Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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Still_Life said:
As for her having a child, just because you can't wrap your head around the possibiliy of her being a lesbian does not mean she isn't one. And for lesbians, having a child indeed does not automatically mean they are giving birth. Her partner could have the child, as well.

Please do us all a favor and stop assuming things and interpreting Jorja's thoughts by applying your own moral values and religious beliefs. The world has all shades of gray, and Jorja is one of them, as we all are. She will do whatever she wants, and if you are the true fan you call yourself, don't judge but be supportive. Whatever she is and whatever path she will choose for herself in the future.

@ Destiny: Thanks for answering my question, I appreciate it very much :)

People using duals piss me off. I tend to kick off both the dual and the primary.

For future reference for any jackass who thinks that they can use a dual to get around what I tell them NOT TO DO!

Again, for any who may have missed this. 'ship any character any way your want, but unless someone has openly discussed their sexuality (straight or gay, sexually active or a virgin), speculation is off-limits.
That interview was great, she seems like such a down to earth person, going home and drinking beer. :)
And that breakfast comment is classic ;)
MiaCharlize said:
Taryn said:
I was just reading over on JFO, Jorja will be on KTLA morning show at 7 a.m.

Today? And when will it be on youtube? ;)
The admin over at the Jorja All Around community said she is going to get it up on youtube around I guess 10 - 11 am pacific/ 1 - 2pm EST time.
You can go here: and click on Actress Jorja Fox.

There was more to appearance though, that still hasn't been uploaded to youtube. (Apparently discussion on Britney Spears, and a couple other things.) What is on KTLA's website, is just the interview part. I don't get LA channels, so I wouldn't know for sure - it's just what I've heard :)

So basically, there is still more to come.
I'm so glad Jorja finally confirmed she's coming back!!!! :)

In all the interviews she either said, "probably," "maybe," or "who knows," but now she's totally confirmed it and it seems that she knows how, why and when she's coming back.

Wow, this is sooo exciting! :)
Posted previously on this thread...
So lets try something new.

We know that every character on tv has certain traits such as flaws, this is what allows us to fight for and care about the character, their strengths and weaknesses, what traits of Sara's drew you to her or made her identifiable to you and why?
So I mentioned quoting it if anyone would like to tell their stories/reasoning.
I was drawn to Jorja and the character of Sara for the same reasons.

They are both strong, intelligent, independent women who use their minds instead of their looks to get what they want.

Also, both seem real in the sense that what you see is what you get and I admire that because I have to admit that when I'm nervous around someone, I tend to pretend to be someone I'm not.

Lastly, I was drawn to the character of Sara because she didn't have a perfect past or present. She has to fight for what she has and gets. She also isn't afraid to have flaws like being too attached to cases.

All in all, I treat Sara and Jorja like my role models because I think they have qualites that every woman should try to accquire. I get an A+ on my essay, "Why I Love Jorja/Sara"? :lol:
I don't know Jorja, I'd never heard of her before CSI, but I do know Sara Sidle, the character on CSI, what drew me to her from the onset, was her sweet spirit, & that killer smile :D from the 2nd ep. when Grissom said "I don't even have to turn around, it's Sara Sidle" I was intrigued by her. She's loving kind, and compassionate in her dealings with the crime victims, especially abused women and children. How kind and caring she is, & gets so passionate about solving the crime. She's also spunky and gets ticked off, when she feels slighted or done wrong. Her horrific background, watching her mom kill her dad..& how it affected her dealings in her life with everything and everybody, and how she held it in, but was still so strong! and finally told Grissom.. also dynamic! Her camraderie with her boss, and lover is provocative and engrossing, & sizzling :p two peas in a pod, so perfect together, and they mesmorize me. She's got great taste in men, he's so gorgeous, and sexy! But the way she works with her other team mates is also impressive, & powerful, how she'd go to the ends of the earth for them. She just has a special aura, her voice is unique and her light southern accent, cute. And, she's got a quirky sense of humor as well :D, and when she purses her lips.. it's tantalizing and special. I just like her, and admire her, for her strength & her flaws and identify with her on a level of all she's been through and is still a survivior! She makes for an interesting character & I miss her terribly on this #1 show! Thank's Destiny for this interest in her!
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