Grade 'Snow Day'

Discussion in 'CSI: New York' started by Top41, May 16, 2007.

  1. cSiNyFrEaK30

    cSiNyFrEaK30 Police Officer

    Mar 26, 2005
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    i liked the premise of this kept me on the edge of my seat almost the whole time. i could have REALLY gone without the whole Lindsay/Danny thing...=P...i almost turned off the tv. i wish we had gotten to see more with Danny and Adam in their hostage situation though--poor Adam!! I hope that the writers carry over his and danny's ordeal over to season 4-Adam is obviously very traumatized, and Danny's hand isnt going to heal over i hope the writers dont drop the ball like they did with Flack's injuries from season 2 to 3.

    overall though, a very thrilling episode...A- :D
  2. demor215

    demor215 Prime Suspect

    Mar 2, 2006
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    I must have missed that. What? :confused:
  3. StellaMac

    StellaMac Witness

    May 15, 2005
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    WOW, I'm just... WOW WOW WOW! I need at least an hour to recover from that F#$%@&' Awesome episode.
    No doubt it deserves an A+++++
    Will come back with a coherent review. But just WOW! *applauds*
  4. MacsLovlyAngl

    MacsLovlyAngl Head of the Graveyard Shift

    Jan 30, 2007
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    It was awesomish, I actually squeezed my pillow, when I thought Danny was going to get shot, And Oh my!!! talk about pulpitations, touch and go there with Mac, near the end. It was a perfect finish. Can't wait till the new season.
  5. Cassio

    Cassio Civilian

    May 17, 2007
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    Oh So Good

    It had excitement and a happy ending unlike a certain other csi which only had a happy ending...

    Danny sure does like throwing chemicals in peoples faces lol
  6. IvoryRaven

    IvoryRaven Police Officer

    Feb 15, 2005
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    Oh my god. Oh my god. I just don't know what to say. I feel like I've just watched a really awesome action movie, except better because I know and love all the characters.

  7. MBGrissom

    MBGrissom Pathologist

    Feb 11, 2005
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    Holy Continuity Fairy, Batman! Was that the murdered FBI agent from 6 months earlier making her reappearance? Color me surprised! :eek:

    Wow...I can't even formulate an intelligent, insightful review of sorts right now, since it's all still sinking in. Definitely a nail-biting, seat-grabbing ep! Poor Adam and Danny... :( Adam especially, I just wanted to nuzzle him, poor baby... Go Mac & Hawkes, woo hoo! And Rambo!Stella is back with a vengeance. And Flack, loved him to bits tonight! Loved Peyton/Mac, great seeing Sid again, Lindsay didn't irritate me, and I wasn't even disgusted by "the scene". Surprisingly. :lol: Everything else was so fantastic that it overshadowed anything that possibly wasn't. This is an ep I could watch over several times and still do some major bouncing in my seat. A+, without a doubt!
  8. FlackAttack

    FlackAttack Prime Suspect

    Mar 16, 2006
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    Grade: A+ raised to the infinite power. This ep was so awesome I did not sit down once throughout the entire show, commercials included. Just like StellaMac said, at this point I'm just way too giddy to come up with a decent review. But that was freakin' amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D Now, if only the S3 dvd's would come out sooner.
  9. demor215

    demor215 Prime Suspect

    Mar 2, 2006
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    I was the same way, just glued to my chair and anxiously awaiting whatever was coming next. And.. I have to say, I like Danny and Lindsey together. I especially thought the way he woke her up was really cute. (beep) ;)
  10. darx2mint4

    darx2mint4 CSI Level One

    Mar 5, 2006
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    This was an AMAZING episode!

    There was DL!!!!!!!!! :)
    And So much character scenes!

    Ack. Peyton killed me with "cup of tea" and then she was the slight comic relief, because everything she did ended up messing up something.

    Flack! Stella!Hawkes!Mac!Sid!Adam!

    and DL!!! :)
  11. midnight_tiptoes

    midnight_tiptoes Head of the Day Shift

    Aug 17, 2004
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    This episode was so CSI: Home Alone. I kept waiting for Mac and Stella to throw a bunch of marbles on the floors so the bad guys would slip and fall. Oh, they'd get up. They'd get up. But that's when the rat traps would get 'em.

    A great episode, but totally ruined by that fucking lame ending. God, I hate you Peyton. Can't they kill her off already? Ugh. Stupid. Should've ended with the whole team together, maybe gathered at the hospital to see Danny and Adam. But no. It had to end with, "hey, Mac, you totally brought down one of the city's most powerful mafia groups, what are you gonna do now?" LOL IM TOTLY GOING TO LONDON GAHYS!1

    Okay, so Mac and Stella were in the lab for, I'm guessing at least an hour. Why did it take the gas company so long to get there? Wouldn't firefighters be called to the scene even if it's a gas leak because there could be an explosion? So that whole time, the doors to the building were totally open? And there was no security? So, people were free to walk in and our of the building as they so pleased? And no one heard that big ass gun going off? And... not a single cop? Not a fireman? Not even Shlomo, the nighttime security guy with the lazy eye? Hijack does not deliver.

    And why didn't the bad guys wait until they had everything ready to activate the sprinklers? Because hi, something happens in downtown NY and the fire department is there in .00385 seconds.

    Oh my God, they went to Brooklyn! Chug, guys, chug!

    Lindsay and Danny fucked each other on his pool table? Good luck explaining those stains to your buddies, Danny. Hope you guys had fun with the pool cues. Don't worry, I'm sure Lindsay didn't notice the fact that they appeared a bit 'worn out' ;).

    Flack wasn't wearing a helmet in the beginning. But that's okay, cause the pretty should be exposed to all and all shall admire. That had to be the easiest heist in the NYPD's history, though. Biggest drug bust ever, and the bad guys didn't even have people outside the building standing watch? It was just like 5 guys with some GI Joe guns? Lame.

    Grr, Peyton, you ruined an otherwise awesome episode for me. Why can't you just STFU for ONE second? Just ONE second where we don't get to listen to you whine about Mac not wanting to spend time with you, or not knowing where Mac is, or because Mac is wearing a brown shirt and you wanted him to wear a blue shirt, or because Mac is just waaaa, MAAAC! MAAAAC, I LOVE YOU! MAAAAAC! WHERE'S MAAAAAAAAC?! COME TO LONDON, MAAAAAAAAC!! MAAAAAAAAC MY HEART ACHES FOR YOU MAAAAAAAAC!! I'M SO CLINGY AND DESPERATE AND DRAMATIC MAAAAAAAAC!! MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCC!!!! UGH!

    Have a nice trip, though.
  12. sarakanne

    sarakanne Dead on Arrival

    Apr 20, 2007
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    Looks like Ann Donahue put all of her creative juices into CSI: NY's finale. Guess that also explains why the CSI: Miami finale was so lame ass. Both shows have such great casts--what a disservice to the fine acting talent over on CSI: Miami. Hey Ann, I guess multi-tasking isn't your thing.
  13. IvoryRaven

    IvoryRaven Police Officer

    Feb 15, 2005
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    Actually, you know what? This reminded me of both an action movie, and a really well written H/C fanfic. Afterall, where else do characters have cigarettes burned into their hands? Although, now that I think about it, there was a distressing lack of comfort after-the-fact (at least for poor Adam). Here's hoping for some excellent post-ep fics!
  14. Carolyn_333

    Carolyn_333 Pathologist

    Nov 27, 2004
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    WHEW!!! I know how you feel. Could someone please come peel me off the ceiling??? WOW!!! What a finale!!! Wish Miami's had been 1/2 that exciting and interesting Monday night.
    Loved this episode. Can't wait for the summer re-run of it and also can't wait for season 3 to come out on DVD. WOW!!!
    *takes a deep breath and lets it out*
    On the vote how you'd grade this episode I gave it...A+. NOTHING less would do. Right now, I feel like what Calleigh Duquesne said in the CSI: Miami season one episode DISPO DAY. In other words, I feel "like a hummingbird on 6 cups of coffee." Anyone who recorded this episode, I want a copy of it. WHEW!!! :cool:
  15. audrina

    audrina Police Officer

    May 6, 2006
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    I loved this episode. I just have to say, on a purely shallow note, could Flack be any hotter? I think not ...

    Anyway, loved the action scenes, very well filmed. AJ Buckley was phenomenal with his acting ... I found some continuity in the fact that he was so scared of dying. I mean, I know you would expect that, but AJ played it beautifully in such a way that I kept thinking about that eppy where he said his dad was a bully ...

    Danny was good in this eppy, too. Not whiny, as he sometimes tends to be, but take charge, even with his hand smashed. As for the Danny/Lindsay stuff, I thought it was handled well - not overdone. This is a crime show, after all.

    Loved Hawkes, especially, like someone else who already posted said, seeing his evil, kick-ass side. We've seen Rambo Stella before. Was great to see Hawkes get all steely-eyed. Locking the guy in the cooler was awesome.

    Mac - loved Mac. I also loved his interaction with Stella (I'm not a shipper for them, just like them as a team). Plus, Mac still looks good in a wet T-shirt. In his 50s! Go GARY!

    Peyton, who I've actually warmed to this year, bugged the crap out of me. I can't exactly say why. Maybe it was the tea, thing, I don't know. Random thought - loved Sid's hat. He's so cool.

    I give it an A- because I didn't love the ending. I, too, would have liked to see more of the Adam/Danny stuff. More resolution with the team as a whole. Otherwise I thought it was well done.

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