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    FanFic Poetry

    oooh! :devil: love, love, LOVE the poems, girl! :d I also loved the purple color on the other one :)
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    CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

    I love your fic as usual, veeery funny ;) keep up the great wokr :D
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    wow, great pics Noe!! :D And OMG on the age thing.. I knew Cal was 33 (:lol: ) But my god, when I started watching, one of my friends told me she was in her early twenties and I totally believed her :eek: sometimes I am so gulible :p Wow, being 39 and looking as good and young as she does is...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    I feel my ears burning.. .is that the one you're dedicating to me? :lol: and for that diner thing.. I see my dear Cal making the first move... but I am totaly with you on it all, Emer :D On top of the HA remake, I am doing another DuCaine fiction called "Vanity" or something similar.... its...
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    CSI Miami/NY Lovers Crossover... A new story of H/C/S

    that's just the sweetest ;) keep it up :D
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    Wallpaper thread #5

    I inspired you? OMG! :D :lol: yay... I feel so important lol. I'm working on a bunch of other Calleigh/Emily themed ones with the same type of theme :p so keep your eyes peeled ;) I will be sure to tell them that :D Just incase anyone was wondering, the lyrics are actually from the 'Elephant...
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    "Hurricane Anthony" Remake - DuCaine, Angst, PG13

    yaaay :D We're alike.. wooo... :eek: :lol: I'm just ina a really weird mood lol. Yeah, Emer... some ideas wouldn't be that bad...considering how great your stories are as wholes, I can't wait for ya to send me some ideas :p I love the lack of vision thing, but now I have to go research it so I...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Hey, everyone! :D I have been away for a long time (according to me :p )and have come bearing some goodies! :lol: I have finally finished chapter two of the Hurricane Anthony Remake, which I just put up on its thread. I made a wallpaper with Hcrazy's JK/C manip and its over in the WP thread :)...
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    "Hurricane Anthony" Remake - DuCaine, Angst, PG13

    Thanks for all of the love you girls have been giving through this feedback! :D One of my best online buds supplied alot of ideas for this next bit... the last bit of Chapter 2!!! Here we go! :devil: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But it being dark down here, he couldn’t see a thing...
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    In Between the Scene: Going Under

    Awww...! I love this even more than before if that's possible! :lol: Just a question..... how many kids is Calleigh going to have? :lol: Horatio and Calleigh are going to end up overpopulating the world with lots of green and blue eyed little monsters someday :p (I'm not going to be one of the...
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    Wallpaper thread #5

    hey, everyone! great walls (what I can see) here are two of my newest ones: Just a couple of points though.... The first one is a bit plain, I know.... I can't figure...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    HCrazy, that John Kelly/Calleigh manip if freaking awesome! :eek: :lol: I'm turning it into a wallpaper.. :D and posting it on the WP thread.. :lol: I'm sure you won't mind...? I'll make sure to credit you :D Melty, sure you can join! :D Ya don't need to ask ;) Wlecome to the thread and I'm...
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    In Between the Scene: Going Under

    wow.... :devil: EMER! :p :lol: You gonna add me in here somewhere? haha, I dont think H&C could deal with a hyperactive kid that demands perfection (perfecionist.... :lol: ) and uhhh..... likes all things to do with guns, P!nk, and the Pussycat Dolls... haha Great work, keep it up :D
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    "Hurricane Anthony" Remake - DuCaine, Angst, PG13

    Awwwww.... Girls! Luv yas all... :p I have a very strange feeling that I have more friends on here than in RL :eek: but all is good, because no one in RL appreciates my fics! :lol: Okay, this isn't alot, but I have been really busy with exams/assignments/freaking out about trying to remember...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    LMH, those pics are awesome, girl! :D *sigh* I'm missing Emer around these parts :p :lol: Sorry that I've been gone around these parts aswell, but I've got this killer stomach pain right now and it hurts like a biatch :( :lol: But that's just today. :p ...... and holy crap that was hot...
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    DuCaine songs--Steaming up the Radio Waves!!

    Re: Steaming up the Radio Waves...DuCaine songs! I've never heard that song, but... EVA ROCKS! :lol: Both Emer and I love that band :D Heres one of my own... "Going Under" Now I will tell you what I've done for you - 50 thousand tears I've cried. Screaming, deceiving and bleeding for you -...
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    "Hurricane Anthony" Remake - DuCaine, Angst, PG13

    I should be proud?! *puffs out chest and grins* Is that proud or just weird? :lol: Okay, heres an update! :D It's not a full chapter, like I had hoped, but this one has been particularly difficult to write, because its a Horatio / Horatios thoughts centric chapter... :p Anyway, here is the...
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    Wallpaper Challenge #11.5: ~ "Reruns" - Winners Up!!

    Re: WP Challenge #11: Provided Caps ~ Results! Holy crap! :lol: :D Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! :D I didn't think that layout was very effective, but it obviously was :lol: Thanks soo much! and congrats to everyone else :D SunsetBoulevard I love your Cath WP. I've had it on my laptop's...
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    H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

    Hey, all! :D ^^ Me and my Guns N' Roses jacket say 'Hi!' :lol: You do realise after posting that pic and that SATC poem, I had to bring them 'closer' together? ;) ^^ That's what I've gotten from it :p Alright,I have finally started that fic, like I think I've said and it's over in the...
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    Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

    Maartje, that [ic is so gorgeous.... Now, it is time for an O gosh face of my own.. :devil: I just realised I've been wearing my hair like that all day! :lol: I didn't do it on purpose, but yeah.. :p Also, I have some great news (not that y'alls would care anyway :lol: :p) But I'm getting...