Search results

  1. WolfeWhistle

    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    True, although I don't know how great it would look on him now, more mature and all. But yeah, I loved the longer, shaggier look. The spikes are nice, too, though. (I guess they're my second favorite. They suit him... ;)) I've been feverishly trying to catch up on season 6. I feel like such a...
  2. WolfeWhistle

    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    Yep, that's the picture I was thinking of! Thanks! Those are awesome icons, by the way... :) Anyway, I love all of the thread name choices, but I think the Incredible Shrinking T-Shirt Society one is my favorite... ;)
  3. WolfeWhistle

    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    Sweet Jesus, he looks amazing in this episode! :eek: Personally, I love the yellow-gray combination. It's classic, and he looks GOOD...*fans self off* I also have a question/request: Who was it who had an icon with the picture of Jon wearing the undone bowtie? I'm thinking it may have come...
  4. WolfeWhistle

    Jonathan Togo in a web series

    Those are hilarious! I love the part in the last episode when Jon says "It's like hearing my parents have sex". I laugh out loud every time! :lol:
  5. WolfeWhistle

    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    Yeah, I think he's a bit too manly now to go back to the sweater vests at this point. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the season 3 episodes where he wears them, but I think a hefty supply of t-shirts in a bunch of colors would suit him nicely this year... I'm loving the T-shirt society idea too!
  6. WolfeWhistle

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash I agree completely. Natalia has never ever been a favorite of mine (she sort of bugs me, to be honest), and what do we get? A whole bunch of Ryan and Natalia scenes, and whole bunch of Calleigh and Jake or Eric scenes, and barely any...
  7. WolfeWhistle

    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    I'm definitely liking all the t-shirt discussion. It's time for the blazer to take a little break (not that we don't like the blazer, of course). *thinks back fondly to Shock and Curse of the Coffin* I saw the little glimpse during the preview for next week, too. Looks promising. By the way...
  8. WolfeWhistle

    Graham Norton

    That's definitely true. They don't bleep out much when it's shown over here, which makes it even funnier. I also remember watching Big Brother in my hotel room in London last summer, and they didn't censor hardly anything. U.S. hosts will do comedy bits and funny segments with regular people...
  9. WolfeWhistle

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash That would be interesting to see a fan beat up Ryan through the TV... ;) I'm sure you're not the only one who feels the same way (I know I do), either.
  10. WolfeWhistle

    Graham Norton

    Yeah, he's crazy. I can't believe some of the things he's done on his show...stuff you'd NEVER see American hosts doing. Good stuff... ;)
  11. WolfeWhistle

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash Oh, totally! That could have been epic...*sigh* but no dice. Lame. When they showed Calleigh being comforted by Eric, I kept thinking "No! Don't talk to him! Talk to Ryan! Please?" :rolleyes: Perhaps next week.
  12. WolfeWhistle

    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    I went out to dinner last night at Ruby Tuesday, and I couldn't resist: Imagine my joy in realizing that I had my camera with me...
  13. WolfeWhistle

    Graham Norton

    Since there are quite a few international members here, I thought I'd see who watches Graham Norton. We get BBC America at my house, so I started watching his talk show, and I think he's hilarious! I love the practical jokes he does, and even though he's sort of vulgar, I love watching his...
  14. WolfeWhistle

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash What episode is this one from? I don't remember ever seeing it, and I love it! It's a great screencap. :)
  15. WolfeWhistle


    Ok, I know that this is nearly 3 weeks late, but I haven't been able to post for awhile, so... *sigh* As one of the few Rockies fans on this thread, I have to say that the WS outcome was definitely disappointing, but I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of this team. Their run made...
  16. WolfeWhistle

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash So apparently I'm not the only one who has been on a short hiatus... Well, I'm off from school for a week, so now I can post regularly again. Oh, I've missed coming here and I'm really glad to be back! *sighs* But now I have a lot of...
  17. WolfeWhistle

    Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

    *Waves hands around wildly* I'm still here (that is, if anyone noticed I was absent for awhile there)! I haven't deserted the site, I promise. We have a week off from school, so now I can forget about all the other junk going on and post again. Yay! Good to be back! But anyway, I've missed a...
  18. WolfeWhistle

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash I still have yet to watch Monday's episode, but from what I've seen on this site, looks like we didn't get any CaRWash action. *sigh* Perhaps next week...
  19. WolfeWhistle

    So You Think You Can Dance

    Ooh! *raises hand* I love this show! I'm also a huge fan of Benji's, and I also liked his sister Lacey this season (even though a lot of people didn't). As for the DVD, I haven't heard anything, but I really hope they release all 3 seasons sometime. I never got to see season 1, so it would be...
  20. WolfeWhistle


    One more day... I'm really excited, but also nervous (which makes for a great game). I do acknowledge the fact that Boston has a pretty potent lineup, but I have complete faith in the Rockies. It's going to be interesting, to say the least. Each team will have its hands full with the other, and...