Are We Paying You By The Word? - The CSI Booklist

What to do when a case comes back to haunt you. Give them your real Sara Sidle now Sara Grissom.

How to avoid a secret office romance by Adam Ross and Stella Bonasera.
There Are Eight Million Stories in the Naked City, and I Intend to Solve Them All. by Det. Mac Taylor.
In a "How To" mood. :)

How To Avoid Making Cases ALL ABOUT YOU
by Mac Taylor
How To Ease Into A New Role by Raymond Langston, with foreword by Haylen Becall
How To Recover From A Loss by Don Flack, Jr.
How To Age Your Children From 2 Months To 6 Months In Just Two Weeks by Lindsay and Danny Messer
Murders at The Rancho Centre Motel by Deke Freeson, P.I.

The Srange Case of Jim Brass and Antoinette O'Brady as related to Catherine Willows by Jim Brass

Help! I've Problems Enough! by Riley Adams

Death at 10,000 feet by Riley Adams
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How not to go to The Blackrock Art Festival by Greg Sanders, epilogue by Catherine Willows.

Entomology used as a Murder Weapon by Gil Grissom , foreword by James Brass
How To Avoid Getting Caught In Crime Scenes That Explode or Catch Fire- by Ryan Wolfe

How Not To Tick Off Your Female Co-Workers by Jesse Cardoza
Actually he wasn't the only character. Horatio did too. Then there was Carmine G, but he wasn't the same char on Vegas so he doesn't count.

I'd say the Horatio and Ray situation are very different. Horatio was always established as the lead man both within the team and the show, but Ray however came on as a newbie CSI who somehow became the man in record time. There is a difference to being the original and to being the newbie.

Where To Find The Best Sunglasses by Horatio Caine, Foreword by Eric Delko

Buried Alive Is No Fun by Nick Stokes

Baby Has A Career In Ballistics by Lindsay Munroe-Messer, Foreword by Mac Taylor and Danny Messer with occasional comment by Lucy Messer.

Trigger Happy by Jesse Cardoza, Foreword by Walter Simmons
I know the following isn't strictly on topic but the subject matter is appropriately brief:

Tonight on Spike TV: A Very Special CSI Riley Adams Marathon
Happy Marriage: How to find the perfect guy by Catherine Willows, foreword by Stella Bonasera

I got him! BOO-yah! Oh no, it's my boyfriend! The true story by Calleigh Duquesne, foreword by Eric Delko