"Time of Your Death" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

ok guys. i have to wait a bit till i see the ep cause im in israel... PLEASE tell me what hodges said. i heard that he was "talking dirty" hehe.
i do not think that the show is soapy. we are all entitled to our opinions. mine is that i am not as hard core gsr as i used to be, si i dont mind if they get together, but maybe its better if they dont. i have my own ship, which has no connection to the reality of the show, and that is the only ship that i really like.
please tell me what happened with my adorable hodges. im dying here!!!
Me, I'm more Catherine & Nick centric. So I'm dying to know if they teamed up, if they had any good scenes together or even any memorable lines! Hopefully they got some deserved screen time this time!
The gazes, were a little too often, and a little too long. I could understand if they hinted like this throught a few more epsiodes before the finale, but I don't like it when they try to condense it. It doesn't even have to spoil what the show was really meant for. If you do a thirty second scene, you can actually get a lot done. So have your thirty second relationship scene, and then get back to the science. Then in a later epsiode, follow that up. And then maybe in the finale, follow it all the way through.
lemon_grass also touched on this and some others may have also. My opinion on this matter is: I do not care if the char have relationships just NOT with each other. No Grissom w/ Sara or Cath. No Nick w/ Sara or Cath. ETC Oh, and I guess to be politically correct these days, no Sara with Cath.

These guys need a social life outside of the office for a few minutes sometimes. The show is CSI. I prefer the concentration be about investigating crime. If Greg wants a girlfriend outside the lab, that's great, give him a little screen time w/ her, no prob, but that should not be the focus of the show, and should not take no more time than one commercial break. Warrick can have a wife, Catherine can have a kid, etc. The show is about investigating crime and by no means do I want to see inter office romance between that small group...
lemon_grass said:
Lol...it's true, chemistry is in the eye of the beholder. ;)

.....Which brings me to the last couple of googly eyes: those frustrated me to no end because I couldn't figure out what the hell tptb were going for. One minute they were tossing out the "fantasy vs. reality" line; the next G and S were acting all lovey-dovey with each other. It was like the writers wanted to go the angst route, but at the last minute tacked something on for the sole purpose of appeasing the GSR crowd. I know "consistency" isn't always in tptb's dictionary, but still... What the hell?

Exactly. I don't mind the show giving the main characters a personal life but some things feel forced and last night was a prime example, IMO. Chemistry either exists or it doesn't - it can't be forced. In the eyes of this beholder, there is zero chemistry between these two and the attempts by TPTB to force them on us is irritating. I'm open to romantic pairings (and am partial to C/W or G/C) and would welcome just about any pairing except GS because I simply don't see the chemistry between them. In fact, there seemed to be more chemistry in the look between Sara and Catherine in Cath's office in TOYD. :devil:
well all i can say is they just set up petersen's exit perfectly. those who are in favor of gsr will unfortunately find this out over the next year. the case started out all right, but if this caprice was so "insightful" then he would have seen the ending of his script. he's a quack.
I wasn't a huge fan of this episode, to be honest. I found the main case a little bit boring... I kept zoning in and out of what was going on... Though when they finally brought about the whole organized-fantasy thing, that was just different and *somewhat* interesting... but I digress.

My two cents about the whole GSR thing -- Personally, I'm not much of a fan, though I will say that the looks were hilarious! I really wasn't expecting there to be so much flirting... but I think I'd rather them leave it at a bit of tension and such rather than actually take it anywhere, mainly because the idea of Sara and Gris together just ... well, it just doesn't fit in my mind. PLUS, there's rumour about bringing back the Catherine/Warrick line, since his marriage is going kaput, so if they're going to have two characters get together I'd MUCH rather it be them.

And I did notice Nicky look at his vest to make sure his name was on it, haha. That was great. And as per the comment about the nicknames -- if everyone started calling him Nicky it'd just get REALLY annoying... But for some reason it's cute when Catherine does it, and it's not like she does it all the time, either. So that was just funny IMO.

I dunno, I've found the show this season just not generally as good as I have in prevous seasons... hopefully it picks up towards the end and again next season.
I thought it was kinda booring. The story lacked something to me. I found myself reading more of my book than watching the tv.

I also agree that Grissom and Sara's looks were getting nauseating(sp). I don't want a good show becoming a night time soap.

I do hope that the two-part finale is better than this.

I thought this episode was kind of meh.

The case seemed to be nothing more than a contrivance so that Grissom and Sara could give each other meaningful mooney-eyed looks all night long.

I'm sure the GSR shippers were pleased but it left me kinda cold. I simply don't see any sort of chemistry between those two other than mentor and pupil.

Very disappointing episode IMHO.
I just watched Time Of Your Death :cool:

I absolutely LOOOVED the looks exchanged throughout the episode between Grissom and Sara :p -especially the last one :D
Some major GSR stuff here.
Not many words spoken, almost only looks exchanged, but WOW! THAT ROCKED!
Grissom only appeared in a few scenes, but what scenes! :D -PLUS he looked hotter than ever :eek:

Now I can die and go to Heaven ;) There's DEFINITELY something going on between those two.
Can't wait to watch the finale!

Plot-wise definitely not my fave episode, but GSR-wise, definitely one of the best :D

I loved it.
And I think that the GSR stuff saved it from being just an OK episode. Just because of the looks and of Griss talking about being intimidated by beauty, fearing rejection, about fantasies having to be kept private, it was great, and I enjoyed it very much.

<--- me doing the 'CSI dance'

The episode itself was so so. And I noticed that Griss and Sara glanced at each other alot...I hope we don't start down the slippery slope of relationship drama. I mean, its nice that theres interaction and all, I just hope it doesnt take precidence over the science. Brass had some good lines, my favorite being "Heidi Heidi ho" :lol: man, i love Brass. I cant wait for next week tho :D It looks amazing!!! :)
The episode was merely okay to me but then I wasn't paying that much attention to it (had the tv on as background while doing something else), because after reading all the spoilery GSR hoopla on another forum, I figured Nick and Greg (the reasons why I watch the show) weren't even going to appear so I missed whatever their contributions to the story were.

Personally, I don't mind the romantic lives portrayed on these CSI shows and other dramas as long as it's not between main characters because then the focus shifts to the relationship. Does anybody remember what last night's case was about? Does anybody remember what roles Warrick, Nick, Catherine, or Greg played? A few might, but my guess is that the only thing the majority of viewers out there remember is the GSR eye sex.
kimaken said:
Does anybody remember what last night's case was about? Does anybody remember what roles Warrick, Nick, Catherine, or Greg played? A few might, but my guess is that the only thing the majority of viewers out there remember is the GSR eye sex.

GSR eye sex...*snerk*

I agree. The case pretty much took a back seat. The long looks between Grissom and Sara seemed just a tad heavy handed. There's been pretty much nothing happening with them all season and then we're subjected to it all in one episode. It was as if tptb were dropping giant anvils on us all night.

Personally, I prefer a little more subtlety in my CSI.

I know there are plenty of folks out there who are all for GSR but I guess I'm just not one of them. The whole idea just baffles me. I simply don't see any sort of spark between them at all.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing the folks who like GSR. I'm simply saying that I don't see it or understand it.

That being the case, I don't want to be hit over the head with it.

But I'm sure there are folks out there who don't understand the wonderfulness that is Nick Stokes and roll their eyes whenever someone squees about him incessantly. ;)
<<Because that's the reason CSI is always at the top of the ratings week after week...and Miami is not. >>

There's been times Miami has beaten LV out but that be as it may, the show last night was not one of LV's best by no means. The line Brass said with Heidi was funny. I liked the ending where Gris made the comment about fantasies being private(something like that)while gazing at Sara. Then she in returned gazed at him.I for one could care less what love triangle goes on on this show. I watch it for the drama. .

As far as Miami, I for one never cared much for the H/M mainly cause of no chemistry between the two characters. Plus the cancer story but that's another whole story and it doesn't belong here. I thought these threads were to express our opinions but from what I've been seeing lately makes me wonder. To be honest even while typing this I'm wondering whether or not to post it. I came aboard here cause I liked what I saw but, because people don't like what others are saying about their show(s) or their fave characters they tend to get upset. I've seen alot of negative things posted about Miami & DC. Has it upset me? Yes, but,I've tried not to respond to those posts cause to me it just fuels the fire more. Sorry if I've upset anyone but I just had to get this off my chest.
Yea like others said, I noticed how Sara and Grissom were exchanging long, deep 'looks' during the show, and the show ended with them looking at each other. Seems like sometihng is gonna happen with them?? idk, guess we'll find out later...