DuCaine Discussion now has 16...
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    Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

    I agree....I'm all for power.. And I'm sure Calleigh is too... :devil: :lol: :p Once they reach the bedroom, it's all horizontal from there, baby.. :devil: Now I have to make a music video to TV Rocks 'Flaunt it' grr... :lol: I am sure going to have some dreams tonight :lol: EDIT: I changed...
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    Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

    I voted for: D/L #16 “Captivating Canon Chemistry” & D/L #16 “Da!” I just love the last one :lol: Thanks, Mo! :D That is me waiting for mondays episode of NY over here. I am incredibly impatient when it comes to NY....Gary... :devil:... *cough* uhhh..... :lol: I meant Danny and Lindsay! :p
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    Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

    Eric+Conditioner= *pinches self* aww, crap! it was only a dream! :lol: Yeah, go Cal! To be honest with you, that is something I'd do. I'm terrible I tells ya. I threaten guys with nipple cripples when they wont leave me alone (and as a result many of them wont go near me :p) and then I go all...
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    Holy Shit.... :eek: That is uhhh.... *THUD!* I know Mike would love that one :D I do too... :lol: It's too hot for words.... I wonder what Emily would say if I went up to her and asked her to sign it? Probably something weird since I'm a chick myself :p Megan, I remember...
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    Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

    welcome to the thread, catey :D You're right, they have one hell of a sizzling hot chemistry about them, it makes me wanna come back for more....and more and even more! :D I was a S/C before I came over here too :) :p Also, I think you should avoid the double posting thing, I got in...
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    Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

    Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants Currently Hyperventilating. Cause? Rory Cochrane hotness overload! :devil::lol: that is my new fave Rory piccy, thanks :D Hey, Catey :D I wouldn't know any others...other than Empire Records sorry :p