Are We Paying You By The Word? - The CSI Booklist

Here's a few selections from the Donald Flack Sacasim Book Collection!

The 3rd Wheel: Learning to love your best friend's new girlfriend!

Butch It Up: How not to appear really gay to your coworkers!

Master of The Obvious: How to find love when it's stairng you right in the face! Co authored by Stella Bonasara and Danny Messner.

The Saftey Net: Building loveing and supportive family relationships!

Every Boy's Fantasy: Dating women who have names that could have come out of a comic book forward by Devon Maxford and Jennifer Angell.

Sympathy For the Devil: How to use a serouis injury to land chicks!
Girls Guide to Fishin' and Huntin' in the wheat feilds of New York -Lindsay Monroe

How to 'wizz' your way through a CSI proficiency exam- Greg Sanders

Pooltables for Dummies- Lindsay Monroe and Danny Messer
Death by Orgasm by Stella Bonasera and Sheldon Harnick

The Human Bomb by Mac Taylor and Don Flack