CSI Level Three
Miyu, my dear 
My point is when is she too vulnerable (like she was in Greece) he is stiorng for her.
When he is outta control and unfocused she helps him to gain control
Melina is right: they are like yin and yang!:drool:
Green is The Smacked Colour. Her color anyway!
But i guess i can make a back up and listen it in my DVD
She ran as insane to check if her man was ok:drool:
This moment was bittersweet for Stella. It was when he said "No" to her request of taking out his wedding ring
Stell and one of her fav boys: Sheldon
Not me. I pass, thank you:lol: But i do agree the only man our Stella needs is HER Mac. Nobody else. And He needs her equally. I remember 5.25 (there was a lack of my Stella:vulcan: in that one) and how when at the beginning they were in the crime scene and Mac was so affected but Stella tried to be strong for him and how she assured him Angell was going to be ok ( probably she wanted to believe it too or just trying he stayed focused on the case).Who said that all the boys were for Stella...? She needs only Mac. We the viewers deserve some love too. *Miyu wanders off into Gutterville and kidnaps/ties up Lindsay* Who wants a go at Danny? (Lol)
My point is when is she too vulnerable (like she was in Greece) he is stiorng for her.
When he is outta control and unfocused she helps him to gain control
Melina is right: they are like yin and yang!:drool:
GreenWhy yes she will. I love her blouses. Simple, but totally brings out her cleavage and perfect for work. Stella should wear more blue on the show; she looks amazing in blue! And red and black.
this silly thing is not working and i won't take it the technitian until September. I can live without sound during another month. But i need the PC. However it will mean i will have to live another month without sound:wtf: (I can't do anything because my PC is already dead since last year and this one is my Dad's and i want new hardware to connect this PC to the TV and more Ram becomes it freezes all the time. The main problem i don't have drivers for the sound card (I didn't pay attention and i uninstalled them:screamYour soundcard isn't working again? *Glares at it* I hope you can get it fixed soon. How on earth will you be able to listen to Melina singing...or her in an interview talking about S6 SMACked again?
I crack myself up.:vulcan:
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i want her singing in Greek!!!!!:drool: and looking at each other's eyes like at the end of 4.04:drool::drool:Stella singing to Mac would be a sight to behold and cherish in my mind forever.
She ran as insane to check if her man was ok:drool:

This moment was bittersweet for Stella. It was when he said "No" to her request of taking out his wedding ring

Stell and one of her fav boys: Sheldon