How many CSI's would it take to change a light bulb?

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*Smiles* I love making people laugh.

But anybody who remembers season one would agree that they really weren't all that keen on light bulbs back then anyway.
The entire LV team :Cath lifting prints from it, Sara running them and seeing that the former owner has a record a mile long, Nick finds a red thread on it and gives it Greg to analyze, Greg analyzes the bulb itself and gives the results to Warrick; Warrick goes to the building mentioned and finds footprints and concludes that they belonged to a person wearing a size eleven shoe. Gris and Brass bring in the manufacturer for questioning. The manufacturer confesses to having made a shoddy bulb. Brass locks him up for public endangerment and throws away the key!
Wow! These are all really funny. Uh, let's see...

-A police officer, to recieve the call about said burned out bulb, and then tell a detective
-A detective, to tell the CSIs
-"All hands on deck" to fingerprint it, test it for every organic and inorganic substance known to man, test it for ballistics, give the poor thing an autopsy, dissect it, run it through any lightbulb databases, and generally overanalyze the thing to death
-One very down-to-earth lab tech (or CSI) to remind everyone else that this a light bulb, not a key piece of evidence in a huge case
-One head CSI to assign someone to change the light bulb
-Several CSIs to argue about who actually gets to do the honors
-One to decide to just tell the owner of the room where the lightbulb was found
-The owner of the room where the lightbulb was found to actually change the darn thing

Well, that's my very long, drawn-out, and vaguely pointless take on it :D
Grissom: hey i think i have an Idea!*finger pointed to head*
Brass: your lightbulb is burn out..
Grissom:*looks up* ohh..great, who raid my lightbulb? :mad:

too much cartoons, sorry! :D
All of them! They are a team, lol :D

Maybe the real question is how long it would take them to figure out the bulb was dead...

- 1 to find the lightbulb in the piles of paper on Grissom's desk
- 2 to hold the ladder on either side
- 1 to hand the lightbulb up to the youngest because he's the youngest :p
- 1 Dr. to stand by in case of an emergency
- 2 ladies to take the lightbulb (WITH LATEX GLOVES) and search it for ANY possible evidence to see why it burned out
- 1 smart-alecky supervisor (Ecklie) to ask them why they spent half their shift worrying about a lightbulb
- 1 bugman (Gris) to explain to Ecklie that the lightbulb may have been the same kind the vic used
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