Have you ever... ?

I never did, at least I can´t remember it, but more likely I never pick up the phone when someone´s calling during my fave show or a good movie. :lol:

Have you ever eat raw meat?
I did today, I had some filet left. I first wanted to cook but then was to lazy but I also didn´t want to keep the meat til tomorrow, cuz it was already two day old. :rolleyes:
Not really.. I caused one though :p Hey, that driver should not have driven on that side of the road, and I was still on the cycling lane, so it was his fault anyway. I got away with some bruises on my legs and knees, his car, and the car behind him were more dented than I was :lol: I was only 11 or so.

Have you ever been that active/excited/hyper that you could honestly say you felt like a hummingbird on 6 cups of coffee?

I have, when coffee still affected me, during work, when I was 15. I drank one cup of coffee and I worked like crazy :)
I don't really drink coffee, but I'm quite active hehe, it's a good thing I don't like coffee because that would make me even more hyper-active than I already am :p

Have you ever stolen something?

I once stole candy from the candy store when I was 9 :p
saras_girlfriend said:
Have you ever hung up on someone because they called during your fave show?

Yeah I did, I was wachting CSI so it was kinda obvious. They wouldn't stop calling so I picked up and said 'leave me alone'

:eek: I know this passed but I have tosay. When I was still dating this guy... He KNEW ER was on and he called our house phone since I didn' tanswer my cell and mom picked up and and asked me to come and I just yelled "YOU F***ING BASTARD KNOW ER IS ON TV!" and hung up :eek:
DaWacko said:
:eek: I know this passed but I have tosay. When I was still dating this guy... He KNEW ER was on and he called our house phone since I didn' tanswer my cell and mom picked up and and asked me to come and I just yelled "YOU F***ING BASTARD KNOW ER IS ON TV!" and hung up :eek:

YAY! You rock!!! lol
Ducky! You're cool!

I've never stolen something.. :)

Have you ever yelled under your neighbours window that he was some stupid jerk?

I did, today! My neighbour is such a prick! He always plays his music f*cking loud, and his bass very high, my mum's very sensitive for those kinds of things, so she called them yesterday, but they didn't pick up the phone, and she went to their door and she rang the doorbell, but they didn't open the door, and I was so mad that I yelled: 'Go f*ck someone!' And I usually don't say these kinds of things..
No, never yelled at my neighbours for any reason.

Have you ever eat for dinner just ice-cream?
Yup, still do it sometimes. :p
I haven't eaten just ice cream for dinner but sometimes I have a bowl of cereals or just a bunch of chocolate! :D That's what being a teenager is about, hehe

Have you ever... sung 'singing in the rain' whilst you were in the shower, really loud?

I did when I wasn't feeling good (flu) and was going on holiday the next day so was trying to make myself feel better - crazy thing is that it really helps! :lol: (I also had the house to myself so could be as loud as I wanted!)
No. I don't think I've ever sung in the shower... lol

Have you ever been on TV?

JayneEmilysRealm said:
Have you ever been that active/excited/hyper that you could honestly say you felt like a hummingbird on 6 cups of coffee?

I do when my asthma gets bad. Not because I can't breathe but because I have to take three breathing treatments and the albuterol makes me really hyper and I start shaking!
have you ever been on tv?
yes, kind of.in 5th grade i was part of the newscasting team that would report on the news from around the community. other than that though... no

have you ever called an aqueintance the wrong name?
yea!i called a friend mom once...it was pathetic!!!!

have you ever been inside a childrens pool while riding inside an inflatable boat??
lol i was today...for those of you who haveent...you should try it!!!!!!

have you ever dived in a pool without knowing its just 2 feet?

my classmates did, my classmates and I was a kiddie pool and it didn't look like a kiddie pool, but no kids were around and some of my classmates asked us, is it deep?? we said yes, they dived and found out it was not deep!
I did, about 2 weeks ago. I have a cut on my head now... it still hurts. It's not recommended!

Have you ever put any sleeping pills in someone's drink, just to get the remote?

Nope, I didn't, but a friend of mine did, when I was staying over at her house. We wanted to watch CSI, but her father didn't want to give us the remote, lol.
i never did that, i have no access to sleeping pills. unfortunate, but my dad takes them.

have you ever, been in a play? (pathetic question i know, but i'm tired)