damn, that was a great episode. i was texting non-stop then i dropped my phone for the last half of the episode. wow.
- elgers. i hate you. love the actor though. i mean, it does take a lot to be this racist guy, and it seems like all this anger is real. he did an awesome job.
- ed asner did a great job too. i felt sympathy for him when he was this survivor who lost his wife blah blah. then they showed klaus' pic in the military, and it did register in my mind that he and abraham might be just one person, just because of their similar weight. sorry

but yeah. but what didn't was how evil he was. when he said "i wish we killed them all" or something like that, damn. powerful.
- the reenactment of esther and her family being shot, that was, woah. and it's just for TV. really sad to think it actually happened, and it didn't just happen to 4 people. :|
- loved danny and hawkes together. and speaking of hawkes, there wasn't much of him and stella this week.
- loved elgers' comment on his and zander green's "bromance". i laughed at that part. and also, flack's "sorry pal, i don't speak ignorant." haha.
this is one of the, if not, THE, best episode of the whole season. tptb didn't fail to impress this week. lol. A+.
as for the promo, adam and lindsay. haha. they actually had nice moments before, like the one with the devil's ring or something in "the triangle". can't wait. haha.