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  1. L

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    Wow. Serious writer's cramp from writing some of your addresses. :lol: Please don't take it the wrong way if you asked if you included everything or if it was ok and I don't reply. No PM from me=good news. :D We absolutely want all the new people to participate and we don't care where you're...
  2. L

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    Due to the success of last year's card swap, I have decided to organize this little beauty again this year! :D Yes, it is the day after Halloween and yes, there still is one more holiday before Christmas/Hannukah/etc, but last year was a bit of a stretch and very rushed. The whole thing was a...
  3. L

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    I don't think the lead sounds like Carmine either. At the very beginning they do a little, but the rest of the song doesn't. It's a good song. It's kinda funny how they went from having like, 30 friends then this was posted and now they're up to 110 almost over night. :lol:
  4. L

    A Thank You from Hill Harper!

    :lol: :lol: There is a picture of my underwear on the internets! How embarrassing. :lol: (Red with white polka dots, if anyone is interested. ;))
  5. L

    CSI NY Ensemble Cast submitted for SAG Awards Nomination

    Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say that it's about damn time. :D
  6. L

    CSI:NY Picture Thread #3- Bring on the Pictures!

    ^^Thanks! I've been waiting for you to come along with this! :lol: I have to say, that if all the props and stuff are clues, I'm lost. :lol: I have no clue what any of it means.
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    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    :lol: I remember that! I love that he totally wants to crack up over tripping over that case.
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    Saw Hill Hawkes LIVE and in the flesh last saturday!

    He pretty much does nothing for me on TV, but he is a little hottie in person. :D I went to his book signing in NYC last year. Good lookin' guy.
  9. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    I'm waiting for someone to find and post a bigger version of the new promo picture. I'm dying to see all the little details of it! Where are you picture people?!
  10. L

    Carmine's Crew at

    It's a nice little club thing she's got going on over there. Carmine kinda sucks at keeping up with the monthly questions though. :( It's been going on for quite awhile and he's only answered 4 or 5 questions. We do a pretty amazing job at the whole fan thing too, but it seems our efforts go...
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    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    That is THE funniest thing I've ever read. I can totally picture that whole ridiculous thing in my head. :lol: :lol:
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    May sorrow everlast - an Aiden-corner

    Well, since Aiden is dead, I thought it would be ok to post a little something about the actress who formerly played her. My apologies.
  13. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    ^^Thanks for the link. I'm liking the outfit! Classically handsome right there. :D Better than the jeans/tshirt combination he's been into lately. ETA: I can't believe he's only second generation. :eek: That's pretty amazing to me for some reason.
  14. L

    Happy Birthday To Carmine Giovinazzo

    Happy Birthday, Carmine! 34 today, hm? Don't look a day over 29 to me! Have a great day. :D That's bad. I'll stop now. ;)
  15. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    ^^Absolutely! If you're halfway through your 30's and a person in their early 20's has got it bad for you, then you know you've still got it going on, as most of us are highly picky about who they're attracted to. Then again, I do like my men a little older than I am, sometimes, even 12 years...
  16. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    :lol: Maybe a little left over.
  17. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    It's a freaking terrible nickname. Kinda makes my skin crawl. Ladies, it's Carmine's birthday! :D The big 3-4 today. What a good lookin' dinosaur. No offense to my older buddies here. ;)
  18. L

    May sorrow everlast - an Aiden-corner

    ^^I was just coming in here to see if you guys knew about her being pregnant! I just saw something about it on Celebrity Baby Blog, she's due next month! It doesn't say who the father is and she doesn't know the sex.
  19. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    It's because the really good looking dorks are few and far between. Danny seems really confident with himself too, so that's a few major sexy points too. Kinda makes me wish Danny Messer were real. It will be a sad day if they ever decide to retire the glasses. I think it makes the character...
  20. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    'Donkey' like an ass or 'donkey' as in an animal who is a member of the horse family, so he is therefore hung like one? :devil: Definitely a with glasses girl. I don't know, there's just something that's really sexy to me about it. Any guy, really, actually.