Heya Family!!!
This is the second part of my message which i couldn't complete because of this silly machine (yes, it stil bugging me:shifty
Hey! I've posted in this thread ages ago already, thought I could do it again. SMacked are my second favourite couple on the show. I think they're looking really cute together and I love the way they interact with each other. I love the pictures that have been posted in this thread. I'm not sure this one here was posted before. I looked through the last few pages. If it was posted, I'm sorry. But I think it's a great promo pic of them.
Brinchen! It's a pleasure to have you here darling! Thanks for coming back again

(Now i have hope Meg will be back some day

) and yes, they really look great together whether they talk or they argue or they walk in silence
Dear Heather--->I can tell you Miss Heather, you are going to give me more work that my NUT:lol: (btw don't scare my NUT! she is special
I'm still standing by my reasoning that they are 'cannon' without being cannon. That whole episode was enough for me and for Mac and Stella that they mean so much more to each other than friends. I just hope they keep it that way throughout the season, drop little hints here and there, like a hand touch, his hand slowly sliding down her back (I love it when he does that ; ) )
The episode was for me PERFECt for so many reasons i can't count now:drool: The fact Mac went to Helenika after her means he really loves her even tough he cound't say the words out loud. And i think we don't need to hear those words from Stella. It has been SO OBVIOUS since 5.16!
Two days ago, when me and my friend were walking around in a shopping center here, I somehow managed to end up talking about Mac and Stella with some random lady she was a bit not into the idea about Mac and Stella together, but as we talked I think I manage to convert her, because she agreed with me with all I said
Oh oh oh So good work darling!

I have converted my friend Annie and her husband. They are series addict (especially Annie's husband) so it was postiive to have them both captives:lol:
and I had a new dream yesterday.. Mac and Stella of course

and it was a rain dream, they were out in the rain and they went home to Mac's appartment and fired up the fireplace and sat down, and things happend
ok it's official, Asprine and you are driven me crazy. She always talks to me about the Rain in Malaysia and i have changed my the title to my fic just to fit the idea (I am going to add significative rain scene for Mac and Stella
My most beloved and special NUT,
Well, as I said, TPTB are a hit-and-miss affair, sometimes brilliant, sometimes . And I don´t want to play lottery if they would draw the hit or the miss ticket in case of a M/S-love story.
Instead I´d be generous and let them come together, say, 5 episodes before the end of the show .
Nein, nein, Nein you can't do that because you are just a stubborn NUT not a producer NUT:lol: Besides Smacked is like the most expensive wine, you can't just drink it in a sip (well you can't but you musn't

) but to taste it slowlyyyyy. And taste it could last years
Oh, please don´t try to crack my heart, I still need it , it´s enough that you´re trying to crack my shell . Well, you know, exactly this could be a hindrance for a relationship: all these many things they know about each other, all the things they´ve shared- there´s a Chinese saying: you can´t turn a friendship into a relationship and a relationship not into a friendship. And I think there´s some truth behind it, they love each other in a special way that they could never reach with a relationship. I think they´re too close together, they can´t fall in love with each other, as paradox as it may sound.
Have a nice week, too, and you´re in my uncracked and unsmacked heart, too, my beloved Lamb
Nein, beloved NUT what if they confused their relationship since the beginning? well, we know he was still married but what if they later (after Claire's loss) still were thinking they were just friends and their feelings still grew with them???? After all they didn't have other close relationships. Mac was Drew's brother friend and Stella had Mindy but as far we know they stopped seeing them when both of them were too young

So they are their own best friends. They could confuse feelings
Have a nice week you too. I love you with or without your shell
Dear Axel--->
Oh wow, thank you for that mental image
Gio I can just picture them, hiding in the lab with giant Super Soakers. Mac peeks out from behind his desk and is hit with a stream of water. Of course, they are also being careful not to damage expensive lab equipment :lol: I just got a fan fction idea
I don't think it's necessary to damage any lab equipment with the idea you already have in mind:lol:
I'll have to check this out...Oh yeah, they both have red eyes
LOL I needed to edit my 2 last posts but another blue screen appeared

so i stopped posting last night (3 am!) and those piccies were part of it
I too love Mac's hand on Stella's back

and I know what you mean about them being canon without being canon. However, I would prefer if they just became canon already But this way is good too.
as usual Kikii, Asprine an you read my heart:thumbsup: This is exactly what i want. Meanwhile i ernjoy the non-cannoness i still want the confirmation
a bunch of friends came by and we were drinking tequila, talking about guys and listening to music and then... BANG! csi ny's started playing on tv! (some episode with mac and stella arguing). now, anyone wants to guess what my friends screamed all at once? "MAN THIS COUPLE IS HOOOOT! WHAT'S GOING ON BETWEEN THOSE TWO?"

ok, that old damn excuse such as "their are just co-workers" or "it's a brother-sister relationship" makes no sense at all to me!
take care and have a nice weekend, guys! ;*
Then our TPTB should drink tequila qaand have some fun too just to give them inspiration and they could give us Smacked :guffaw::guffaw: It's a magnifique recipe!!!!:drool: sorry but the "just co workers" doesn't work with me either and the brotehr and sister relationsip meanwhile it's true they have been that it's also true they have been much more than that. It's just another layer on the great relationship they have. Now we only need to knwo another layer which is love:thumbsup:
Dear Udonna--->
My speech, good looking ( and she is good looking -no question) is not everything. And she seemed to be clever too but IMO she had no EQ - and Stella is clever and has a high EQ and is good looking!!!!!
I think that was it what Mac was missing ( besides being pushed by her all the time) and that is it what makes Stella so perfect for him and that´s why they understand each other without words!!!
:guffaw: sorry but i guess i can't resist when there is such speech about my friend V:guffaw: Darling! I am glad you had spent great holidays

Mac within him knew Virus wasn't the right lady for her but he was afraid of confronting his own feelings as much Stella is. He was afraid their relationship could vanish so it tells you a lot about how much it means to him teh facts BOTh of them (Mac and Stella ) are afraid of confessing their feelings:drool:
I was in italy on holidays and we made a walk on the beach at night when all the people were gone. It was still warm, the wind was whispering and the sea made rhythmic music ................. OK, it was not greece but it was the perfect place for a smacked scene under the moon.....
Can´t wait until s6 and hoping that that rumour comes true.......
I don't rememebr if you were here months ago when i created certain poll and the way you describe it it's like the Family would like ANY Smacked scene:drool::drool::drool::drool: Completely PERFECT if you ask me:drool: