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  1. B

    Wallpaper Challenge #11.5: ~ "Reruns" - Winners Up!!

    Re: WP Challenge #11: Provided Caps ~ Now Up! ooh.... I haven't started on mine yet, but I am gonna do it when I get home from school, since I finally found my photoshop disc :lol:
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    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Second in Command Now up! EDIT: I found my installer, so I'm back :D Sending mine in right now, if it isn't past the deadline that is :p
  3. B

    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    Wow, Leela! :D I have a rescued dog and my brother has a reescued cat.. :) Thanks for that... and the link! :D I'll go check it out right away! :D
  4. B

    CSI: DuCaine

    Emer.... *huggles* I love that so much! :D makes me wish I could write like that! I'm like one kiss and then cut to the next morning or just after.. :devil: :lol: Keep up the great work girl! :D
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Being the I.T. geek that I am, I still dunno how to get one up either :( But at school today, (when I go, it's only 5:39 PM here :lol:) I'll ask the teacher of my class that deals with computers and the internet etc.... :) I'd do anything for this couple! :devil: Oh, Emer! :devil: You know...
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    Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

    Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants I voted for: I really hope that's not from Value Jet & Well you should get your money back because the real axe doesn't have a handle on it. It's on display in Fall River Massachusettes. My two faves from that poll ;)
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    Practice, practice, practice.. ;) I do it all the time and I haven't broken my ankles yet :p Hmmm.... Leela, love the Killer Duck icon, the duck is just the sweetest :D I'm doing a bunch of new Emily themed things, and I'll link to them for yas when I'm done.
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    Wallpaper Challenge #11.5: ~ "Reruns" - Winners Up!!

    Re: WP Challenge #10: Laugh! ~ Results! Love the nice long deadline... and the theme! :lol: I'm in, if I can get PS back on my computer in time! :lol:
  9. B

    Wallpaper thread #5

    ooh... :devil: there have been so many great wallies here, guys! keep up the great work! I'll be sure to have something for you when I re-install Photoshop onto my computer... :p :lol:
  10. B

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - CSI: Second in Command Now up! oooh! *squeals* I am soo in for this one! :D Great theme :D EDIT: Thanks for correcting me ;)
  11. B

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

    Hi, everyone! :D Happy b-day, Caro :D Sorry I haven't been around alot :) oooh....that whole J/C thing is making me go all weird.. :lol: more than I am anyway.. :p What I really did come by to say was 'hi' and hope all goes well for you in the finale! ;)
  12. B

    Wallpaper thread #5

    great WP's vanillax :) But instead of double posting, you should try using the 'edit' button next to reply, quick reply etc... :)
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    You guys are seriously blessed. I have to wait another week (I think) for one damn episode.... This one episode being one that all of you have seen over 2 months ago! :( All I know is there'll be no DuCaine *sigh* so maybe I can finally watch CSI:MIAMI without my (sometimes) dreaded shippers...
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    Wallpaper thread #5

    Heres another one from me. I can't remember if I've posted this one on here or not, so if I have, sorry! :)
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    Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

    Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants Would anyone here know if Foxtels (cable tv) schedule would be the same in America as in Australia? :lol: I so wanna watch some Rory good-ness, but I'm in a tight situation (money-wise) which means no new shoe and no Rory DVDS! :( :lol: ^^luvspeed, I...
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    Thanks for the wonderful caps, Leela! :D Love your avatar, by the way ;) moonlighraven, Welcome to the thread :D You'll have a great time here...hehe... I love welcomeing new people :p
  17. B

    LIMS Round 3:The Ultimate Test of Creativity-LIMS Winner Up!

    Re: LIMS Round 3: The Ultimate Test of Creativity Holy Mother..... :mad: <------------ thats me and my imaginary pitchfork..... :p Did you think this would escape my attention or something? :lol: How could you torture me like this? You know this woman is my inspiration and role model...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Well, the one in the RP Emer and I are doing is a concert for a childrens hospital featuring The Pussycat Dolls. :lol: So, you can put both if you’d like :D You’re welcome :D I only currently have a Emily Procter fan-art site which I started a few days ago, but I am working on a template for...
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    Wallpaper thread #5

    oooooh.....pretty walls, everyone! :D Here's a new one from me: It's made from a promo pic of Anna Belknap in 'The Handler' I think ;)