Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Mice

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Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Thanks guys ;) I didn't know I had gotten my PH.D in psychology :lol: But I guess I did so way to go me! :D

Think about it does make sense; that is the only stress in his life :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Oh yeah...the signs are totally there. I think I heard something about them putting it in the DSM V :)
What's up with next weeks episode?
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Jackie yeah it's quite funny! It's like even talking about it in the other's presense makes them want to jump eachother...heck being in eachother's presence period makes them want to jump being together and talking about sex or watching stuff...yeah that's like dangling chocolate in front of a PMS-ing woman! :lol: :lol:

don't tease!! i already feel like crap :( PMS sucks!!

i think the diagnosis is excellent and completly true!! Calleigh needs to play docter to Eric! :devil: I think it is the only way he will get better! :lol:
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Question: Does anyone know where I can find the original pics from our thread banner, made by Skylar with manip by Leela? I should probably PM Leela or something, but I figure if someone else can answer the question, it's just as good.

And T minus one hour, 50 minutes until BBYD!**

**For eastern/central time zones aka everyone except Caro and Mo (and anyone outside North America). ;)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Well I have to wait an hour and 45 minutes........I'm SO amped rihgt now!!!!!!!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Dude Jake is in the ep but it doesn't matter...BRING IT ON BABY!! :lol:

1 hr 25 minutes :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Think about it does make sense; that is the only stress in his life!
:lol: That's so true Jackie! Nice diagnosis there Doc! ;) Heehee!

Lucky ducks not on the West Coast :p I have to wait almost 3 hours before I can see it! Still stoked though!! :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory


Sorry I haven't been around, guys, I have a friend who was in a pretty serious car accident and I've been taking care of her kids lately when I'm not working. So I haven't had much time to do anything. I caught the first episode of the season, but not the next two. I think I'm just gonna tape them all and catch up during Thanksgiving or something, cause if I start watching now I fear I'll be lost. To be honest I'd rather watch them all in one sitting and not have to suffer through weeks and weeks of torture, watching Jake and all. It'll be like a band aid, one motion: right off! :lol:

Anyway, I miss you guys and I hope everyone's doing okay. I'll try to stop by more often but I don't know that I'll be able to do it as frequently as before, at least for a while until things go back to normal. I've been working on fics, though! I'll try to upload something soon when I have a few minutes. Take care of yourselves and keep the Hip Hugger spirit alive!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Sky!! Hey babes! Glad to see ya back hon :D Sorry about your friend though...and rock on you for being such an awesome friend, that's awesome!

Lol, yeah if you can't watch them as they air, getting to watch several in row minus commercials is totally the way to go! Sweet deal! ;)

We're keeping things going in here, get back when ya can...we'll hold down the fort for ya! ;) :D

Can't wait to see the eppy, it's gonna be sweet! ;) :D
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

i come bearing E/C spoilers from tonights epi sooo here...
okay...lots of eric cal ;) interaction tonight but thing is eric doesnt tell cal abt him seeing speed etc :mad:.and there is a scene in the hummer where cal couldnt buckle her seatbelt and then asks eric what's wrong coz he's been weird all day then she asks if its about jake and her eric says no but cal says something along the lines that since eric wouldnt tell her anything she's speculating that he's got a prob with her and jake...i only wished it was cal that followed eric to the cemetery instead of horatio :( but hey at least we got the hummer scene :)
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Skylar! Glad to see you're alive. I hope your friend's doing okay and you know, she's really lucky to have you.

Now, on to BBYD:

I am really pleased with tonight's EC output. Like, I almost typed in all caps to show my excitement but then I realized how obnoxious that would've looked so I erased it and started over. Calmly.

- What the fuck happened to H's one-liners?! Now they come up with weak shit like, "he's alive, call rescue." YOWWW! And where are his sunglasses?

- Natalia's nipples. Maybe I'm just a pervy little girl but wow, you can totally see her nipples in the first scene she shows up in. Is she trying to steal Eric with her nipples? News flash, Nat, Eric's seen your knockers and he ain't interested.

++ How cute was it when Eric teased Calleigh about that guy, Mike, calling her "CSI Duquesne"? Oh my God, cuteness overload.

+ Eric's stubble. Welcome back, my friend, welcome back. We missed you dearly.

+++ Calleigh's quiet "C'mon, Eric, it's me. What'd you see out there?" made my heart skip. I like that Eric didn't confide in her (yet), because she needs to know that he's mad at her for being an idiot for sticking with Jake even though...

-- Jake's annoying as fuck. Someone please do something with his voice, his lip, his hair, his ugly vest-type thing that I'm only grateful for because it means we don't see him naked in Calleigh's presence. Is there a point to Jake other than to make sure the viewers know that Calleigh's sleeping with someone? Like how disinterested did Jake seem when Calleigh was talking about the coffee machine? I don't give a fuck about a coffee machine either but if Calleigh's talking to me about a coffee machine, I'm going to listen about that damn coffee machine.

- Eric's nonchalance about Speed's appearance. If I started hallucinating, I'd flip the fuck out. Eric? "Hey, Speed, help me find some evidence, 'kay? I'm talking to my dead best friend, so logically, the first thing I'm going to ask you is how to solve this case, because that's clearly the most important thing evar!!! Fuck questions about how you're doing or WHY YOU'RE THERE, let's find a beer bong together! b^_^d"

- The male vic (Brandon?) breaking the car window with his feet. Physically impossible unless he was the hulk or the glass was heated to such an immense temperature that he'd be fried inside-out anyway so he'd be dead and there'd be no second case and the show would've finished twenty minutes early so they can stream a feed of EC porn. "but loosy, its a tv sho lol!!!!!" No. Shut the fuck up.

+++ EC HUMMER FIGHT! Finally, someone acknowledges the fact that Eric might be pissed because of J/C, and I'm SO glad it was Calleigh who did because that means she feels guilty about it and isn't completely oblivious. She's usually so collected too, even when she's angry, but she'll snap at Eric because she's let her guard down. Loved everything about the hummer scene.

+ Eric, during the shooting: "Calleigh, are you alright?"

+ Frank Tripp = awesome. Especially bald Frank Tripp. Doubly awesome. And when Eric was tripping again and Frank's kinda like okie dokie...

++ Alexx. She's great with everyone, and her concern for Eric is so genuine. I like that she rejected Ryan, too. Make that SOB work for it.

- Ryan. Yes, he lost his job and his friends and his integrity, but whose fault is that? Go whine about it to Dr. Phil and then write a sappy autobiography that'll sell just enough copies to feed his drug addiction.

- Natalia should not go into marketing. "You obviously haven't seen our new Turbotron X1600. ;)" Shut up. Eric doesn't give a damn about your new gizmo. He's too busy fantasizing about make-up sex with Calleigh after that hummer fight.

+/- The whoosh of wind that hits Calleigh and makes her hair fly. + because we got to see her hair fly and she looked hot. - because we got to see her hair fly and Eric didn't jump her.

+ Try to convince me that Calleigh wasn't turned on by Eric standing there cocking (lol) a pretend gun on the boat.

-- Wow, how fucking stupid can you be to leave that burn residue crap on the observation deck? It wasn't even like they had to use their superspy equipment on it to see it. It looked like group of pigeons collectively took a shit there. You're a burn victim, Brandon, not a retard. Though I suppose if you're 41k in debt, you are, in fact, a retard of sorts.

+++ Calleigh: "You don't think Eric got hurt? You don't think I'm hurt?" I love Emily. Seriously, wow, I'm so impressed by the way she delivered that line. And how amazing is it that Calleigh put Eric first? AMAZING. I do, however, think that we're missing the scene where Calleigh finds Eric after he storms off and comforts him.

- Cooper. I just knew that one day he'd fuck up, and fuck up bad. But it seemed like the writers kinda pulled it out of their asses and was like, "hey, one fuck-up isn't enough; let's add Coop-dee-doop because he's just a lab tech and because we hired a better-looking lab tech even though she's boring as hell and has only made one appearance." (i.e. wtf happened to Sam?)

Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Ohhhh thanks for the info nicky! Cool beans...well cool that you gave us spoilers at least! ;)

Can't wait to see the eppy, now more than ever! :D

E/C just needs to be together already dang it...come on you two, get your act together, you're in love for freaks sake!
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory


Wow, somethingsdont, that may have been the best episode review I have ever read. Thank you.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Wow, before the episode aired someone (JACKIE!) brought me down with some EC speculation, but I'm glad the episode turned out to be much different. I'm really looking forward to it now.

Sky, sorry about all the mess. I've been so busy settling down here I haven't had the chance to keep up with anyone. Like, my friend Marla gave birth and I haven't even had the chance to call her. Sucks. Hopefully things will settle down after this week.
Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory

Okay review there babe! Love the +/- rock at this! So can't wait to see the eppy now....

35 minutes!! :D :D
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