Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

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i'm going to cry, i feel sick, and can't breathe, is this normal. 7 days is going to take to long. i gonna cry during that eppy/
Dont worry GunsNRoses, I felt the same. Im supposed to be sleeping but I can't. Im gonna start bawling in the episode. I was on the computer when I heard "This is CSI Sanders. I need back up." So I looked and there he was.. I immediatly started freaking out! :eek: :(
I know what is going to happen, I know it, thank god for spoilers, but still, him on the cold ground by himself, how many of them attack him--shivers--and while I can wait to see that episode and the amount of angst it will generate, I'm really not looking forward to seeing Greg like that.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some serious Nick and even Warrick anger!

But still I think the preview alone has killed me a little bit.

One more thing, you have to love that Eric is getting such a big storyline, I'll even take the lack of Greg in Toe Tags, or the minimum of Greg because finding out Greg was an Eagle Scout and him being in that harness was enough for me for more Greg scenes in the coming episodes.

I really just can't say enough about that preview, it just floored me.
Ahh, I can't wait either!! Greg!!!

at least we get to see KFed's character get it lol, that'll be worth it.

*wonders why mom thought it was a Shark promo...they said Shark was next but either she wasn't totally paying attention or doesn't know the characters well enough yet. I'm sitting there bouncing going "this is next week's CSI promo!"
They did keep showing that Shark promo though, even before the preview, so that could be why.

But after that preview, anything they showed before or after was a blur and my brain would just not register it.
Well, I'm going to be glad to see Greg back in the game. Seriously lacking the past 3 weeks. I am sad because I know what's going to go down, but I am glad they are adding a bit more depth to his character.
Oh MY!! Okk people on the CBSInnertube site, there is a clip of Fannysmackin and its the clip where they find Greg's hair and KFed gets hit!!

I watched it. Man, it really looks like Greg's hair too, exact color and everything.

I see Warrick is still calling Greg by his last name. I hate when he does that. It makes it sound like he hardly knows Greg. So rude.
I agree about the Sam thing mentioned in the TT thread...perhaps though they said he was going after BTK, they aren't sure now and by doing it this way, he can come back later if they so choose. Or not.
woohoo go nick! hahah go thing he beat up kevin federline. gosh kevin's so irritating and he was definitely asking for it. but on the other hand nick will get in trouble. i wanna watch fannysmackin's promo oh my gosh i hope greg's ok. poor greggo :(
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