^ ...uh, nicely copious vomiticons there Ghawazee :lol: lovely, just lovely :lol: :lol:
Thanks for that. Kaye sounds interesting on the one hand because of the whole book-learned vs. RL experience angle, and the fact that it's a variant on letting us get to look at forensics and law enforcement from the outside in again with that kind of curve in mind. Less interesting in her insinuation into the overall grand scheme of things due being incredibly witty, charming and brilliant, and harboring a secret. I'll hafta see how I feel about the character before I can say I'd care about a secret, and I guess that will depend on how she's introduced and written; in a way I can kinda see Carter fitting that character, but I'm wary, and I guess in a way mighta had hopes for a different kind of presence joining the show.
I really do hope that Flack gets some great focus this season, and that his aftermath doesn't take a complete back seat to Danny's injuries, and to DL. I also hope that other characters still get some great moments, that guest stars are good and not just trawling for ratings and demographics. I am glad that Hawkes will be getting some overdue attention this season.

TV Guide have a very brief interview with Pam Veasey about the new character. She also talks about the decision to kill off Angell. http://www.tvguidemagazine.com/news/sarah-carter-joins-csi-ny-1762.html
Thanks for that. Kaye sounds interesting on the one hand because of the whole book-learned vs. RL experience angle, and the fact that it's a variant on letting us get to look at forensics and law enforcement from the outside in again with that kind of curve in mind. Less interesting in her insinuation into the overall grand scheme of things due being incredibly witty, charming and brilliant, and harboring a secret. I'll hafta see how I feel about the character before I can say I'd care about a secret, and I guess that will depend on how she's introduced and written; in a way I can kinda see Carter fitting that character, but I'm wary, and I guess in a way mighta had hopes for a different kind of presence joining the show.
I really do hope that Flack gets some great focus this season, and that his aftermath doesn't take a complete back seat to Danny's injuries, and to DL. I also hope that other characters still get some great moments, that guest stars are good and not just trawling for ratings and demographics. I am glad that Hawkes will be getting some overdue attention this season.
I agree. And the 'person of interest' is kinda curious.Thanks for posting the TVGuide interview, JellyBelly.I'm not sure what to make of the new girl. I guess my reaction may depend on how she is introduced, and why she is a 'person of interest'. Because I kinda read it as she's so witty, awesome and fantastic that Mac just has to give her a job, which already annoys me.
:lol: Of course, that surely isn't how most forensic science graduates will get their first job. At least, I hope it isn't and I hope I'm wrong about her being introduced in that way.
Anyway, Angell's death should have an effect on Flack. As they wanted to kill someone in the finale, I certainly can see why Angell was the ideal choice. I hope this means they will explore Flack's feelings and that we'll see some reaction to her death.![]()
Thanks for that too. Nuthin new really. Mind you, I'd guess she gets asked that question alot :lol:Melina talks to TV Guide about whether or not Mac and Stella will hook up.
Not really spoilers, just Melina talking to Matt Mitovich. The spoilers really lack at TV Guide now. :/
(First video at the top).
I tend to agree here too. (But can I also say that the handshake at the end of Officer Blue felt kind of odd and unnecessary:lolOriginally Posted By Duke:
I love Mac & Stella, but like I've said before, I wouldn't want them to become romantically involved. For me, it would completely change the dynamics of their relationship, and they have one of the best on the show. They're close without being close, if that makes sense??