Mac/Lindsay--All Dressed Up and Ready to Dance

Lindsay is back in episode 18. Part of the episode, toward the end, will deal with the trial. Actually she will be on the witness stand testifying. So, she will be sitting, which is good since it was filmed only about 4 weeks after Anna had her baby. Danny shows up in the court room. Too bad it wasn't Mac. She will be back full time in episode 19 but she will be working with Danny.
Eww, Danny!

I really hope that for the rest of the season they at least have some Mac/Lindsay scenes. Legit ones, not just the concerned looks and sparse conversations about evidence. Real scenes. I could do with some of that for Flack/Lindsay as well... Please?
It would make so much more sense if it was Mac. I wish for Mac & Lindsay working a case together again. It be such a long time since that has happened. :(
Yeah, that hug was really cute.

I'm glad they had some scenes in this past episode. Hopefully they'll run into each other again in this one. Heres to waiting. Now where are you all hiding?
I'm hiding on Facebook. Sorry guys! And I have quite a bit of schoolwork to do; I only have about two weeks of school left (I'm a senior in HS, so I get out earlier than everyone else!) and teachers are really piling it on.

I have to write some Mac/Lindsay fic, I've only ever written one fic for them. It was a short one too. I really enjoyed it though, they were great pair to write for because they have natural chemistry. Plus, they're really cute.
I've been lurking in the Battlestar Galactica fandom to hide from the horror that is Danny/Lindsay apparently going cannon. Euuuuuuuuuugh!

I am however in the middle of writing 2, count em', 2 MeLty fanfics, one of which should get posted this week. Somehow the closer my exams get, the more I write. Not quite figured that one out yet.

*edited to add: I've just created a Mac/Lindsay community over at Livejournal: . It is open to anything with regards to do with Mac/Lindsay. I just thought it would be nice to have our own place where everyone can post their fanfiction or whatever. I am looking for some good Mac/Lindsay icons for the userpics so if anyone could point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated. You do have to have a livejournal to post there but I can put up anything for you if you don't have one.
I have a few communities up on LJ, I'll go over some time tonight to affiliate. Keeping it real with Lindsay Monroe, ya know?

Yeahhh. I have to write more fanfic. I think, basically, I've just stopped doing anything to do with writing. Even just poetry. A lot of it has to do with a certain boy; that situation has been mostly resolved, but writing... I have to fix that. Ugh. Immediately, it seems, because I miss it.
Mac/Lindsay community, nice, they need some love :D Her and Mac has some great scenes together. :D

I still think its sneaky she found out about his secret {{the band thing}}

Yall need to quit hiding on me, I need yall!
Sorry have gone back to my lurking ways. I have missed reading some Melty fics. But now I know there are some I'm going to check them all out. I still find it wierd that she looks like Claire did in one of those pics Mac gave her son. And I really wish they would do another great episode were they get to have fun together on a case. That's when I like them the best. When she pulls him into fun little things in the lab. ;)
Linds looked like Claire did in one of the pics?? Show me this!! :D I miss you and your picture ways. *snuggles*

I haven't read Melty fics in a long time.
Bumping this up.

*salutes you* Thankie!

Welcome Melty_Fan its always kickass to meet new people! We hope you have fun here...Ooh you brought pressie/ficcie. Thats nice. I like new people :D