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  1. S

    Yobling RP

    I would love to add some made up characters into the mix to make it a little more interesting...anyone remember Brenda from Season One's Blood Drops? Or Cassie from last season's Gum Drops? Having them pop up again in a case causes a lot of anguish for Nick or Sara (considering the relationships...
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    Grey's Anatomy

    I am soo glad that I have TIVO and don't have to choose. If I did it would be soo hard. I don't know what I would do!
  3. S

    5 years since 9/11.. What do you think?

    I know there are a million stories about where everyone was and what they thought so I am not going to share mine. I am going to give you this little tidbit however. We were reading a book in school about 9/11 today and a father talked about how he went running into his daughter's school that...
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    Yobling RP

    Lindsey thought about that...her mom was actually offering to go to the mall with her? That meant she must have the day off. Lindsey could be a brat and show her mom what it felt like to be let down, but the bigger part of her really wanted to spend a day with Catherine for once. "Sure mom!"...
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    Yobling RP

    Lindsey fell asleep instantly, waking later in the morning and blinking at the light that was flirtering through her window. Ahh satruday. She loved Saturdays.
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    Yobling RP

    Lindsey pushed open the car door and walked into the house, heading straight for her room. She dropped her bag on the floor and sat down on her bed, letting her hair out, and sighing. She was so tired.
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    Yobling RP

    Lindsey nodded, and for the first time she saw her mom as a real person. Her eyes had their own dark circles under them, her face was just as weary as Lindsey's was. "Thanks" was all she mumbled, leaning against the window as they started to drive away.
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    Yobling RP

    Lindsey nodded, suddenly feeling exausted. She walked like a robot out to the car and slumped down, her head resting on her hand as she stared out the window silently.
  9. S

    Yobling RP

    Lindsey sighed. Her mom's training in questioning and people's habits were really paying off. She decided that she would tell as much truth as she could, and that would have to be good enough for her mom. "Mom that is the whole story. At least everything that happened physically. There's more...
  10. S

    Yobling RP

    (ok I am going to kind of make it up, because I don't really remember....please correct me if you want!) "Well this kid was being a pain and talking a lot so I tried to get him to shut up. He wouldn't so I punched him. Then he hit me back and to defend myself I did whatever I could do get him...
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    Yobling RP

    Lindsey rolled her eyes stopping with her hand on the door. Slowly she turned around and came back, dropping into a seat next to her mom. "Can we pleease get this over with?" she muttered under her breath.
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    Yobling RP

    "No" Lindsey said quickly, "actually we're done here. I was just about to go call Grandma and get a ride home." Lindsey smiled, pleased at her easy way of getting out of a talk. Her mom couldn't exactly ignore her boss...
  13. S

    Yobling RP

    Lindsey ignored him, biting her lip quietly, as her mom asked Ecklie a question. She wasn't really listening to their conversation, her mind was else where.
  14. S

    Yobling RP

    Lindsey looked up at the man. He looked older then some of her mom's friends, and had a sour pouty look on his face. His dark brown hair parted down the middle to reavel his large bald head. She instantly didn't like him, remembering many times that Catherine had vented to her own mom about him...
  15. S

    Yobling RP

    Lindsey shrugged, He probably wouldn't notice , she thought to herself, he was always busy with his music, or his girlfriends. Even as young as she was, she knew that. It hadn't been that long ago after all. It was so hard, trying to move on, she felt invisible all of the time, lost and...
  16. S

    Yobling RP

    (ok then!) Lindsey pushed her soft blonde hair out of her eyes and squinted at her shoes. What was she supposed to say? She wasn't even sure if she knew herself why she had done it. How was she supposed to explain to her mom. So instead she said nothing, a move which was sure to make her mom...
  17. S

    Yobling RP

    (stokeluver, may I have Lindsey this evening? I am here and ready to looks like she has been passed around a lot!)
  18. S

    Yobling RP

    (is it true that we can't start our own RPs now? Ugh I really want to write, and I can't really do anything yet :()
  19. S

    Yobling RP

    (Hey everyone...Stokeluver and I have arranged to share Lindsey, so I have her today ;)
  20. S

    The Wedding Dance.

    Aw I like it! I really like how you told about the other couples too, it helps set the scene!