CSI: Match Game, Season 7: The ___________ stops here!

A. Hodges told Wendy that if he didn't start getting more R-E-S-P-E-C-T from the CSIs he was going to take the job offer that he recieved from _____.

Jesse Cardoza has settled right back into Miami life, including going to/doing ______.

Mac came up with a new way to stop bad guy. He decided to _____.
Sept 30:

A. Flashing
B. Man makeup
C. ADAM!!!

Oct. 3:

A. Modern Metro Man Magazine
B. The Horatio Shades Move™
C. Give him an Atomic Wedgie
A: CSI: North Pole
B: buy gallon containers of sun screen
C: toss them off the top of the Empire State Building
New phrases for Wed 7 Oct 2009:

Ray Langston said "It's bad enough that indigent had his small intestine tied up in a bow. What was worse was that his aorta was tied up like a ___________!"

Jessie Cardoza said "Erik drove at Calleigh. Calleigh shot at Erik. That's not love, that's (a) _____________!"

Mac Taylor said "There are over a million stories in the Naked City. Unfortunately last night, I saw ______________ naked! YUCK!!!!"
Sara Sidle said "Being back in Vegas as CSI is great because I missed my coworkers. However, I did not miss (the) __________(s)!!!"

Walter said "Being the newest of the new guys on the CSI team meant I had to get the DB out of the toilet to look for evidence. However, what's worse was I found (a) __________ (s) in there!!!"

Haylen Becall said "Just because I am new and blonde, does NOT mean that I'm going to hook up with ___________!!!"
A. Ecklie (the definative answer)
B. Poo (a/k/a a Stetler) still in it
C. Adam

New phrases for Wednesday 21 October 2009

Catherine said "On the one hand, Langston is very professional and can handle just about any situation we've had to deal with well. On the other hand. We're all getting tired of the day shift asking if he's ___________!

Ryan Wolfe said "Between the airplane toilet and the E Coli situation with that farm, Walter's new nickname is going to be _________-boy!"

Danny Messer says "Just because I'm stuck in a wheelchair for now, doesn't mean I'm gonna put up with the rest of the team calling me ___________! If they do, I'm gonna ROLL ON THEIR ASS!!!