Episode #524 'Born To Kill' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

Get this...I just watched CSI season finale and again it was spectacular...but I just read the reactions on the CSI site and would you believe alot of the fans hated it...they said it was boring and they hated the cliffhanger ending! The fans of Miami would of killed for a spectacular show and a cliffhanger ending...they wasted the show on fans that didn't appreciate it and they should of given it to us who really wanted it...I wanted to see H's plane crash and wonder all summer if he made it...next time the producers and creator's need to get the feedback from the fans and start listening or the CSI franchise may be over...
Yeah I know like the episode was great but It just felt borin to me. :confused:
Cause like it didn't feel like a finale it just felt like another episode ya know? :confused: :(
I just wish the finale was exciting and little more interesting like the whole idea with H and the plane. Why did they cancel that anyways? :confused:
Just watched the CSI LV finale, wasn't impressed. Still, much improved over Miami's on Monday. NY was a great season ender (and I'm not a huge fan of NY), but watched all 3 to compare. No comparison there. Miami's was a throw-away to be shown opposite Monday Night Football, not worthy of a finale.
Reality check time, peeps. Regroup and come back in July refreshed and full of new & exciting ideas & storylines.
terris3sons said:
Get this...I just watched CSI season finale and again it was spectacular...but I just read the reactions on the CSI site and would you believe alot of the fans hated it...they said it was boring and they hated the cliffhanger ending! The fans of Miami would of killed for a spectacular show and a cliffhanger ending...they wasted the show on fans that didn't appreciate it and they should of given it to us who really wanted it...I wanted to see H's plane crash and wonder all summer if he made it...next time the producers and creator's need to get the feedback from the fans and start listening or the CSI franchise may be over...

Ah, but see...we all have our own opinions on the various finales and no one opinion is correct. Just because you found the LV finale spectacular and others didn't, doesn't make their opinions any less vaild than yours, nor does it mean it was 'wasted' on anyone. Let's not discuss the fans of the other series in a manner that could potentially be offensive to anyone. I know that wasn't the intent here, I just wanted to point that out. ;)
Honestly, it was the worst finale I've ever seen. T_T; It can't even be considered a finale. I was expecting a lot more action, but instead, it was just boring.

CSI: Miami has been slacking lately! Every Monday, I tune in for a new episode, hoping that they'll come up with something fresh and awesome, but every week, I keep getting disappointed. They really need to pick it up.
I apologize if I offended any fans of the other shows...I just wish the writers had given the Miami finale as much thought as they did the other two shows...I'm a fan of all three shows and I watch them faithfully...again I apologize for any hurt feelings.
I didn't mean to start anything..haha...it's just my everyday fantasy....just thinking about H in a wet t-shirt like Mac (who looks real good for 50)
sarakanne said:
Pardon the expression, what a lame ass season finale!! More proof, that the only reason that I watch this show is for David Caruso. It sure would not be for the writing.

Same here. I too shouldn't have read any "spoilers" because what a lie on most of them. I was waiting at the end for H to get in the helicopter and crash. That sounds really bad but come on basically no danger in this episode. And like many of you said, this seemed like just any other episode not a finale.
i am still not over the disapointment of the finale....it ended and i couldnt believe that...that was it...

they have some major work to do to get people back for next year....
My three cents....

The episode wasn't all that bad. But I tell you the two things that was against it.

1)A "Higher Stakes" promo
2) Superlative work on NY.

The episode was a regular episode..and maybe that's a problem for some. But I disagree.

While the two other shows lean toward the finale (CSI: NY seasons 2 and 3 and CSI season 5-7) Miami's best work comes in the beginning.

Season 2 got its refresh
Season 3 lost speed
Season 4 got its second refresh along with Malanoche gun play
Season 5 went to Rio.

Speaking of, I thought it was cool that H ended up on the building at the end in almost a "King Of Miami" stance. He is the protector of the city, much how he is the protector of his family when he did the same bit next to the statue in Rio.

I don't know, maybe Miami gets flak for NOT pushing the envelope when it does so 15-18 times a season.

Like I said, just three cents
Looking at the promo again, I guess when the baddie asks "What its like to kill a person" and then they show Callie. They're probably alluding to the emotional states of an already fractured Delko....?
I have a quick question about the end of this episode. When Horatio was standing on top of the building. The scene cut to a picture of a girl with blond hair and then it cut back to Horatio standing on top of the building again. Who was that girl?

She looks familiar and another person I know who watches the show says she is the girl that Horatio helped out earlier in the seasons when she was younger and her parents were killed and she came back later in the seasons and found out she was sleeping with the same killer or something like that...

If she is the same girl than maybe she has something to do with Horatio and the next season and his past?

Any help would be great...
^ Uh, I thought it was a flashback to the victim. Like they had done her justice and found her killer. It didn't quite make much sense to me either, but I've seen other shows do that, (Close To Home, I think.) :confused:

ETA: Ok, I went back and looked at the beginning and end of the ep, and yeah, it's the vic. Weird huh?
StellaMac said:
I still haven't digested that finale. I mean srsly, what the hell kind of finale was that?
Were they out of money for their season budget? 'Cause that was CHEAP!

I agree. I was so disappointed with it :(

I mean, look at the earlier seasons. Body Count was wonderful episode, same was with Innocent, 10-7 was great too (even it meant bye-bye to Yelina :p ) and so was One of Our Own (EVEN THOSE BASTARDS KILLED MY JESSOP!)

But this was just...blah. Blahblahblah, like any mid-season boring episode. They should look at Stargate: Atlantis and see what is interesting end for the season :p

They should give a reason why to continue watching when the next season starts.

And why oh why Stetler looks so old :( poor Stetler

More Yelina and it will be better again.

Oh yeah the bodies btw... and the one was brunette when others were blones :rolleyes: