Deb, Deb, my sweet Sweet Deb. I didn't mean it to be sounded upset about Season 6. For sure it'll still be hot even Stella takes 'em down on her own, but not as hot as with Aiden or Angell by her side (Sorry, Lindsey fans). I dunno, it's this thing with Stella and the gals. Uhmm..oh well...but I'm sure it'll be a great Season 6 for her.
In the meantime I'm going nuts about BBC Entertainment's new show at the moment - Ashes to Ashes. I swear the female lead reminds me of Stella/Melina - down to the curly hair ^_^V! well, except for the British accent of course. better check it out
Athens!!!!!!! you finally are here!!!!!!! I have missed you a lot my dear! and yeap, you and me both like this title because we (and especially Mari, Mary and you) know it's true and definitely there are lot of things we should know about our Stella!!!!!!
So,I was rewatching some season 2 episodes and I happened to watch Youngblood which had some Frankie/Stella moments although he never appeared on the screen.[for the better]..I really want this season to be good for Stella's character and some episodes or even moments centered around her..This happens almost[if not]every time we come nearer to a new season and it is mentioned EVERY single time:shifty::lol:..
Other 2 times trying to post but this silly thing closes every 5 minutes and i have lost a long message already:wtf:
Heya Stellarinas!!!!!!!!!!
Mary mou, i am glad you are ok but i am till a little bit worried about the fire so close to Athens Hopefully it will be at least controlled before it gets closer to it
Dear Athens,
So,I was rewatching some season 2 episodes and I happened to watch Youngblood which had some Frankie/Stella moments although he never appeared on the screen.[for the better ]..I really want this season to be good for Stella's character and some episodes or even moments centered around her..This happens almost[if not]every time we come nearer to a new season and it is mentioned EVERY single time ..
I hope good moments for my Stella too or at leats a great episode for her. Mr Lenkov said they have plans for my Stella so i expect great moments or i will play mental golf with TPTB's head
Dear Kay
Deb, Deb, my sweet Sweet Deb. I didn't mean it to be sounded upset about Season 6. For sure it'll still be hot even Stella takes 'em down on her own, but not as hot as with Aiden or Angell by her side (Sorry, Lindsey fans). I dunno, it's this thing with Stella and the gals. Uhmm..oh well...but I'm sure it'll be a great Season 6 for her.
Aiden and Angell had a great chemistry with my Stell so i hope she will have that same chemistry with this new girl even if it cannot be a Superpower girl scence because i understand the new chick it's not a CSI. And i am sorry too, i never felt chem with Lindsay even tough they shared some good moments
My beloved, UNIQUE, special and unsmackie NUT ,
Debbie, my beloved PC-plagued lamb, when will you ever punish your bad boy PC, he is so naughty, that goddamn thing?
If i blamed him, he would wear my PC as a hat So now my father has called another guy and he will be at home next Wednesday or Thrusday so i won't be much these days because i am afraid it will have to be formatted If these blue screens continue it could damage the PC
Yes, Melina is used to high heels, she walks so elegantly with them, and yes, she learnt all sorts of dances, including those that require high heels, so chasing delinquents with these shoes must be easy work for her . You mean you had to once perform an Egyptian dance in high heels and that caused you sort of a problem ? Ask Melina for advice, she´ll tell you how to do it right .
I needed some advice then. I wish i had Melina back then But it took me 3 pair of shoes just for ONE dance, could you believe that?
Yes, even if this may sound fanatic in the ears of others, I agree, either it´s CSI:NY with Stella, or it´s no more CSI:NY at all. But since I´ve buried Cassandra pretty deep, I´m rather optimistic that we´ll see Stella until the end of the show . Both sides will surely always find agreements for new contracts; maybe they don´t make long time contracts any more, but only from one season to the next, that´s why Melina´s contract ends after S6. If the terms don´t change, she´ll surely get and sign a new one. With terms I mean, that among other things, Stella will stay the second lead behind Mac and never get pushed into the second row by another character, I don´t think Melina would accept this, she´s too good to take second best.
Probably it sounds fanatic but....HELLO! I am a FAN!
EDITION CONTINUES::: (i am saving part of the message now to avoid problems later
Following: As i was saying I can't think in terms of anything else than a fan because I AM a fan: Probably if i were the president of some network it would be very easy for me to say "Oh yes, one leaving, get a replacement asap" because i would be speaking in terms of a business lady using a business vocabulary. But i am a simple fan who lives very far away and who loves deeply this character called Stella Bonasera. Because i will follow Melina whatever the movie or show she is doing but there is just ONE ONLY chance to watch my Stella. Melina was the reason i started watching CSI NY: I remember i was switching channels and i saw her and i said "wow, she is there. I need to watch this". I had tried to watch CSI LV and CSI Miami before but it never worked for me. However i saw Melina and i kept watching the show and now i am a very proud CSI fan. But my connection to this show is Stella Bonasera. I can't imagine the show without her. Sure, it can continues, the world wouldn't fall but it wouldn't be the same. I can't imagine Stella's boys without her because she has this tremedous chemsitry with all of them. And i wouldn't like to see how they act completely OOC not showing signals they are as if she had never existed just because someone in the network thinks so. Also i can't imagine Mac Taylor without Stella Bonasera. His existence would be futile. I am saying this not only because i am a shipper but because i am trying to rationalize what Stella mean to all of us. Mac Taylor was saved by Stella Bonasera and he was the family she was hoping for all these last years when he was trying to cope with Claire's loss. SHE and only SHE understands the struggle Mac suffered all these years. And yeap,sure, you can write whatever you want. I am pretty sure producers would get him soon another airheaded girfriend wannabe all needy as he had in the past. But NONE of them would be like Stella Bonasera, because the story they share is too much complex and delightful and special to be replaced. NOBODY could live the experience Stella had with Mac in terms of support and love and Mac would be dead one more time. I don't want to watch that!
Well, the Greek mythology needs a refreshment: Donnophius Flackaklius will take the throne and Stella
Maybe in NUTLAND, NUT!:lol: But not here! Stella will remain untouched by her heart brother Flackaklius but she will be very touched by the powerful Macnus Taylorous:lol::lol::lol:
Well, but the calculation is: too much D/L doesn´t leave enough time for your holy smackness , but Stella as occasional nanny of Lucy is a brilliant idea . And I imagine she is already the godmother, even if D/L only asked Mac in this episode if he wanted to be the godfather of Lucy. Stella was beaming like a beetle when they asked him, as if to say: "I´m the godmother and my very dear friend is now the godfather, that´s great"
It would be very nice if any of the characters say "Oh Stella, you, as the god mother..." It would take 10 secs and it would clarify Stella's place in Lucy's life because even if that scene was taken out in the final edition of some episode of Season 5, for us Lucy only has a godfather, not godmother! And Stella seemed to be ready to say" Imagine when we have our Taylor Baby, Mac!:lol::lol::drool:
Take care, my dearest Lamb, have a great week, too, and all of you, too, and I´ll keep fingers crossed especially to Mary and all other Greek peeps that the fires will be stopped and all will be well
And Mary, I´m really glad that the fires are under control and that you´re safe.
And thanks for another Greek lesson, because like Pleni I couldn´t see the "S" in the coffee ground :lol:.
And never mind Debbie and I are rewriting the Greek mythology .
Dearest mad Lamb,
If i blamed him, he would wear my PC as a hat So now my father has called another guy and he will be at home next Wednesday or Thrusday so i won't be much these days because i am afraid it will have to be formatted If these blue screens continue it could damage the PC
Oh, well, dance lessons with Melina, can you imagine anything better ? So you ruined 3 pairs of shoes with one dance or you had to try three different pairs until you found what you needed? :lol:
Following: As i was saying I can't think in terms of anything else than a fan because I AM a fan: Probably if i were the president of some network it would be very easy for me to say "Oh yes, one leaving, get a replacement asap" because i would be speaking in terms of a business lady using a business vocabulary. But i am a simple fan who lives very far away and who loves deeply this character called Stella Bonasera. Because i will follow Melina whatever the movie or show she is doing but there is just ONE ONLY chance to watch my Stella. Melina was the reason i started watching CSI NY: I remember i was switching channels and i saw her and i said "wow, she is there. I need to watch this". I had tried to watch CSI LV and CSI Miami before but it never worked for me. However i saw Melina and i kept watching the show and now i am a very proud CSI fan. But my connection to this show is Stella Bonasera. I can't imagine the show without her. Sure, it can continues, the world wouldn't fall but it wouldn't be the same. I can't imagine Stella's boys without her because she has this tremedous chemsitry with all of them. And i wouldn't like to see how they act completely OOC not showing signals they are as if she had never existed just because someone in the network thinks so. Also i can't imagine Mac Taylor without Stella Bonasera. His existence would be futile. I am saying this not only because i am a shipper but because i am trying to rationalize what Stella mean to all of us. Mac Taylor was saved by Stella Bonasera and he was the family she was hoping for all these last years when he was trying to cope with Claire's loss. SHE and only SHE understands the struggle Mac suffered all these years. And yeap,sure, you can write whatever you want. I am pretty sure producers would get him soon another airheaded girfriend wannabe all needy as he had in the past. But NONE of them would be like Stella Bonasera, because the story they share is too much complex and delightful and special to be replaced. NOBODY could live the experience Stella had with Mac in terms of support and love and Mac would be dead one more time. I don't want to watch that!
Well, apart from the little Smacked-things , all there is for me to do is to fully agree . As you said, for the CBS-bosses or the producers, Stella might be just another character that could be easily replaced if they wanted to, and Gary´s reply to a fan´s question about Smacked, "It´s only business" might mean this, too: above all it´s a show, it´s about business, and in the end it´s the ratings that count. But I´m positive that even the big bosses realize how important Stella is for the show, or why would they already repeat "GfD"? They definitely know that it´s a fans´ favourite of S5, and it´s Melina´s episode, so obviously it´s their way to tell her: Well done, Melina.
I never liked CSI:Miami with its self-centred Horatio and LV became boring after a few seasons. I love NY most because of this homogenic team; I hope they will keep this team as long as possible and especially Stella.
Maybe in NUTLAND, NUT!:lol: But not here! Stella will remain untouched by her heart brother Flackaklius but she will be very touched by the powerful Macnus Taylorous:lol::lol::lol:
Nein, nein, you don´t understand this new mythology: Taylorous is Stella´s companion, her guide, her great friend, but Flackaklius is the one stealing an arrow from Cupido and shooting it into Stella´s heart :lol:
It would be very nice if any of the characters say "Oh Stella, you, as the god mother..." It would take 10 secs and it would clarify Stella's place in Lucy's life because even if that scene was taken out in the final edition of some episode of Season 5, for us Lucy only has a godfather, not godmother! And Stella seemed to be ready to say" Imagine when we have our Taylor Baby, Mac!:lol::lol::drool:
Yes, maybe they will do this, or we will even see a baptise scene, where Stella and Mac appear officially as godmother and -father :lol:. I agree, it was done a bit silly, why only ask Mac in the show and not Stella, too, when it´s obvious that both are now very important to D/L. I mean they both were their marriage witnesses and it was Stella in whom Lindsay, though indirectly, confided her pregnancy. Oh, no no no, Stella and Mac won´t make Taylor babies .
*Glares at miss Bonasera (which should be "Buonasera", btw :scream* I don't remember her talking about any sigma, that... cheater!
I'd heard about the coffee ground thing before, it's not unheard of here, so I went "A Greek thing? WTF?!" Anyway, that Rorschach's Test to me. Smart girl, she said she saw what she saw and Mac couldn't deny it for fear of being accused of not understanding that nifty ancient devination technique :devil:
And Mary, I´m really glad that the fires are under control and that you´re safe.
And thanks for another Greek lesson, because like Pleni I couldn´t see the "S" in the coffee ground :lol:.
Thanks dear, all fires are extinguished now thanks God!!
I hope I dont bore you guys with the Greek lessons
*Glares at miss Bonasera (which should be "Buonasera", btw :scream* I don't remember her talking about any sigma, that... cheater!
I'd heard about the coffee ground thing before, it's not unheard of here, so I went "A Greek thing? WTF?!" Anyway, that Rorschach's Test to me. Smart girl, she said she saw what she saw and Mac couldn't deny it for fear of being accused of not understanding that nifty ancient devination technique :devil:
All these years I thought I was the only one that was screaming her last nameis spelled wrong!! By the way do you ppl know how it came to be Bonasera?? I mean do we know anything about the father being Italian or whatever???
Also coffee ground reading is a type of fortune telling that we use from centuries now you can only do it if you make Greek coffee, which is unfiltered coffee, but is also used in other countries.
Ohh and by the way, it's been a while since I last saw GFD and I remember Stella explaining to Mac and she was saying: do you she this? this is an "S" so I assume she was also explainign the Greek alphabet (like meh )
Great to hear that . And of course you don´t bore us with the Greek lessons, it´s very interesting to find out more about a language of which I never really had a clue yet .
And "Bonasera" is just a name, it´s got nothing to do with "Buona Sera" and therefore isn´t spelt wrong. I once read where TPTB got the idea from for the name of Stella´s character, but I can´t remember. Obviously the name sounds Italian, and I hope that one day we´ll find out more about Stella´s Dad.
The only unfiltered coffee I drank so far was Turkish and it was very strong, not really my taste. Is the Greek coffee strong, too?
Fiery, you weren't! I just kept rolling my eyes since 1.01. It is a petty detail, but it made me hate Stella as a character even more. I was all "I happen to know Italian and that's misspelt!" The thing about Stella's father remains a mystery and I'm happy about it, because I'd have hated to hear professor Papakota go "Stella, I am your father" while agonizing. Darth Vader is cool, I know, but let him rest in peace. My theories about Bonasera are:
a) Her mom's maiden name. It makes no sense since she was Greek, I know, but... (insert long, boring, pointless story about an Italian ancestor traveling to Greece).
b) A last name given by Social Services to her. No sense either. After the background changes in 5.24, which contradicted most of her previous background, we learn her mom died when she was two and they both were in NY. Thus, little Stella already had a surname and legal papers to prove her identity. Also, there's no point in changing a Greek surname with a pseudo-Italian one.
c)Professor P told the authorities Bonasera was her last name. Why would he do that? Maybe he was the father and didn't want the authorities to know? Perhaps, but go back to option b). In order to travel to the States, little Stella needed a passport (and a visa? Dunno about Greece, but not long ago Spaniards needed one. Now we don't).
d) Uh-oh. Plothole! Just like the fact that a Greek toddler wasn't taken back to Greece by the Greek government when she lost her mother in a foreign country. I mean, even if she had no family, the Greek Government is responsible for its citizens, no matter their age. How come they completely abandoned a little girl? And how come the little girl was granted the American nationality with no mention to her origins? And no, there is no mention. Stella is an orphan and a cop, she had the means to learn all about her past. If she didn't learn she was born in Greece, it's because it was never stated anywhere.
NO AT ALL! PLEASE DON'T STOp it!!!!!!! I am talking to Plen, about this. I love forum where the diversity is appreciated by fans. But you still need to get those fans I learnt the Greek Alphabet from my Maths Book. It was the only time where i really enjoyed Maths!:lol:.
Beloved NUT,
And "Bonasera" is just a name, it´s got nothing to do with "Buona Sera" and therefore isn´t spelt wrong. I once read where TPTB got the idea from for the name of Stella´s character, but I can´t remember. Obviously the name sounds Italian, and I hope that one day we´ll find out more about Stella´s Dad.
I needed to know that one, Bonasera is from The Godfather! At least that's what i have posted and i have read in the past Stella is from Tennessee William's play. A Streetcar named Desire
^ If it is from The Godfather, I'm surprised absolutely no character in five friggin' seasons has teased her about it. I didn't get it because I haven't seen the movies, but they're not obscure unknown films. Fail.
If it is from The Godfather, I'm surprised absolutely no character in five friggin' seasons has teased her about it. I didn't get it because I haven't seen the movies, but they're not obscure unknown films. Fail.
LOL yeap, it's curious but i guess it's curious a character making a joke about another character. The only exception was (I think but i am not sure) when the nice lady portrayed by Julia Ormond. Girls have been calling her She Nit for so long now i forgot her identity ) made a joke to Mac about it in 5.15 and they mentioned "Show me the money" line(again i forgot the movie! )
If my memory doesn't fail Bonasera appeared at the beginning (after the "childhood years") Probably it's too popular but if you see it you will feel it's really worth (at least The Godfather. And De Niro is The Godfather II . At least that teaser with his childhood is really shocking in more than one way!
Fate again? I have read Gary played in A Streetcar named Desire and i am not sure but i supposse he was Stanley (i need to check again). Another coincidence...especially with Stella!!!!!!!!
I have to buy another book because in my English class i am reading King Richard III but i need another thing to relax so i guess i can get A Streetcar named Desire3 just to please me
BTW I need to find out if my Greek History is accurate (Mary help me) but didn't Italians try to invade Hella during II War world?? And they did succeed for a short time?
Probably Stella's grandfather was one of them. And after the war was over he stayed in Hella and his last name was changed. Because it's very usual inmigration officers change your name if you go to live to another country. My own granma's last name was changed too And then his son knew Stella's mom and for some reason he couldn't stay in Hella and Stella's mom was already pregnant and her family rejected her or they looked for him to kick him but he was untraceable
So Stella was born and her dad is still in the mist?
Well, she should get teased. If you're called Alonso Quijano, people will immediately say "Hey, that's Don Quixote's name!". The Godfather is famous enough to ring a bell. They could claim in the CSI:NY universe those movies don't exist, but they do. Sheldon and Flack were joking about the expression "a Houdini" and they were mentioned.
I don't doubt they'll come up with some implausible, far-fetched story when the moment comes. I was thinking about the "no father" theory because his name must appear somewhere if he recognized baby Stella as his own. I don't know much about laws, but I've seen quite a few birth certificates and the father's name is stated. And, if there's no known father, it's obviously stated too!
I honestly don't know how the surname changes are done in Greece, but I don't think they're easy to do. Here they're extremely restricted and they're almost impossible to do. Guide to foreigners: we've got two surnames! The order is usually: father surname + mother surname, although it can be the opposite way round or the mother can choose to give the baby only her surnames and not the father's even if they're married, he recognizes the baby and so on. You can change the order if you must, but just the order and only for reasons like "heck, it sounds insulting!" and that's that. If you're named García López, you can't change that for Luca de Tena Ramírez de Arellano just because you want to.
So, all in all, I think it's a fiasco. It needn't be done. Actually, it could have been fixed by explaining Stella's mother was living in the States by the time she was born and thus... yadayadayada... orphanage... yadayadayada... foster care...
I don't doubt they'll come up with some implausible, far-fetched story when the moment comes. I was thinking about the "no father" theory because his name must appear somewhere if he recognized baby Stella as his own. I don't know much about laws, but I've seen quite a few birth certificates and the father's name is stated. And, if there's no known father, it's obviously stated too!
Look, yesterday in the newspaper ( if you want to check it ) there was an article about how women have taken control of maffia groups because their men are dead or in jail. The article mentioned women in Camorra
And as far i understand
Camorra---> Naples gang
Cosa Nostra---> Sicilia
(actually abook was published recently about the maffia wolrd in Italy and there is a "vendetta" declared towards the writer)
What if Stella's dad was some capomaffia's son. He was sent to Hella to be protected from a vendetta. He met Stella's mom and they fell in love. Stella's dad was sent back to Italy or to another place. Stella's mom was already pregnant but ON PURPOSE she changed a little bit her baby's last name to protect her. Her family rejected her so Stella's mom was on her own and she worked as an artist trying to provide for Baby Stella. Then she went to NYC but the old vendetta to Stella's dad reached them and Stella's mom was killed in a car "accident" (which it was NOT)
But the baby remained protected because she was only "Bonasera" not Buona Sera or similar
If Stella's dad is a capomaffia or she is a capomaffia's grandaughter it could be very interesting to see her reaction because it mean they are in different sides of Law. And her desire of finding her family could also mean she has to quit to it
Besides if her name was changed then it doesn't mean her dad isn't in NYC