Fan Videos - Shipper Central Style

Hey all! As some of you may have heard. Aussiello over at TV Guide posted an interview with Jorja that says she's leaving in Episode Seven. There is a campaign going on right now to support her stay on the show. I made a video to help this campaign! I hope you enjoy it! And get your letters in to TPTB! Enjoy!

Why Jorja?- Dollars For Sense
Hey guys,

anybody who care even a little about Sara Sidle and Jorja fox, pls help us spread the news, alert the media, join the campaign (Dollars for Sense), write letters...anything... We would have all done the same thing for any other cast members. Team chemistry is crucial to the show. We are running out of time.
Thanks, HC_4_my_birthday!!! I'm so glad you liked it... I thought the song was really beautiful and fit their relationship really well... :)