Things I learned on CSI..........

and quoting poe up a tree is both entertaining and romantic.

oh, um, ok, a non-shipper answer...ligh bulbs melt in the direction of the hottest part of the fire.
Bring hand-sanitizer with you on airplaines... heaven only know's what's on the sink...

The kids will find out what you do eventually

There's a reason why I stopped wearing watches

Blinds aren't just to keep the sun out in the morning
If your neighbors all have last names like old TV shows, DON'T GO TO THEIR PARTIES unless you're a swinger.

Don't distract a hot babe while she's double-gloving.

The only appropriate response to anyone named Ecklie is "Shut the F**K UP, Conrad!!!" (Okay, I just made THAT one up...)

Always be sure to keep the nose-straws open when you're dominating a woman covered in latex and a zipper-mask.
If Greg suggests something, he already checked it out

so many country songs can describe one show (I can name about 5 for Cath)
Don't plan to heist a casino with 4 men dressed in drag and hungry for money. You'll probably wind up dead.

People CAN drown in the desert.

If your field kit gets stolen. The hardware store can be your best friend.

Don't try fooling a CSI when it comes to diamonds.

If someone approaches you outside a casino saying he's barred, and needs you to cash in his chips in return for a fee, don't do it.

Construction workers should make sure they don't have a nail wedged into their rubber soled boots. Just in case of electrocution.

Think twice about putting garlic cream cheese spread on your bagel.

If a body flies off a several story building. He might not have jumped.