B- (would have given it a solid A if they'd let Greg be in the last scene). I'm sorry, but I can't buy that Greg doesn't like a Star Trek-like show. I just can't. Are they trying to tell us that Greg has grown out of ALL of his geekiness? Come on! Geeks are cool! And Greg was one of the coolest! :sigh: Stupid writers! 
Astro Quest haha.
Hodges got duped on that thing he bought. :lol:
H: It's Hodges.
Brass: Who? How'd you get this number?
H: I cloned Grissom's cell phone. :lol:
H: He's dead, Jim. :lol:
N: Beam yourselves back to the lab. :lol:
:lol: at Wendy asking ARchie to send her the video.
N: I got a whole lot of Geek love on this chair. :lol:
Riley: I gotta start watching this show.
:lol: at Nick's expression after seeing that video. Someone has to cap that! It was priceless!
Why would they have to report anything to Ecklie? I thought he wasn't lab director anymore and is now under sheriff?
:lol: at SuperDave talking like the show. Loved Doc grabbing him and then superdave saying it hurt and Doc saying good. :lol:
Mandy and Wendy in the same scene? Coolness!
:lol: at Mandy saying Mr. Ed was sci-fi and then telling Hodges that Einstein would have slapped him. Mandy's funny. :lol:
The blue thing Wendy's wearing in the second fantasy looks like a swimsuit.
Brass: Red alert. :lol:
Hey look, it's Paris from Gilmore Girls. :lol:
Wendy: yeah, that's where I keep my tv. :lol:
I didn't realize that was Wendy at first in the third fantasy (dancing). :lol:
She wanted him to have fantasies about her?
Did that ex-army guy just check out Nick's rear or was that my imagination? I swear it looked like he looked at Nick's backside as Nick was walking away. :wtf: :lol:
Cath: It's good to be the commander. :lol:
Aww, Henry looks adorable in that costume. hehe.
Oh, so that's what Hodges said to Wendy. Aww...
Astro Quest haha.
Hodges got duped on that thing he bought. :lol:
H: It's Hodges.
Brass: Who? How'd you get this number?
H: I cloned Grissom's cell phone. :lol:
H: He's dead, Jim. :lol:
N: Beam yourselves back to the lab. :lol:
:lol: at Wendy asking ARchie to send her the video.
N: I got a whole lot of Geek love on this chair. :lol:
Riley: I gotta start watching this show.
:lol: at Nick's expression after seeing that video. Someone has to cap that! It was priceless!
Why would they have to report anything to Ecklie? I thought he wasn't lab director anymore and is now under sheriff?
:lol: at SuperDave talking like the show. Loved Doc grabbing him and then superdave saying it hurt and Doc saying good. :lol:
Mandy and Wendy in the same scene? Coolness!
:lol: at Mandy saying Mr. Ed was sci-fi and then telling Hodges that Einstein would have slapped him. Mandy's funny. :lol:
The blue thing Wendy's wearing in the second fantasy looks like a swimsuit.
Brass: Red alert. :lol:
Hey look, it's Paris from Gilmore Girls. :lol:
Wendy: yeah, that's where I keep my tv. :lol:
I didn't realize that was Wendy at first in the third fantasy (dancing). :lol:
She wanted him to have fantasies about her?
Did that ex-army guy just check out Nick's rear or was that my imagination? I swear it looked like he looked at Nick's backside as Nick was walking away. :wtf: :lol:
Cath: It's good to be the commander. :lol:
Aww, Henry looks adorable in that costume. hehe.
Oh, so that's what Hodges said to Wendy. Aww...