Why Lindsay Must Go

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Do not even put the thought in my head that Lindsay could be killed off. I know it sounds awful but it'd be like all my christmas's have come at once!!

*silently prays*
What this whole Lindsay thing boils down to (for me anyway) is that they made the character boring from the very begining. They had a chance to bring someone new and exciting to the show but instead they write this character in. They can't even go back and save the character (well, she could shave her head and get some tattoos....oops forget it....been done to death). Never mind the D/L romance thing, I'm just pretending that doesn't even exist.
^I agree, Lindsay's character has been mishandled from the get-go. She was miscast, and then hasn't been well-developed. She's a walking cliche, and one the show just doesn't need.
I was just really disappointed with what I've read about the trial. They have had us all along the garden path with Lindsay's deep, dark secret, and the whole trial where she could have redeemed herself with a good solid emotional solo performance. Instead they threw it out of the window for D/L schmuck. All of a sudden after a couple of weeks of not even mentioning her we're meant to believe Danny would just take off to Montana and be her knight in shining armour. (It sounds like an episode of the OC) It seems like we didn't get to even know that much more about why the killer did what he did and what happened afterwards than we knew before. It's all abit strange.
I said in another thread Lindsay would have been so much more liked in my opinion if she just just worked in the background of the lab like Adam and was eased upon us gently rather than just cast as someone who had no chemistry with their alleged love interest and who in running with the storyline has with the sole intention of dragging two characters (one who they spent time building up his backstory amazingly) down the pan.
I know it's not the actor's faults but sometimes they must feel if they aren't connecting on screen or whatnot!
I'm sorry if that sounded abit mean - it's just how I feel. Kinda hope it made sense too!
^I think I know exactly what you mean, the writers had the opportunity to redeem the character of Lindsay a bit, weak acting aside. The trial was the time for them to make the character more of a force, give the regular viewer a chance to delve deeper and the new viewer a chance to see her outside of her interactions with Danny. Rather than do that though, they simply used the trial as a catalyst to further the Danny/Lindsay nonsense and that was a disservice to the viewers, new and old. Their interactions have shackled them into a chemistry free zone and Carmine deserves better and even if Anna’s acting is not up to par with the rest of the cast you were thinking the effort to make up for the mistake of having her as nothing more than a main credit love interest could have been beaten back just a bit even if it meant confining her to the role of lab geek. However, maybe that isn’t what you are trying to say and I’m just making it up as I go along. Not to mention, with my comments on the Danny/Lindsay fiasco following yours I'm sure to some your comment will be like sunshine and sparkles next to my fire and brimstone, so no need to worry about sounding a bit mean. :D
It's going to be interesting to see what they are going to do with her character now (and I don't mean with the D/L relationship part of her character, remember it does not exist to me :) )Is she all of a sudden, now that the trial is over, going to be able to handle those 'big bad' crime scenes she had to walk away from before? At first they tried to pass her off as this tough little chick from Montana (remember how she ate the bugs, can handle the big guns etc.), then they take the character and make her walk around with this perpetual worried look on her face, every case reminding her of her past (no matter what the case is, she feels it somehow relates to her past). For most of this season, the character has been so one dimensional. I can't decide who to blame more the writers or the casting director.
It's going to be interesting to see what they are going to do with her character now (and I don't mean with the D/L relationship part of her character, remember it does not exist to me :) )Is she all of a sudden, now that the trial is over, going to be able to handle those 'big bad' crime scenes she had to walk away from before? At first they tried to pass her off as this tough little chick from Montana (remember how she ate the bugs), then they take the character and make her walk around with this perpetual worried look on her face, every case reminding her of her past (no matter what the case is, she feels it somehow relates to her past). For most of this season, the character has been so one dimensional. I can't decide who to blame more the writers or whoever is responsible for casting.
You know, she once said she picked her career because of something that happened in her past. She was a CSI in Montana for three years before coming to NY and she's been a CSI there for over a year and a half. Why is she suddenly having problems with crime scenes? Shouldn't they have bothered her all along? :(

It's interesting how girls from the midwest keep ending up in NY dead/murdered. :rolleyes:
It's going to be interesting to see what they are going to do with her character now (and I don't mean with the D/L relationship part of her character, remember it does not exist to me
Where exactly will they go with her character? What does she have besides being Danny's shadow? No wonder they went ahead with the DL pairing. What else could they do with her besides get rid of her (I wouldn't complain about that :rolleyes:). They had a perfect opportunity for Lindsay to show us what kind of character she was by having her go through that trial and what did they do? They just had to stick Danny in there because God knows that Lindsay can't hold a scene on her own.

Everybody wonders why Lindsay is so unliked. IMO, it's because she's been nothing more than a love interest to Danny, TPTB seem to have no intention of ever developing her outside of Danny, and what's gonna happen when they have a fight or (even though they're not canon yet) split up? Can Lindsay's character stand on her own two feet without Danny? I doubt it.

They had a perfect chance to show us exactly what happened 10 years ago with 18 year old Lindsay but they chose to omit key parts. I think it was the grading thread I mentioned we needed to know more about Daniel Katums. Why did he kill those girls, why didn't he kill Lindsay (he clearly heard the water on in the bathroom). Why didn't he check the bathroom? Where has he been for the last 10 years? Did they just find him or did his lawyer (although I never saw one) drag out the trial for 10 years? Why didn't his lawyer question Lindsay? Why didn't they show Daniel up on the stand? I'd like to hear what he has to say, if anytihng.

They could have made the trial scenes very interesting if they'd just added all that stuff in instead of taking up precious time spent on Danny/Lindsay (which I still see absolutely no chemistry..no matter what they end up doing). There's no way they can pull it off and make it believable. Carmine is a wonderful actor. If he's struggling with making it work, then it's just not gonna work.

Is it Lindsay, the writers, Anna, or all three? Who knows but whoever is to blame, it's clearly not working.
Surely the writers must know Linsday's character isn't working probably as much as they would have liked? I mean they haven't even decided who she is! One minute she is slamming a guy into a car and playing with all the weapons and then the next she's storming off a crime scene and stropping like a child. It just seems the effects of her past affect her when it suits her!
I'm interested to see how TPTB are going to write D/L after the whole trial thing! Are they going to be in a relationship (heaven forbid) or are they just going to be friends! When I say I'm interested I mean I'm silently praying TPTB come to the senses and don't carry on with a relationship. The D/L fans had their lovey, dovey scene. Let the rest of us get Danny back to who we remember him as! I can deal with the fun Lindsay but being dramatic irrates the crap outta me!
MichelleK said:
I'm interested to see how TPTB are going to write D/L after the whole trial thing! Are they going to be in a relationship (heaven forbid) or are they just going to be friends!

I agree. It'll be interesting to see what TPTB do now they've got them this far. Will they move in together? Share cups of hot cocoa? Make googly eyes at each other across the lab? Hey, we may even see them shagging :eek:

But seriously, it'll be interesting to see how they'll maintain any dynamic. I always felt that Friends ran out of steam once Monica and Chandler got together so cross fingers that they don't settle down as a fluffy little couple.
Twinkletoes said:
I agree. It'll be interesting to see what TPTB do now they've got them this far. Will they move in together? Share cups of hot cocoa? Make googly eyes at each other across the lab? Hey, we may even see them shagging :eek:

LOL!but on the verge of crying too...
imagine that...!
it will almost be better if they did settle as a fluffy little couple and that's it, KWIM?
i have the feeling there's more to come, more crappy teenage drama and everything that goes with that.
and i don't like it one bit!!!
It'll be interesting to see what TPTB do now they've got them this far. Will they move in together? Share cups of hot cocoa? Make googly eyes at each other across the lab? Hey, we may even see them shagging
Ok, here's where I draw the line with this show. :mad: If I have to be subjected to that crap, I will find something better to do at 10pm on Wednesday nights. This is a crime show and I want it to stay that way. I don't mind a tiny, tiny glimpse into personal lives but I definately don't care to see that. Not from their high school crush antics.

Leave the romance to the adults (Mac & Peyton). At least I can watch their scenes without hurling.
I'm interested I mean I'm silently praying TPTB come to the senses and don't carry on with a relationship.
Me too but I'm not betting on it. I want back the original Danny and that will never happen if he's with Lindsay. :rolleyes:

Lindsay's character is all over the place. Happy, light-hearted Lindsay is the only one that seems to work. Stop the dramatics. She's not good at interrogations or stomping around like a 12 year old. I shudder to think of her doing romantic scenes. :eek:
Aww man if they start making googly eyes across the lab or Danny brings flowers to the crime lab, I'll fly to New York and personally shoot the writers myself.
I just wonder where it's all going! Mac and Peyton are cool together and the writers seem to know where to draw the line, so why not with Danny and Lindsay.
They just seem like a very unlikely couple who probably and more likely won't stand the test of time. I mean what happens if they split up, the lab will be divided and full of angst. Blah!
Get back to the real storylines - Danny, Stella, Flack, Hawkes and Adam have all had interesting titbits thrown into certain episodes, expand on that instead of making my eyes bleed each week.
Michelle, I'm pretty sure its safe to say that the writers don't live in New York and have never been there. They've certainly left almost all of NY unrepresented ... last I checked, the city wasn't made primarily of rich, upper-class snobs.
Yeah I seemed to notice that too! OK I'll by a tracker GPS thingy and hunt them down!! I make them pay! Hehe!!
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