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  1. R

    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    I kind of have given up hope on this. It's been down for a few months at least.
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    LMAO Shadow!! I absolutely loved that pic of Ryan and I asked someone over on Fan Art in the banner thread to make me a banner with those words in there! I know how everyone in here loves the sweatervests! quoth_the_raven did it for me. I also asked someone in the Miami icons thread to make me...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    To be honest those type of glasses look better on Jon than they do on Adam. IMO - BOTH OF THEM should lose the glasses!
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    I was wondering the same thing. It seems as though every pic that I have seen of him off camera he is wearing those glasses. I didn't know how I felt about them in the beginning but they are starting to grow on me. He looks like Buddy Holly or some old dude that should have a cigar hanging out...
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    CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    YES OF COURSE!! There was a reason why I asked for someone to make me one! I finally get to put in an avatar and you did such a wonderful job. I thank you again a thousand times over and over! Oh and I gave you credit in my bio for it.
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Athlov You are the best! Could you also give us a heads up (the ones in the states) when his Judging Amy episode on TNT airs? (if you know or by chance see it) I've been looking for that also!
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    CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Thank you SOOOOO MUCH!! I LOVE THEM!! You are the greatest! Edited by Wyoming to take image tags out
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    I just wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!
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    Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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    CSI : Miami Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Can someone make me a cool avatar out of this pic? You can cut out Calleigh and put something like "Head tilt" in it or if you find a funnier saying then use that! Also can you do this one too...
  11. R

    Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    Can someone make me a sig banner using this photo and put "The best in sweatervest" on it? Oh and I wanted to add this pic... Can you put "Shhh... he's...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    I really wonder about his parents... like where are they? Is Ryan from Miami? Is he from another state? Like in Nailed... no one came to see him. He could have died. At least with Eric they said "Your parents are on their way here" - even when his sister Marisol was on death's bed. Ryan was just...
  13. R

    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    I have to say that this epi is in my top 3.. Nailed One Of Our Own Man Down This season has proved to be that they are improving on everyone's character strengths. Although I wasn't too thrilled with the dwelling on Eric's character and background (would rather it be Ryan) I understand why they...
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    Episode # 515 "Man Down" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Yes this episode was just as good - if not even better than Nailed and One Of Our Own. Those are my 2 favorite epis of all Miami time!
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Ok ladies... just a heads up... when you watch tonite's new epi... just listen to his voice. It is so incredibly sexxxxy I can't stand it. He speaks in a lower tone throughout the whole epi.... his voice is even more breathy in this - I can't stand it!!
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    Episode # 515 "Man Down" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Although I haven't posted any spoilers I have a question... Isn't this thread titled "Man Down CONTAINS SPOILERS" ?!?!? Why would ANYONE who hasn't seen the episode yet COME IN HERE?!?!? The warning is RIGHT THERE!!! Oh and another question... can there be a LIVE thread? Something that we...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    IMO = In My Opinion YAY!!! 9 more minutes until the new episode! *eagerly awaiting*
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Sadly I don't think we will ever see a Ryan shirtless scene. I just don't see there being any need for that. Possibly a wet Tshirt (from diving into water for a rescue or recovery of someone/thing) but not ever shirtless! OMG I was just watching Nailed again and I totally missed a sentence he...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Him being left-handed is extra specially hottt in my book. Left handed men have always had my heart. (I am left handed). I was watching The Good Girl with Jennifer Anniston and Jake Gyllenhal and I saw in that movie that Jake was left handed! AWESOME! Figures my father in law is left handed...
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    I have a Question

    I don't even think that they were really 'dating'. Hagen kind of made up this big deal relationship in his mind. I think Calliegh liked him.. but not in that way. She certainly had a thing for that Fed guy. I forget his name... the one that is from the treasury?