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  1. GrissomFREAK

    Grey's Anatomy #2 ~ The McThread, Seriously!

    I am Officially Addicted to GA :D The season finale was OK. I felt bad for George :( And Alex ... And Bailey too. She deserved to be chief. Meredith. Man, she really has to make a choice, she just doesn't seem to know what she wants :eek: LMAO at Christina's eyebrows incident :lol:
  2. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #8

    Yeah, I had the same reaction. I was like WTF??!! :eek: :eek: Somebody HELP HIM!! :lol:
  3. GrissomFREAK

    NBC's new Raines

    Ouch. Man, that's too bad. I liked that show :(
  4. GrissomFREAK


    I literally burst out laughing when I read your post egg :lol: First I was like WTF??!! Sex? Where? I want to see that epi where Griss has sex LOL "Arm sex" LMAO True though, that was a very intimate scene. Speaking of which, if Natalie could notice that, and pick up on the fact that Grissom...
  5. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #8

    LOL squink! AHAH that's a good one. Squink squink! Hehe :D
  6. GrissomFREAK

    Season 8 Wishlist

    Re: Season 8 Wishlist :cool: I am 100% with you here. * Sara HAS TO live. She can't die. They can't do that. * The Beard OF COURSE :rolleyes: I miss it so very much. I re-watched Time of Your Death yesterday and *SIGH* Sexy. Hot. Beautiful. I'm out of words really. With The Beard, Grissom...
  7. GrissomFREAK

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin" It was a nice epi -as usual ;) But nothing to write home about. Can't wait for the finale :cool:
  8. GrissomFREAK


    I agree with ams, get yourself To Live And Die In LA or Manhunter -you won't be disappointed with those two. Damn good films, and MAJOR hottness :D
  9. GrissomFREAK

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin" Yep, he said that too, but that was before Cuddy asked him "What are you doing?" "YOU are one evil cunning woman! It's a massive turn-on" :lol: The look on Cuddy's face is priceless It's like she was saying "Really??!!" :D
  10. GrissomFREAK

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin" House did ;) No surprise here ... he's a jerk -a smokin' hot one, but still a jerk :D Cuddy: "What are you doing? House: "Looking for a tell ... rapid eye blink, twitch of the lips ..." :)
  11. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #8

    ^^ He sure did. Hehe. Love your new icon, Des :D
  12. GrissomFREAK

    CSI Las Vegas cinematography / photography / visuals

    I second that :cool: They make watching CSI a real treat.
  13. GrissomFREAK

    CSI Las Vegas cinematography / photography / visuals

    After watching last night's episode, I thought it was time to revive this thread. I know I'm repeating myself here, but it's too bad that a lot of people I know who watch CSI STILL don't pay attention to/don't care about the beautiful cinematography. Oh, well, they don't realize what they're...
  14. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #8

    From last night's episode ... The Pout :cool: *panting* :p Hands ... more hands ... :D
  15. GrissomFREAK


    WOW! Awesome finale! TO BE CONTINUED ... Hate those words :devil: It's like the writers were saying to us -in a disguised way, very smart- FOR MORE HOTTNESS, WELL JUST - BE PATIENT :eek: I CAN'T DO THAT!!! :eek:
  16. GrissomFREAK

    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    Last night's episode ROCKED. Kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end. And now it's 3 months of speculations about what will happen next. Funny how this finale was built à la Grave Danger. TPTB very well knew that it was the best finale ever since the beginning of the show, so they...
  17. GrissomFREAK


    He does seem a lot happier, and more open than he used to be, more human too. The fact that he could embrace his feelings for Sara speaks for itself. She changed him -no doubt about that -Gawwd, she even got him to shave his beard!! :eek: :lol: *sorry, guys, I realized not long ago that...
  18. GrissomFREAK

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin" Hehe. You're welcome, and thanks ;) I'm new to LJ. I don't know how it works yet -can you post comments if you have a LJ too or do I have to friend you first? *shrugs* Yayness. House tonight!! :D :D House meets his mini-me :lol: Promises to be...
  19. GrissomFREAK

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin" Your best bet for non-tagged pics is house_daily :cool: I had fun last night on my LJ ... it's here. Nuggets of insanity from "Resignation" :lol: :D Feel free to comment.
  20. GrissomFREAK

    Silk Stalkings

    Couldn't agree more with that. As a matter of fact that's when I stopped watching. Tom and Cassie just didn't have the chemistry that Chris and Rita had. I looooved that show :cool: I used to love the credits too -I have the theme song on my iPod -that's how much I liked it :D