Doctor Who!

So I've finished S1, already bought seasons 2 and 3, and wow, what a great series!!!

There wasn't one episode in S1 I didn't like although I wasn't that fond of Father's Day. The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances were just amazing and the season finale was ... OMG! :eek:

I'm really excited about the new doctor.

Since I watched Torchwood before Doctor Who, I already knew Captain Jack but wow, one episode of Doctor Who did what a whole season of Torchwood didn't do, I totally, completely fell for the guy!

I just loved him in Boomtown! I literally fell of my armchair when he stood there all naked and said something about the ratings going up now. The guy is hilarious!!! :guffaw:And don't let me get started on the farewell kiss ....
I loved Captain Jack from his first appearance. At the time The Doctor Dances aired, I was completely unspoiled, and convinced that Jack was going to die when he had the bomb on his ship (wouldn't have been the first or last time somebody who helped the Doctor and ended up dead). And I was sooo delighted when the TARDIS showed up. By the time the S1 finale came around, I knew that Torchwood was being planned, so I wasn't quite as worried when Jack faced off against the Daleks (IIRC, I thought that because the station was partly shielded, that the Daleks rays weren't as effective on the higher levels and that Jack hadn't actually died. Wasn't until Bad Rose Wolf showed up that I realised he was supposed to have been dead at that point)
I started at Season 2, but I saw Torchwood before I went back to catch up on Season 1. Took ages before I had the guts to watch the last episode because I knew that was the one where Jack died, even though I knew he would be coming back pretty soon after - and seeing him left behind on Satellite 5 as the TARDIS left? Sniff. I'm so glad it got explained eventually though.
I've been watching the season with Donna (not sure which one that is) and I'm not so sure I like her. I far preferred Rose and Martha... I guess I should give her a few more episodes though, to be fair. I've only watched 2.
I've been watching the season with Donna (not sure which one that is) and I'm not so sure I like her. I far preferred Rose and Martha... I guess I should give her a few more episodes though, to be fair. I've only watched 2.

That's the most recent season.

I felt the same way when I heard Donna was the new companion this year. I remembered her from the Christmas special she was on, and I really didn't like her in that. Just too brash and annoying. But after having watched the entire season, I have to say that she's now my favorite of the three. I think it's the way that she really grows as a character as the season goes along. Catherine Tate does just a wonderful job with the character. I'd be curious to see if your opinion changes after you finish watching the rest of the season. :)
Really? Alright then, I'll try to check back at the end and see if I have to revise my opinion. ;) Let's hope you're right. :)
So, I hope no one hates me after this post ... :confused:;)

I started watching the second season of Doctor Who. I've watched four episodes so far, and I don't know, but there's something slightly off. The episodes are really good and all but ... First I thought it was the Doctor, but it's not him. I actually like him, miss the old one but the new one's just fine. He's funny. Then I thought it was the episodes. But there good too. And then it hit me, well, it was more like a slow realization, it's Rose. It has to be her. After watching School Reunion yesterday I know it's her. She annoying me. I could bear her in S1 but I just can't (so far) in S2. Her character seems to get worse every episode. She started to get this crush on the Doctor and I just don't like it. And all the b****ing between her and Jane (you know one of the Doctor's old companions) was just too much.

And then I realized something else. It's the way Doctor Who portrays Rose. She just this damsel in distress and I hate damsels in distress who always have to get rescued by the strong man. I love the Doctor but ... that's just something I absolutely can't stand. Why can't she just for once do something right and get herself out of trouble without the Doctor's help. Ever heard of a "strong female character"? :scream: :wtf:
I really don't want to start a rant here about portrayal of women on TV ...

I hope that the rest of S2 will change my mind about Rose. I'll definitely keep watching.

Don't hate me, please? :cool:
Love_fan, I could hug you for this! I find myself in a minority in most DW discussions because I don't fall at the feet and worship the amazing Rose.
I think she was better in S1 because Nine was more of a parental figure to her, and I could really believe that he'd been travelling around for 900 years more than her. But with Ten - maybe it's because he imprinted on her or something during his regeneration - he acts more like a potential boyfriend around her, the cool kid who's showing off to impress the hot chick. Nine on the other hand didn't need to show off. (nothing against Billie Piper, but I just wanted to slap Rose so much by the end of the season)
Now that you mention it, yes, Nine was more like a father figure to Rose. I never got the idea that there might be anything more than friendship going on there but with Ten. Maybe Rose hasn't realized yet that it's the same doctor. He may look younger and because of his regeneration act like a "young boy" who sees everything with new eyes (well, he does :p) but he's still the same "father-figure" like before.

I'm just glad I'm not alone with my opinion. Don't mean to offend anyone with my thoughts.
That's not offensive at all. You're perfectly entitled to your opinion, and that is the whole point of this board, right? To discuss opinions. As long as you don't go around insulting other posters, or being purposely offensive, you should never have a problem. People will disagree- that's the way it works. But we usually disagree amiably. :D

And I can see where you're coming from- I think I wasn't sure about Rose some of the time either. I agree, I like a woman with a little more backbone to her, but at least she wasn't totally useless.

Overall, Martha has been my fave so far, but they all have their pros and cons for sure. :)
That's not offensive at all. You're perfectly entitled to your opinion, and that is the whole point of this board, right? To discuss opinions. As long as you don't go around insulting other posters, or being purposely offensive, you should never have a problem. People will disagree- that's the way it works. But we usually disagree amiably. :D

Exactly! What good is a discussion if everyone always agrees on everything? Boooooooring!

Anyway, I've liked all three of the companion ladies so far. but each for their own reasons... and I think all three of them have gotten on my nerves at some point as well. Which I think just makes them that more realistic. I mean, even the people in you RL have to annoy you at some point, right? :lol:
I had seen one episode with Martha in it last year, but wasn't impressed with the episode (Dalek's in Manhattan). Since I didn't have cable at the time, it was no big deal because I wasn't planning on watching more. But then I started watching Torchwood and wanted to see a lot of the little things they referenced from DW. I had seen that a lot of people liked Rose, but when I started watching, I wasn't that impressed with her. But I do like Martha. So she was my favorite (unless you can count Captain Jack :cool: ), at least until Donna.
I think Captain Jack is everyone's favourite ;) I've only seen Rose so far so I can't really say anything about Martha or Donna.

I was really surprised that I accepted the "new" doctor that fast.