"Time of Your Death" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

Well, I think that JF and BP have the best chemistry between two people on screen since Bogart and Bacall, so I am completely over the moon about this. I am not at all surprised. I'm shocked that other people are surprised. They have been building towards this since season 1, basically since Norman fell, and I can't express how pleased I am. There was absolutely nothing soapy about this. The encounters that Catherine has had with her make suitors have been far more dramatic (heck, she's made out with them!). So compared to that the GSR in this ep what nothing.

After 6 years of waiting so many of us dedicated fans are finally getting what we've been so patiently waiting for. This ship has always been canon and will continue to be so.
whiteturtle said:
<<I don't see this show going "Soap Style" anymore then I see Miami going that way, but there are some who do, and that is their opinion and I respect it as I would hope they would respect mine.>>

Ah, but they aren't.Because Grissom and Sara exchanged a look, you have people screaming "this is the end!" on this board. It's extremist and these people have clearly never watched a soap opera.
They do because they CAN. We people on this board are entitled to our own opinions. Just as long as we keep respectful of all the other posters. Please let us post in peace. We can rant all we want and you can gush all you want.

Sorry for the OT just gotta let that out ;)
whiteturtle I am trying to give you the benefit, but now I am asking you out right to please calm down, again everyone is entitled to their opinion, as you are to disagree with them. Debating opinions is great, but if you are not careful it can slide into attacking the person/s themselves for having them. I am not saying you have attacked anyone but a gentle reminder to take it easy please.

Also please keep in mind, double posting is not allowed the "Edit button" works for 24 hrs after you post, for more info see the "Help Guide" tacked up here in the LV forum. Thank you.
This episode was TEH HOTNESS. Grissom's looks at her at the end? Awesome. Especially when he lost interest in the necklace thing Nick was showing and decided to gaze at something more pretty!!! ;)

And 6 years of UST--there is no denying that.
I have no problems with personal stories/relationships on this show - as long as they don't involve two of the main characters together.
Warrick/Tina, Gil/Heather, Sara/Hank, Nick/Kristy, Cath/(take your pick). They're harmless because you know that other person isn't going to be in every single show. It's when they start putting two of the main characters together that you lose focus on the purpose of the show. (How many different GS glances were there tonight? 8...10? Way too overdone between two main characters)
I have my favorite 'ships for this show. They're fun to talk about/hypothesize on the various forums. But I can't say that I would ever want to have them together on the show. It takes away too much from everything else.

Anyway...back to the show. Whatever happened to the episodes with "B" stories? It seems everything lately has been one "A" story. TOnight, everyone was working on a different aspect of the case. I like that concept, but I sure could use the variety of the "B" story every now & then.
I guess all CSI forums are always gonna have debates like this, no-Romo fans are gunna be pissed that characteres are getting together, non-GSR fans are not gonna be happy in the direction TPTB are heading etc. For example, if Sara and Warrick got together, heapsa fans would be completely losing it, like people are now with GSR. It wouldn't have mattered if TPTB would have chosen another ship to develop and take forward, there would still have been huge arguements, exactly the same. TPTB can't accomodate everyone.

It's most interesting and amusing to me to watch the arguements fans make against what happened in the actual episode when this sort of stuff happens in TV shows.

Anyway, back on topic, does anyone in Australia know how far behind we are? When will we be getting this epp? Probably September arrghhhhh :(
<<whiteturtle I am trying to give you the benefit, but now I am asking you out right to please calm down, again everyone is entitled to their opinion, as you are to disagree with them. Debating opinions is great, but if you are not careful it can slide into attacking the person/s themselves for having them. I am not saying you have attacked anyone but a gentle reminder to take it easy please.

You mistake me. I'm not gushing. I am not a GSR shipper. People are totally allowed to have their opinions, but just the same, I'm allowed to reply and explain why it's -not- soap-esqe and why this sort of personal drama has been explored with other characters. I haven't criticized anyone personally. I'm exercising my right to counter one opinion with my own.

Something that needs to be said is that I think there's a long-standing GSR vs everyone else pattern on this board. It isn't unusual to see GSR fans bashed, so I'm a little surprised that you're upset at me for calmly (I'm not upset at all) explaining why a) it doesn't resemble a soap opera and b) giving examples of other storylines that had personal drama. I'm not sure how that qualifies as a personal attack, especially compared to some of the other discussions that have taken place on these forums. I respect all of your opinions - I just disagree on a factual basis. Doesn't mean I dislike anyone here.

And my apologies for the triple-posting thing, I was responding to three posts really quickly and didn't realize it was uninterrupted posts until you brought it up. Won't happen again, I promise!
Lol...it's true, chemistry is in the eye of the beholder. ;)

Leaving Grissom/Sara aside for a moment: I thought the episode was great. Moderately light so it was easy to watch, solid casefile, everybody looking yummy, great sprinkles of character stuff. I was afraid after last week we might be getting dark again, but this one had me chuckling at regular intervals through the first 2/3, so I guess not yet - which is fine by me, because next week's promo? Major flailage.

Superdave was a riot. "Why do I always have to sniff the shorts?" :lol: *snort*

There better be some quality Warrick screen time coming up, because he pulled another mysterious dissapearance tonight. Grr.

Archie was too cute! Aww hon, if your butt needs help waking up, I'm sure there's lots of people who wouldn't mind volunteering. Heh. I liked how people kept calling him "Arch". And did he get a haircut?

Brass was love! So was Sofia.

Nick! I honestly wasn't expecting any screen time for him tonight, so that was a pleasant surprise. Catherine called him "Nicky" again; I know some people find the use of the nickname patronizing in non-angst situations, but I just love it when Cath does it. And ooh! Did anyone catch how taken aback he was when the girl addressed him by name, and quickly looked down to see it written on his vest? Was that "GD" continuity or have I been reading too much fanfic? Either way that little moment sent me into mini-flailage. But I'll take it to Nick Timeline another time, and now we shall return to the regularly scheduled programming.

Hopefully season 7 brings the show back around to the reason its called Crime Scene Investigation the victims, and the Lab/Science and Investigation.
Really? I think this season has been no less grounded in the victims and science than the previous ones. Sure there were tweaks in format and whatnot, but I believe it's some viewers who are losing sight of the show's focus, not the powers that be. (And I do hope I'm right! Sigh.)

First off, I don't care about ANY pairing one way or the other, but this notion that CSi is suddenly slipping into "soap opera territory" is RIDICULOUS.
God, yes. It's ridiculous! If you take all the little looks and add them together, I doubt it'll be more than two, three minutes, tops. I'm in the "wtf" camp regarding that last scene, but I seriously think people are making way too big a deal out of it. Don't get me wrong, I know what it's like to be flipping out over every last minute detail tptb are kind/cruel enough to throw us, but "soap opera"? "Shark jumping"? Based on tonight? Come on.

The much touted Caprice scene was a big nothing, to me.
Heh, aren't they always... I just can't be bothered with spoilers anymore.

However, the most telling comment of all might just be Grissom's, when he said "Don't confuse fantasy with reality."
I agree. I liked that line because to me, unattainability is the essence of Grissom/Sara. I'm not anti-GSR in the sense that I don't want it to ever completely go away; but I do want it to remain the angsty subtext it's always been because imho, that adds much, much more to the character dynamic. When I got into CSI I happened to be studying Sylvia Plath's poem "Daddy", which is about a woman who lost her dad before she got over the father-worshipping phase every little girl goes through, so she is doomed to a lifetime of unsuccessful relationships with men who on some levels resemble her father. It was exactly this vibe of poignant hopelessness that drew me to GSR. I'm not saying that Sara's feelings for Grissom are incestuous or that she should be pining after him forever, but I do believe that she will always have a subconscious soft spot for him that is essentially, well, a fantasy.

Man...I just can't see a healthy, functional relationship between G/S, and frankly if the writers ever pull one, I would consider it a major copout because it would go against all the wonderfully poignant psychological complexities I dig about GSR.

Which brings me to the last couple of googly eyes: those frustrated me to no end because I couldn't figure out what the hell tptb were going for. One minute they were tossing out the "fantasy vs. reality" line; the next G and S were acting all lovey-dovey with each other. It was like the writers wanted to go the angst route, but at the last minute tacked something on for the sole purpose of appeasing the GSR crowd. I know "consistency" isn't always in tptb's dictionary, but still... What the hell?

I have no problems with personal stories/relationships on this show - as long as they don't involve two of the main characters together.
Amen. I “ship” (using that term loosely) just about every pairing that isn't canon when it comes to the main cast. Apparently I have serious problems with commitment, lol. But really, the thought of Grissom/Sara and Cath/Warrick potentially happening simultaneously makes me want to wail. That’s what, four out of the original six? I hate hate HATE when shows pair everyone up neatly within their little group. And for that reason I wouldn’t like it any better if, say, we end up with Nick/Sara and Grissom/Catherine. Why can’t Warrick stay happily married, pretty pretty please? :(
whiteturtle, I am not upset with you for having your opinions, rather tonight you seemed a kind of a bit hyped or charged and that is why I asked you to calm down, not to stop you from expressing your opinion, but to allow people time, one or more people mis-take a word or a tone and good morning. This is more to make sure that didn't happen, debating is good and not everyone will agree, that would get boring if they did.

This is why we have a shipper forum for overall discussions and the only time shipper discussions are allowed here is when it pertains only to the episode, granted not everyone is a shipper, or they ship other couples or the couple in the ep. So either you have some happy, not happy, or not caring one way or the other.

Tally & I, have to make sure that people understand that one persons opinion/observation may not necessairly be an attack and to be looked at from several points of view. Heck we get to look at it in a three demension point of view, (the person posting, the posters reading, and as moderators) basically as mods and regular members.

Much appreciated about the posting, thank you, and trust me it will happen lol but thats for another day and another conversation. Hopefully this was a bit clearer, for further conversation on this if you want you can pm me anytime. :)

Moves it from Meanie Mod back to the regularly scheduled discussion on the episode. :lol:
<<Really? I think this season has been no less grounded in the victims and science than the previous ones. Sure there were tweaks in format and whatnot, but I believe it's some viewers who are losing sight of the show's focus, not the powers that be. (And I do hope I'm right! Sigh.)>>

I totally agree. I've actually liked Season 6 more than Season 5. Last week's episode was great IMHO, especially with Greg's little "film noir" segment at the wedding! Classic.

<<Amen. I “ship” (using that term loosely) just about every pairing that isn't canon when it comes to the main cast. Apparently I have serious problems with commitment, lol. But really, the thought of Grissom/Sara and Cath/Warrick potentially happening simultaneously makes me want to wail. That’s what, four out of the original six? I hate hate HATE when shows pair everyone up neatly within their little group. And for that reason I wouldn’t like it any better if, say, we end up with Nick/Sara and Grissom/Catherine. Why can’t Warrick stay happily married, pretty pretty please? >>

I'll agree with that. If everyone paired up, it would be too much. Subtext is much better, though I won't freak out if two of the main characters get involved. I have more faith in TPTB than to assume it'll turn into Melrose Place. Seriously, there's been GSR subtext for six seasons - I can't see them suddenly saying "Time to shoot the sex-on-the-desk-scene." At this rate, they'll kiss in season 18. So, I don't think anyone has anything to worry about, unless the head writers change!
lemon_grass!, I had to go all the way back to page two and search for my post where I said that, so I could remember what I meant. :lol: (its after 4 am) *uses Meanie nick to give you that look.* :p
lemon_grass said:
Destiny: Hopefully season 7 brings the show back around to the reason its called Crime Scene Investigation the victims, and the Lab/Science and Investigation.
Really? I think this season has been no less grounded in the victims and science than the previous ones. Sure there were tweaks in format and whatnot, but I believe it's some viewers who are losing sight of the show's focus, not the powers that be. (And I do hope I'm right! Sigh.)
What I meant was that in season seven if they are going to do ships in anyway, spread it out, not do it like they did in this episode, it was more about "The Look" lol then the case IMO. While I agree that shows do grow while some would like to have this or that season back, I appauld growth, but instead of doing a hit and run like they did tonight, spread it over the season slowly.

I don't ship, I am a fence sitter always have been so I can take it or leave it, and I choose to ignore it when it come to it, or I look at it in a different way, where as a GSR see's the "Romantic look", I might decide to interrept it to be grissom trying to figure what color sara's lipstick is lol.

As to the getting back to the "Victims, Lab/science" I agree with the statement that keeping them as a fantasy only is better, but alot better would be like Tina & warrick you rarely see them as a couple and when you do its seldom. Keep it to the essences of the show, while couples will happen, I rather see the drama of the crime solving part. :D
First of all, I liked the episode very much and not just because I'm a shipper. I won't go into details ... I totally love whenever WP is acting without words, using facial expressions and glances instead.
Anyway, someone said before that season six was not so much about the science but more about the characters and the show should go back to the "good old days" of the early seasons. I totally disagree with the first part of that statement because I think that science has played the major role in practically every episode of season 6 so far. True, there were also a few character-related storylines but IMHO those were always outdone by the science (the case). Honestly, I don't think that CSI will ever turn into a soap opera! Even if there was going to be some romance in upcoming episodes I'm absolutely sure that TPTB would never allow it to become corny or anything that would make it appear overly unrealistic. So I don't have any concerns at all regarding this whole thing :).

I have to admit, I was pretty GSR tunnel-visioned for this episode, but I regretfully have to say I thought a lot of their exchanged looks (or at least the way they were edited together) were pretty forced. Well, except for that last one ... shudder.

Pretty good episode overall. Took awhile to get going, though.