The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

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Hmm ... this Friday being Farmer's Day and me having the day off from school (YES!) I'm going to go to the mall and buying Season 2 of CSI. That's the season with Stalker, right? Ah well, I'm buyin' it anyways! I can't wait to see the beginning of the episode.
I don't think I've ever seen Fallen Idols. What season is that in?
So we're almost into July ... and I'm already getting antsy. I just wish we could see how everything works out. I'm seriously just itching to see all the raw emotion from all the characters. It's going to be an episode no one will want to miss!
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Hmm ... this Friday being Farmer's Day and me having the day off from school (YES!) I'm going to go to the mall and buying Season 2 of CSI. That's the season with Stalker, right? Ah well, I'm buyin' it anyways! I can't wait to see the beginning of the episode.
I don't think I've ever seen Fallen Idols. What season is that in?
So we're almost into July ... and I'm already getting antsy. I just wish we could see how everything works out. I'm seriously just itching to see all the raw emotion from all the characters. It's going to be an episode no one will want to miss!

You can't go wrong with buying S2, my_last_chance. It's the best Love season ever with a ton of subtext in almost every episode! Let me remind you, there's the Look of Love in Felonious Monk, the liquid latex scene, the Let's play chemical compound scene, the ass-check, Leggo My Greggo. Ah, there are so many moments.

Fallen Idols is from S7. A good episode with good N/G interaction. But when isn't it good when they interact?

And concerning the age gap, four years is not that much, even if it where more than that, the boys' Love would conquer everything ...
Don't forget about "Chasing the Bus" also being in Season 2. That has some interesting Love moments in it, with it being Greg's first time out in the field and Nick sort of scolding him at first but then being all forgiving to him later on. I wonder just how forgiving he might have been at home. :lol:

Then there is the "Cats in the Cradle", just a great Greg moment with him rocking out and getting caught. I love that scene.
You can't go wrong with buying S2, my_last_chance. It's the best Love season ever with a ton of subtext in almost every episode! Let me remind you, there's the Look of Love in Felonious Monk, the liquid latex scene, the Let's play chemical compound scene, the ass-check, Leggo My Greggo. Ah, there are so many moments.

And concerning the age gap, four years is not that much, even if it where more than that, the boys' Love would conquer everything ...

Yeah, the age gap is kind of inconsequential now, it's my fault *holds hand up* I thought it was more like 8 years and could potentially have elicited some snarky comments from some people but even that is nothing compared to GSR I suppose. Plus now I know it's 4 years. Oops. I never though age could actually come between them anyway, like you say the Love conquers all!

S2 is great. My favourites are Chasing the Bus (agree with Dizzney about Nick's reaction, I think he prob felt like protecting Greg but realised he couldn't and anyway Greg wouldn't want it. Give him your coat, you silly man!) Scuba Doobie Doo ('your partner...Greg Sanders?') and Slaves of Las Vegas (liquid latex and also Greg teasing Grissom about knowing what a 'switch' is which just makes me giggle :lol: )

There are so many. And Greg has like 3 different hairstyles in that one season, which is a bonus. And Stalker of course...Greg is definitely enjoying being grabbed. I love the idea that they would act this way around each other at work to throw people off the scent but also, because pretending to be mad is a good way of releasing tension...better to get mad and yell at Greg than throw him against a wall and lose your job, no? :devil: It's all displacement. I think Greg would get him back big time once they got home too. lol.

Nat x
Definitely buying Season 2 then. xD I can't wait to see all those episodes mentioned!
I've only seen screencaps from Chasing the Bus, and it looks like a good one. So Greg's cold because he didn't bring a coat and Nick . . . didn't give him his? He probably didn't want anyone to think anything of it, but offering your jacket to a friend doesn't mean anything. Nick and Greg are friends, but Nick's kind of self-conscious when it comes to things like that, I think. But if he worried what other people would think about him and Greg, why does he touch his boy so often? Not like I'm complaining or anything . . ..
Definitely buying Season 2 then. xD I can't wait to see all those episodes mentioned!
I've only seen screencaps from Chasing the Bus, and it looks like a good one. So Greg's cold because he didn't bring a coat and Nick . . . didn't give him his? He probably didn't want anyone to think anything of it, but offering your jacket to a friend doesn't mean anything. Nick and Greg are friends, but Nick's kind of self-conscious when it comes to things like that, I think. But if he worried what other people would think about him and Greg, why does he touch his boy so often? Not like I'm complaining or anything . . ..

Self consious is not the word.... When in Chasing the bus, Nick drops his coat onto the floor, I thought it was odd... Weird infact. In real life, theres been times when I lent my coat to a co-worker (no issues there), so when Nick throws it down instead of giving Greg the coat, I personally think that its odd almost out of place.

When Greg looked down, he was thinking- wow he touched me...

Ah the crime stopper was funny to watch, I mean, come on Nick did look very well not upset, not angry, just as if he was expecting Greg do to something like that... Thats probably how their flirting went up a notch... When Nick held Greg, it wasnt done in anger, or if he was upset, it was done almost tenderly as if to put on a show for the rest of the lab.


Nicks reaction was almost a carees.
Yep season two was great for us Love fans, don't forget Organ grinder, when Nick looks into the computer lab at Greg for no apparent reason. So many good scenes and all around fun moments. It's also the season where we get introduced to Greg's coffee and him telling Nick that prep-H was good for acne. So much more.
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Definitely buying Season 2 then. xD I can't wait to see all those episodes mentioned!
I've only seen screencaps from Chasing the Bus, and it looks like a good one. So Greg's cold because he didn't bring a coat and Nick . . . didn't give him his? He probably didn't want anyone to think anything of it, but offering your jacket to a friend doesn't mean anything. Nick and Greg are friends, but Nick's kind of self-conscious when it comes to things like that, I think. But if he worried what other people would think about him and Greg, why does he touch his boy so often? Not like I'm complaining or anything . . ..

Self consious is not the word.... When in Chasing the bus, Nick drops his coat onto the floor, I thought it was odd... Weird infact. In real life, theres been times when I lent my coat to a co-worker (no issues there), so when Nick throws it down instead of giving Greg the coat, I personally think that its odd almost out of place.

^-^ So Nick just put his coat down . . . and he knew Greg was cold but he didn't offer the coat to him? I agree with you- that seems out of place to me. It sort of seems out of character, too. If it were Sara or Cath, he probably would have offered his coat. I don't really know about Warrick, but I doubt with Gris. Nick's a caring guy and he loves all his friends . . . and to not offer the coat. . . hmmm.

Ah the crime stopper was funny to watch, I mean, come on Nick did look very well not upset, not angry, just as if he was expecting Greg do to something like that... Thats probably how their flirting went up a notch... When Nick held Greg, it wasnt done in anger, or if he was upset, it was done almost tenderly as if to put on a show for the rest of the lab.

^-^ From the screencaps it seems as if both of them are trying to hold back smiles. Definitely a show for the rest of the lab.

Yep season two was great for us Love fans, don't forget Organ grinder, when Nick looks into the computer lab at Greg for no apparent reason. So many good scenes and all around fun moments. It's also the season where we get introduced to Greg's coffee and him telling Nick that prep-H was good for acne. So much more.

^-^ Just from the bit about acne, there's no way Greg and Nick could just be coworkers. If a coworker of mine had acne, I wouldn't just go up to them and reccomend something. If this person was a friend, then the chances go up. This kind of brings up how close TPTB actually think they are. I believe that we're going to see kind of the extent of their work relationship in the Season 9 premiere. Friends comfort friends, regardless of gender.
Ohhh, I was just watching Fallen Idols on spike( I've only seen it once, bits and pieces) and thank god for dvrs because i would not have been able to see their scenes together only once. I was obsessing over G/E last night and had a g/e dream( that i can't remember :( ) so this was totally what i needed today.

When Greg talks about how the backseat got real old real fast

it's a very "Oh right greg."(because it just occurred to me, didn't they kind of confirm he didn't lose his virginity till he was 22?) or "Glad you didn't think that last night" type of face. either way he's amused and loves his G.

and then when Nick says Greg is a little weird but smart

It's like a s2 "omg he's proud of me i love him" type of face like when he would brag about...well anything to get Nick's attention. I love when he does those shy, look away glances with Nick.

Ugh, this love kills me.
I watched "Fallen idols" last night. It was great seeing Nick & Greg working together. LOL!! greg was so obviously lying about how much action he got in high school. I think he was trying to impress a certain texan. We all know that Greg lost his virginity when he was 22. So he was lying. I loved that Nick paid him a compliment saying that he was smart but weird.

But to be honest , I think Greg was flirting but Nicky wasnt taking the bait.
I watched "Fallen idols" last night. It was great seeing Nick & Greg working together. LOL!! greg was so obviously lying about how much action he got in high school. I think he was trying to impress a certain texan. We all know that Greg lost his virginity when he was 22. So he was lying. I loved that Nick paid him a compliment saying that he was smart but weird.

But to be honest , I think Greg was flirting but Nicky wasnt taking the bait.

Well, Nick can be really oblivious sometimes ...

I guess it depends on whether you think they're a couple or just flirting. I believe that Nick knows exactly why Greg brags all the time about his sexual experience. Sometimes he likes it and plays along, sometimes he might get a bit annoyed.

I love the pics, caff! Nick really knows his Greg. And I vote for option 2,
"Glad you didn't think that last night"

Any yes, I think the fact that he lost his virginity at 22 is indeed canon!

^-^ So Nick just put his coat down . . . and he knew Greg was cold but he didn't offer the coat to him? I agree with you- that seems out of place to me. It sort of seems out of character, too. If it were Sara or Cath, he probably would have offered his coat. I don't really know about Warrick, but I doubt with Gris. Nick's a caring guy and he loves all his friends . . . and to not offer the coat. . . hmmm.

Yes, it really is suspicious. I think he wouldn't give Greg his coat because he thought that it would be obvious to others that he likes him. It's really stupid because no one would have thought twice about it but Nick got paranoid. That at least what I think. You like someone and you think if you treat that person nice everyone will know about it.
When Greg talks about how the backseat got real old real fast

it's a very "Oh right greg."(because it just occurred to me, didn't they kind of confirm he didn't lose his virginity till he was 22?) or "Glad you didn't think that last night" type of face. either way he's amused and loves his G.

Yes they did say that about Greg, buuut...weird it came up I was just reading a fic today where Greg says to someone:

'yes, it's true that I said I was 22 before I slept with a woman..' Like this idea :thumbsup:

I also think it's a 'you didn't think so last night' face. Kinky. Car sex.

and then when Nick says Greg is a little weird but smart

It's like a s2 "omg he's proud of me i love him" type of face like when he would brag about...well anything to get Nick's attention. I love when he does those shy, look away glances with Nick.

Oh me too, me too. He just loves to get Nick's attention, even though he has it most of the time anyway. Plus I think 'weird' is a compliment really, I think Greg would take it as one, especially from Nick. Thanks for those caps, lovely.

Love Fan - I agree, it would not be that noticeable for Nick to have given Greg his coat, but when you're worried someone will find out you're super-careful what you do. Poor Nick, IMHO in Chasing the Bus they were not quite in a relationship but Nick was struggling with his feelings for Greg and would be petrified of being so obvious. I'd love to pinpoint the exact moment I think they got together but it changes for me day by day. Maybe after that, Greg asks Nick for advice about going into the field and they go out to eat after shift Maybe. I tend to think it was after Play With Fire most of the time but who knows. :wtf:

I have updated my evil, life-sapping fic:

Life sapping and evil for me to write, not for you to read, I hope!

Nat x
When Greg talks about how the backseat got real old real fast

it's a very "Oh right greg."(because it just occurred to me, didn't they kind of confirm he didn't lose his virginity till he was 22?) or "Glad you didn't think that last night" type of face. either way he's amused and loves his G.

Yes they did say that about Greg, buuut...weird it came up I was just reading a fic today where Greg says to someone:

'yes, it's true that I said I was 22 before I slept with a woman..' Like this idea :thumbsup:

I love it. I love the dialog from Swap Meet about that.

Mia: Nine vibrators, five plugs and four strands of beads.
Greggo: And a partridge in a pear tree. Some kids are happy playing in the sandbox, others want every toy in the store. And apparently these are dishwasher safe.
Mia: I'll swab the nooks and crannies for semen and vaginal secreations and epthelials, but don't get your hopes up.
Greggo: Oh, my money's on bag number two.
Mia: Twenty-six used condoms.
Greggo: Just like being back in college, right?
Mia: Sara said you didn't lose your virginity until you were twenty-two.

Then we come back to the idea of Greggo knowing what all those toys are.:devil: I love this episode so much. As for the Chasing the Bus coat thing. I don't maybe Nicky just got so concentrated on the case he forgot about the coat thing. Who knows. Sara's Girl I really like your fic, although its very angsty I love it. Very well written and I like the plot line.:thumbsup:
I love it. I love the dialog from Swap Meet about that.

Mia: Nine vibrators, five plugs and four strands of beads.
Greggo: And a partridge in a pear tree. Some kids are happy playing in the sandbox, others want every toy in the store. And apparently these are dishwasher safe.
Mia: I'll swab the nooks and crannies for semen and vaginal secreations and epthelials, but don't get your hopes up.
Greggo: Oh, my money's on bag number two.
Mia: Twenty-six used condoms.
Greggo: Just like being back in college, right?
Mia: Sara said you didn't lose your virginity until you were twenty-two.

Then we come back to the idea of Greggo knowing what all those toys are.:devil: I love this episode so much. As for the Chasing the Bus coat thing. I don't maybe Nicky just got so concentrated on the case he forgot about the coat thing. Who knows. Sara's Girl I really like your fic, although its very angsty I love it. Very well written and I like the plot line.:thumbsup:

I think that paints Sara in a really bad light, I mean why is she sharing something Greg told her in private? Shame on her.

As for Chasing the bus, I guess I see things a bit differently. I don't see why Nick should give up his coat to Greg and be cold for the rest of the night because Greg didn't bring a warmer jacket. I mean it would be considered gentlemanly for Nick to give up his coat to a woman but Greg isn't a woman and I don't see Nick treating him like one. Just my take on it.
Okay, I've always thought of greg as the more...experienced one in the man on man thing. I don't know, it just seems that way. Where as Nick is the one to be surprised he had feelings for greg in the first place. But, with the whole not loosing his virginity till he was 22 and then never specifying man or woman...was greg in california or vegas at 22 i wonder, because he was 25 the year of the pilot and had been there for at least a little while.

hmm. just a thought.;)
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