Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Wait, is that Calleigh in that pic..nooo it's not...is it? Katie just told me it is...Wow that's hard to see! :eek:

The name is Bond...Jon Bond...*giggles like school girl...wait, I AM a school girl :lol:*
The manip is blowing me away... Oh my... He would actually make a good Special Agent, but he's American, so the chances... Sadly... Unless they'd make a CSI- Bond- Special :D

Or they should make a Bond- like photoshoot or something...
Calleigh? Shoot, if left up to me, I'd choose myself to be his Bond Girl. ;) :p

I have some questions I'd like to ask. Those of y'all who have gotten to see Season 5 so far, how do you feel about Ryan's character development thus far? Do you feel it's better or worse than what we've seen in past season?

I'd also like to address the same questions to those of y'all who are just now getting to see Season 4? How do you feel about Ryan's character development as opposed to Season 3?
ahh im a new fan and i have no idea how his character was in past seasons..i got hooked on the episode where ryan pushed the cop..so thats when i started watching lol. catch me up ppl!!! lol so i was in my uncles car today and he was listening to this 80's radio station and they played this song called africa i think and the band was called TOTO...lol i was thinking "why would you call yourselves toto?" then of course my thoughts went from toto to togo...omg am i thinking of him too much?? lmao ok everyone ttyl :)
beLIEve said:
ahh im a new fan and i have no idea how his character was in past seasons..i got hooked on the episode where ryan pushed the cop..so thats when i started watching lol.

Ah...excellent, you just brought to mind another question. :D Since you're a new fan what was it about Ryan that hooked you? Looks aside, lol. ;) I'm always curious as to what appeals to others and why they choose a particular character as their favorite.
actually, i think it was his attitude. Like for some reason his anger was sexy. i guess i just got into the show because it's smart. Seeing him do his thing is sexy lol.
Thumpy said:
Since you're a new fan what was it about Ryan that hooked you? Looks aside, lol. ;) I'm always curious as to what appeals to others and why they choose a particular character as their favorite.

I'm not new, but i'll answer it anyways. :D Well.. It was his looks that hooked me to him. :lol: I'm so shallow!! But, I have a defense. As you all probably know the story, ( :rolleyes: ) my mom watches the show. So when it was on I would see it and would see him and be like :eek: "Who the hell is that hottie?!" :lol: So, during the summer, I would post in the CaRWash and Togo ( :D ) thread more often and then decided to get caught up on season 3 and 4 in the summer and here I am. :D

I like his character development this season. We're learing a tiny bit more on his past. (Hense the tiny. ;)) I hope we really learn something huge this season. Like Greg in CSI. The only thing i'm worried about is his additude. For example, him pushing the cop. :p Just because he has to know when to draw the line. I'm scared it's going to get him in alot of trouble someday. Other then that i'm a happy... Togo camper... :D
1 more thing...my mom watches it too and there was 1 show that i saw on a&e the other day and i remembered watching it with her. I was thinking how could i have seen this before and not noticed him?? lol i don't know...weird
Well, I'm also not new either, and I guess I could explain what drew me to his character. :p Alrighty, here we go. :p

The first episode I ever saw with Ryan, was 'Under The Influence', which of course is the first episode he was in. (Just as a sidenote, I've been watching the show since season 1) I saw him as a go-getter, a confident young man, and eager to please. It had been a long time since we had seen a young spitfire such as Ryan, so he brought a new and fresh aspect to the show.

On the other hand, I was a little judgemental because my first and only love on the show was Speed. *sigh* Anyway, so I tried my hardest to pick out all his flaws and compare him to Speed. - Which doesn't work by the way. I started to see him less as a replacement, and more of an integral part of the show, and grew to feel more comfortable with his character onscreen. He just seemed to fit.

I guess what caught my attention was that he made me laugh. Aside from making me laugh, he was just such a 'get in there and do the job' kind of guy. Not afraid to get his hands dirty. :D

Um...So I'm done rambling now. :lol:
Well, since we are talking about Ryan and his past and stuff and other things like that. Ill input my input...that sounded better in my mind lol. Anyways: I dont really remember when exactly I got hooked on him- probably the first episode he was in- Under the Influence- right? Thats exactly what I was- under the influence of Ryan..lol wow that sounded cheesy , anyways, I espiecally feel in love with him in nailed. I have to go real quick- be back in a bit to add more detail!
Great responses so far guys...and of course I don't mind everyone answering the 'What first drew you to Ryan?' question, the more replies the better I say. :D

beLIEve said:
actually, i think it was his attitude. Like for some reason his anger was sexy. i guess i just got into the show because it's smart. Seeing him do his thing is sexy lol.

I can totally understand that, I also find it sexy when he shows a bit of attitude. ;)

For me...I'm not sure what drew me to the character, lol. I mean, sure I thought he was good looking the first time I laid eyes on him, but it takes more than a pretty face to hook me. For most of the third season, I liked him well enough, but I actually grew to really like him towards the end of the third season which sounds strange, I know, because that's when all the tension started between the group, and I know I've made it known that I thought they drug out the tension between him and Eric for far too long-I still think that. But...I think what drew me to the character was the potential for complexity (which is also why I'm drawn to Jake, I think). Even though Ryan may have done some things that I didn't always agree with, his actions made the character seem more real to me in a show that's not known for being particularly deep...season 4 in particular was pretty superficial in my opinion, more so than normal.

Does this make sense at all, lol?
What drew me to Ryan in the first place?....I think it was his eyes. They are lovely!:)

When he first joined the team he was so eager to do the job and that's why I liked him. His character develops as time goes by. He's more mature now, I guess. I also like his attitude. I feel like he has all emotions when compares to others. I only see H with his one pose with sunglasses and Calleigh with her straight face and high pitch voice. No offense but it's like I only one side from them that annoys me sometimes. But Ryan has gotten everything in him :) It's hard to explain but I feel he's more like a real person. Not sure if I'm making any sense.

Anyhoo, they're airing season 4 here only, but the other day I watched the lastest epi on the internet and I can say that Ryan's more handsome now. A lot hotter!!!!!!!!!!!
ThumpyG42 said:
Ah...excellent, you just brought to mind another question. :D Since you're a new fan what was it about Ryan that hooked you? Looks aside, lol. ;) I'm always curious as to what appeals to others and why they choose a particular character as their favorite.

Ryan is actually the reason why I am watching CSI:MI at all... I don't like David Caruso, never did, so I never ever watched CSI when I still was in Germany... Granted, until three years ago I didn't even watch CSI in general, until CSI:NY started, but it wasn't until I was browsing some random CSI- commnunities that I found fics that featured Greg and a character from MI, Ryan, that I had no idea of. So I asked my best friend who he was, she supplied me with pics, and I thought he was cute, hot even. Yet, DC was too big an obstacle for me to overcome, so I still strayed away from CSI:MI, until three weeks ago when I had a bad day and curled up on the couch to watch telly, and a CSI- double bill was on... Was a S3- ep, and I was hooked. Evne though every time I saw DC I wanted to puke, I survived and am now waiting for the opportunity to catch up on the events of S3&4 :D
What appealed me to him was that he seems so sincere, and yet also a bit innocent... I think that was still due to him being a newbie in S3, because looks and cats more confident in S4, from what I have seen... Ryan, IMO, and I'm probably way off mark, is a bit like Nick. He acts up on his emotions, and is concerned for the victims as well as for the family of the victims... :rolleyes: He has this vibe that he wants to make things right, that he wants to bring justice to the families and the victims... This more personal drive is what is the most appealing to me... *blushes furiously*

JT being hot did help, of course :D
I remember watching Ryan in Under the Influence, and him not really making any impression on me. Why, I've no idea! :confused: A few weeks later, I found I was totally hooked. :p He was just so cute and geeky. I've never gone for the classic handsome obvious good looks. Jon is absolutely gorgeous, but in a kind of quirky way. And especially in S3 where he was so dark and skinny. He had so much more to him than some of the other characters. He was intriguing. And his strong sense of justice was appealing, especially when paired with his innocence. (I'm thinking of Identity, here).

In S3 he did some things that made me cringe, quite frankly. (Sex and Taxes :( ). But he's so easy to forgive. I've loved what I've seen of S4 so far. But now I'm watching it purely for Ryan. There's not enough of him, IMO. The stories can be a bit thin, but his character is as intriguing as it always was. And I love his short haircut, and his muscled-up body. :p We had Driven on Tuesday, and I spent a long time drooling over the tight blue t-shirt. I can't remember the story at all, but I have a perfect image of that t-shirt in my mind... :eek:
He obviously put the break between seasons to good use, bulking up and all... Not that I mind, but the change is quite startling :D

And is it just me or does his wardrobe change? Seems to me as though this season he is straying away a bit from the orange and loud colours and going more for the toned down- ones...
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