CSI: Match Game, Season 7: The ___________ stops here!

Ok here goes...

A: Morpheus
B: Honey-Bucket
C: Locomotive Breath

I don't really know what I just did, but there you go :)
A-Down the Rabbit Hole
C-Logan Cale

New phrases for Friday 6 Nov 2009:

Nick said "Dumb Donald is SOOOOOO DUMB!" (Audience: HOW DUMB IS HE?!?!??!) "He's so dumb, that instead of using bleach to try to obscure his DNA left at a crime scene, he used ________!"

Calleigh Duquesne said "Weird Willie is SOOOOOO WEIRD" (Audience: HOW WEIRD IS HE?!??!!) "He's so weird that he actually got KICKED OUT of a Miami Fetish club because the women there would use a feather, but not (a) _________ (s)!"

Don Flack said "Now that I'm dating Nora the Nurse, things are getting REALLY ODD." (Audience "HOW ODD ARE THEY!!!???") "Last night she gave me a ___________!"
I'm really not sure whats going on with this game, I'm just confused... :)
You're doing it right - you just pick something to fill in the blank. The only rule is that we stick to PG-13 sentences and responses because those are the rules for the board. :)
Crossover themed phrases! :D

"It was nice...to work with Dr Ray," Horatio said, staring off into the Miami sunset. "The only problem...was that he _____ better than me."
Adam didn't know which was more awesome: Mac running across car hoods, Langston grabbing a motorcycle and zooming after the suspect, or _____.
"Seeing that memorial in New York brought up memories of my father," Langston said. "Mac Taylor may want to be more like his father, but I'd rather be more like _____."
A: does lab work
B: making whooopie with Stella
C: Morpheus (Fishburnes character in The Matrix)
Oh ok cool thanks Faylinn, BTW love your icon, Walter and Ryan rock!!

ok here we go:

A. Danced
B. did the running man...
C. Mike (Jordan)

yup thats it :)
"I...have a lot to be thankful for," Horatio said, standing sideways and looking out over the Miami vista. "But mostly...I'm thankful for _______."
Mac felt bad about leaving Sid out when the team went out for dinner. "I wanted to invite you," he told the ME, "but they said you were _______."
Hodges sent out an e-mail to everyone in the lab in honor of Thanksgiving. It said _______.