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Rellaaaa, I didn't know that about the episode's title. That's pretty cool. :D I love how a title or a storyline always means something when it comes down to lore or even history. Me loves the research they do on this show, makes it that much more fun to watch.

The episode was awesome! Not so much for the plot, but because of the revelation concerning Dean and that he can't get out of the deal. :eek: I think I just about freaked out on MSN and some on this board can attest to that. ;)

Dean's line was awesome about the bunny. I didn't know he felt so strongly for fuzzy warm creatures. :lol: *squishles him*

Gah, but about what Ruby told him. POOR DEAN! :( I have a theory that he might come back as a demon and it'll be all 'Angel' where he's hunting what he is. Bwaha, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of the show, no?

Thank GAWD there are a few episodes left. I think this writer's strike has got me on my last nerve. Supernatural is the only thing that will pull me through without flatlining.

OMG!! EVIL!DEAN! OMG!! Okay, I'm 100% sure it's a dream anyhow but YAY EVIL!DEAN! So I finally understand the demon eyes with it. Dean's worst nightmare is himself as a demon. Bwaha, I've been waiting for this episode ever since I heard of it which was...months ago. Please thursday, come quickly.
Gah, but about what Ruby told him. POOR DEAN! I have a theory that he might come back as a demon and it'll be all 'Angel' where he's hunting what he is. Bwaha, but that would kind of defeat the purpose of the show, no?
holy crap, i swear to god that is the exact same thing i said to my sister. she doesn't agree, she thinks that the 4th season is going to be all about dean being a demon and sam struggling with the fact that he might have to hunt him and send him back to hell. interesting theories fir anyone to come up with though.

the shortbus thing had me in hysterics, mostly because he couldn't come up with a good come back. and did anyone else aww when he said that about the bunny?
evil dean=hottest thing ever. that whole promo was just filled with sexy. ok now that i'm done being shallow, what the heck is going on in bobby's head?? i can't wait to get some insight into bobby, because really we don't know a whole lot about him. i'm particularly hoping to see if they delve into how he got started into the whole hunting bussiness.
I just notice I made a mistake with the year it's 1487 and not 1648, whoops.

I love how they research for things too and it sure is intresting when you find this out. I really think they found out about this book and that's why they changed the title of the episode last minute.

I didn't even know it was rabbit until Dean said the rabbit line. :lol: But definitely went also aawww for the poor little rabbit.
Why, hello there Supernatural fans. How's it going?

Last weeks episode was great. Ruby and Dean had some great interactions together. I loved the short bus comment and how Dean was just so flabbergasted at her saving his life, because you know. Demons just don't save the Winchesters, they would much rather fillet them alive. :lol:

I can't wait until Thursday. Evil!Dean is a Hot!Dean. ;) I love how Ruby has put this notion in his head- that he can and will become a demon, and that scares the crap out of him.

I think I just about freaked out on MSN and some on this board can attest to that.
Hey Geni, are you referring to me? :lol:
^ Yes, I was. :lol:


For some reason, every Thursday I look at my satellite listings to make sure Supernatural's on. I hate surprises. Last week, it was supposed to be on Access and low and behold, it was the new episode (save for it being on Wednesday) so I thought I'd be watching the new one. Instead, they played some show about rapists. :rolleyes: Even though the show was still advertised. I guess at the last minute they were told to pull it.

I have a question. I was surfing the site, and I came across a thread dedicated to discussion about a potential Supernatural video game. What do you guys think about it? I mean, they have Buffy and Dark Angel, why not Supernatural?
Oh wow. I loved that episode. So much to discuss and I can't focus... Sam's little fantasy dream about Bella, Dean's plea to Bobby in his nightmare, Dean's discussion/fight with himself, his final admission to Sam... Holy crap. All so great! :D

Edited to add: By the way, did anyone else find Dean's black demon eyes a little more intense than the usual demon variety? They were HUGE! Then again, Jensen does have pretty big eyes so I guess that makes sense. He looked very freaky, anyway.
First things first: Yes, I do still have my "Times Sammy Gets Strangled" list, but I never actually finished it. Partly because I discovered that he didn't actually get strangled quite as often as I thought, and partly because... well, I'm lazy. :lol:

Next off: Oh Show, you are so fantastic. I've been ridiculously busy the last week and was hardly home at all, and didn't get to watch Malleus Maleficarum (great info about the reason behind the ep name, btw, I had been wondering :)) until yesterday, and then the new ep today. And WHOO-HOO to both! I just had a great time watching these, just like the good old days. :D

Also, I completely cracked up when Sam introduced himself as Detective Bachman, and was like "wait for it... wait for it..." and then he introduced Dean as Detective Turner. :lol: I was actually expecting him to say 'Detective Cummings' but Turner was just as good. ;) And then in yesterday's ep, the signature on Dean's ID said Robert Plant! :lol:

Anyways, glee all around. Oh, and also? Jensen Ackles in an acting GOD. The two-Deans scene was amazing. YAY.
I was totally expecting Turner- as in BTO: Bachman Turner Overdrive! Hee hee. Sam really is channelling his inner Dean lately! :lol:

Speaking of Sam, I rewatched the episode again (already!) and did anyone else notice Sam's eyes when he brought the bad guy's abusive father into the dream? They didn't look like Sam's eyes... they were all trippy. I wonder if that has anything to do with Bobby grilling him about whether he used his powers, later on?
^^ohh thats a good question, and i didn't even notice that. shucks, now i have to rewatch it. this whole episode was amazing, i loved getting to see more into bobby, even if it made me sad to know he had to kill his own wife :'( and the scene with dean talking to dream dean. amazing. jensen is the stuff, some one needs to give that man an emmy already. the end though, aww that just tugged at my heart strings i really hope they can find a way to get dean out of this deal for him and sammy's sake.
Yay! I just read on Yahoo (Mike Ausiello) that: "Two pre-strike episodes remain. Expected to shoot 4 or 5 additional episodes to air in April/May."

Woo hoo!!! :D
Holy moly, have you seen this week's promo?!?! :eek:

I've been getting the CW e-newsletter, and in the SPN blurb it said something like "How do we put it gently... in this week's episode, Dean dies" and I was like "what else is new?" But THEN. OMG, YAY FOR PROMOS. It's like Groundhog's Day, Supernatural-style. Dude, this is gonna be so friggin' good. :D
^^^ I know, it looks CRAZY! I think I'm worried though because it seems like Sam is unable to find a way to stop it from happening one way or another... very bizarre. I wonder if this is tying in with their renewed interest in trying to find a way out of Dean's "Deal with the devl"?
Wow wow wow, that was a trippy episode. The first time Dean was killed was a little traumatic... and I was actually laughing my ass off when Dean was basically getting killed off every second! :lol:

So much to discuss... I'll have to come back later and give some thoughts when I have more time.
This episode was beyond awesome! :D

I have to admit, seeing Dean get shot in the chest got me a little twitterpated, but the rest of his 'death' scenes were pure awesomness. My favorite was when he was crushed by that giant piece of furniture and you could see his legs sticking out. :lol:

And I have to say, my favorite quotes of the episode was:

Sam: It's Wednesday!
Dean: ...Yeah, which usually follows Tuesday.

I loved the writing in this episode. And it seems weird to me that Dean doesn't have a problem with Asia but he doesn't like Bon Jovi. :p (See: Eppy where Sammy gets possessed) I swear I had 'Heat of the Moment' stuck in my head all night. And Dean's mouthing of the words was hilarious.

And I was SO expecting the trickster! Besides, they showed him in the 'Then' part of the show so I was expecting it. Although at first I was thinking it was Ruby and Dean's concotion of how to get Sam to deal with Dean not being there, but oh well.

I love love LOVED how funny it was (kudos to Jared and Jensen for being able to say their lines at the exact same time) but I also liked how it really coorelated to Sam's fears of Dean not being there after he dies and how he'll have to hunt on his own.

Oh yeah, Dean's "Heat of the moment" part was hilarious! Loved the head dancing moment too- he was crackin' me up big time.

I too thought it was going to turn out to be something Ruby cooked up to make Sam harder. It was cool to see the Trickster again though. I liked that guy! Although he sirt of reminds me of "Joey" from "Full House". :lol:
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