What Do You Think Baby Girl Messer's Name Should Be?

This is a thread on what you think Baby Girls Messer's Name should be.

So share your thoughts and have fun with this thread!!!!

~Please no bashing the baby thats all I ask.

xoxo Carminelove15:)
I don't have a strong preference for any name in particular. I only hope it's not Montana or something as ridiculous and also that her name is not
Jessica, if she's finally the one to die. However, that six-week period baby Sheldon spent without being given a name could be a hint.
Also, I wouldn't like the baby's name be Lindsay. I don't like the whole senior/junior/III thing at all.
I don't care what they name the kid as long as it isn't Lindsay or Montana.

Ditto. It's not something I've even thought about, I wouldn't have a clue what they would name it, and apart from anything like Lindsay and Montana I don't have an opinion on it.
I can't see them naming the baby Lindsay, and I would hope they wouldn't go with Montana, either. That would be...icky.

I don't think they'll name the baby after anyone (like Aiden). I don't know if I have a guess beyond that! It'll be interesting to see what they go with. Maybe an Italian girl name?
^ Like Madonna? :lol: jk. An Italian name would be cute as long as they can pronounce it. There's nothing worse than parents giving their kids foreign names they can't pronounce.
Well, Danny did want to name his son "Clemenza," so I wouldn't rule out Madonna. :lol: Danny has terrible taste in names, lol. Lindsay should probably come up with a list herself and they can pick from that.
I don´t think they will name her Montana or Lindsay. That would be too cheesy. Even for me:D

My favorite names for baby girls in general are Emily, Sophia, Alicia, Lilly, Mia and Leah.
Aiden Jessica Messer, that's my vote. Only because I think it sounds cute

Other than that I am at a loss
I think it'll be something simple. Something with one or two syllables. :lol: I dont know, but I'm real anxious to see what she'll be called!