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I think we're all having a very bad dream. This is ridiculous. Please either let this be a joke or a rumor...its not is it?..okay then..

Yeah daddy Horatio and Unkie Eric..daddy Eric too..... -_-..*turns off tv*
Yeah haha watch the one episode I watch of season 4 this whole baby thing happens. Oh man I'd change the channel to family guy in a heartbeat.
I just got my copy of TV Guide today and couldn't believe what I read. Why are they always doing this on shows? We really don't need to know that much personal info on these people. Not all coworkers sleep together, do they?? :) Don't these people know anybody else? Like with Frank, he has a wife and kids, we know about it, we've never seen them but we know it.

Also about Marisol, isn't she having chemotherapy? That usually makes you sterile but now she could end up pregnant. I'm thinking that she gets pregnant, has to decide between chemo and her baby, choses the baby, has a healthy baby and then dies. Maybe that is the major change in Horatio's life.

What if it's not Eric and Natalia? Could it be another couple? What about Ryan and Calleigh? It says it is over as quick as it starts. That would make sense with either of these couples.

The fact that Donahue said this story will play out over several episodes. DUH, should take more eppy's than that. She does know how long pregnancy lasts, doesn't she? :lol:

And what's gonna happen to the show if we have daddy Horatio and daddy Delko? That will totally spin this show off into a new direction. Looks like H will be raising this baby on his own. How much extra time will he be able to put into work? It's gonna turn into CSI:Miami-The Diapering Duo. :lol:
I'm really hoping it's not Ryan and Calleigh. Honestly, I think it will be Ryan and Natalia... I hope.
1CSIMfan you are so correct that it's not even funny.

For the information about how it's over as quick as it starts is leading me to believe abortion here, but I'm not going to give the writers any ideas. Thier minds have already done enough damage.

I can believe one woman getting pregnant but TWO?? Come on we don't need THAT much drama in one hour, and yes it does take more than a few episodes to get through a pregnancy.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's finally happened. The mighty writers of CSI:Miami have lost their minds. Here's to hoping they find their meds before season 5.
It's a shame CM didn't think CSI was all about pregnancy and romance when Yelina was on the show, I would have loved to read that news then, but alas :rolleyes:

Now, for me the show has taken a turn for the worst.
first of all, wow this thread caught on fire, secondly WTF I WAS SPECULATING ON THE WHOLE DELKO GETTING SNAKE LADY PREGNANT! Say it ain't so! :( :( ohh poor Marisol :(
*Hugs knees and rocks back and forth*
No, no, no.

I think that Donahue reads the threads here and picks out all the things that we don't want to happen and writes them into the show.

I'm starting to wonder if this show is going to make it to season five.
OH. MY. GOD. wtf happened to this show? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE WRITERS?!!!!!!!! helloooooo, pregnancies are for FANFICTION AND NOTHING ELSE! oh god... this show is really really stupid... it's such a freakin soap opera!
It way down in ratings.....CRAP not only has it been getting beat by CSI NY but even NCIS......WTF. The ratings are always up high and the only one that made it under 5 was "nailed" it was #3 that week. This past week it was #10. Can't they tell they are doing something wrong? I did read somewhere and I don't kno if anyone else read it but not sure if anyone knos this so. SPoiler

Marisol does die........I think it was an interview with Adam R.
I sure hope not, just thinking about that makes me wanna cry. LoL.... not seriuosly, but I really hope not.
the only way that this story line will keep me watching is if it's Calleigh and Eric. Or even Ryan Valera, cause seriously i miss Maxine! :(
the only way that this story line will keep me watching is if it's Calleigh and Eric. Or even Ryan Valera, cause seriously i miss Maxine! :(

Same here... but I think I'll keep watching anyway, no matter how it turns out.
The ratings deserve to drop then. I think these writers need to be punished a tad. I think the last time CSI:Miami had more ratings than all three CSIs, was back in 2004 with Lost Son, and then CSI's Grave Danger topped it out. That was some great writing. (Grave Danger, not Lost Son.)

What they're doing now is pathetic and a bad excuse for writing. Shame on you writers. I think I can speak for most fans when I say we're going to try and see how this plays out anyway, not that we're going to be happy over it, and I think a few fans are just going to stop bothering with the show.

What happened to the LOYAL REWARD FOR THE FANS? Doesn't that imply making the fans happy? That's just my two cents on the subject.

And I think we actually went over the possibility a few threads ago of how ridiculous the show is getting and tossed around people getting pregnant left and right and more people dying and such. I guess the producers and writers do come here.

Here's a little message to the writers and producers: STOP LISTENING TO US WHEN WE SAY THAT. IT'S USUALLY A JOKE.

If they want some advice on episode ideas, make it about the science and not about the CSIs themselves. It gets tiresome and sometimes just boring to hear about their lives every week. I don't even hear about MY life that much. I know more about Horatio Caine than I do about my own father. :eek:
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