CSI Level Three
Re: Eric and Calleigh #34
Oh no doubt! Take it from someone who studied this stuff in College, there is a pattern and every show follows it. They may tweak how certain things happen but ALL shows do what you describe.
Exactly! Although I think the writers saw the potential for these two and decided to shelve it until they were absolutely sure they wanted a possible long term ship on the show. This franchise was never meant to have real has always been about the forensics and police work. Then Grey's anatomy came along and showed everyone that you can have a drama and trauma driven show and have your characters be romantically involved. Many shows did it before Grey's but Grey's was the first show in a long time to challenge the power and popularity of this franchise. So like every other show and every other set of writers they had to learn to adapt....I think they also learned that people's tastes change and that fans want to go home with their favorite chracters....they want to be emotionally connected to them.
Hence the reworking of all 3 CSI's to incorporate more personal storylines, relationships and friendships.
Oh goodness, the character bashing and trash talking in the spoiler thread is crazy.Some people are not happy about the E/C ship finally going canon.
I don't want a CSI wedding. Well, I sort of do. I just really can't picture them getting married! In the You May Now Kill the Bride promo when they made it look like Calleigh was getting married and she had the veil on, I was just like what the hell? Even when they showed that, I still had trouble grasping that. I think it's Calleigh I can't see getting married. Eric, no problem. Just Calleigh. I mean, they should get married though, they obviously belong together.
Do y'all think that this will be a lasting relationship? Or that they might break-up?
There are going to be problems. They've just been friends for 7 years and now they'll have to deal with the transistion of being more than that and how to handle work and other situations.
If they do break-up, I think they'll end up getting to together. So it wouldn't be too much of a big deal.
REALLY? People are that pissed about E/C? I haven't been to the Spoiler thread more than once or twice this week so I hadn't noticed any venom being spewed. What's their problem? No, seriously, what are their objections? They don't think there's chemistry? They'd rather another ship went canon? What is it?
I can see Calleigh getting married, but... I think it'd be after a break up. To address your wedding point AND your "will they stay together question", I hate to be Debbie Downer, but I think that E/C is going to be on again, off again, on again. Trust me, I'm over the moon about E/C going canon, but looking at it from the perspective of someone who watches way too much TV, my prediction is that the writers are letting the characters get together waaaaay before the end of the series so that the writers can go through this progression:
1) Show the characters happy
2) Throw several wrenches into the mix
3) Show the characters getting through the rough patches
4) Break the characters up after a really big misunderstanding/mess-up
5) Tension!
6) The characters get back together near the end
So... I'm gonna enjoy their happy-times while it lasts, brace for what I think will be an inevitable split-up, and then wait patiently for the getting-back-together moment.
Please, no one kill us for predicting these things! I want E/C to happen as much as everyone else... but I know what kinds of patterns these shows go through.
Oh no doubt! Take it from someone who studied this stuff in College, there is a pattern and every show follows it. They may tweak how certain things happen but ALL shows do what you describe.
It is sad really, IMO that shows have to stoop to that level in order to keep interest and keep things fresh....considering what they put their characters through in order to get them to the point of being in a relationship. Look at how much crap they have put E/C through and they are just getting together.
It makes doing the things that all shows do to split up their characters, seem almost trivial in comparision to the things that had to happen in order for them to get to this level. Think about all the things E/C has gone through and then think about what could possibly be more dramatic and traumatic that could be used to break them up....there aren't many things.
I'm sure there will be but again, those are the parts of the pattern. It seems like once characters become a couple, all the trials and traumas that got them to that point disappear and reappear later to affect them in a way as such to be used to break them up
Almost to the point of being hypocritical.
I could see E/C lasting b/c unlike most shows this ship is being built in the reverse of how most ships on tv are built....most ships happen from the two people meeting, being awkward around each other, then dating to developing those deep meaningful feelings for each other. This ship is happening in reverse! And while the patter will more than likely reer its ugly head, the writers have established that they can in fact make them on again, off again should they so choose.
Their frienship is already established, they know just about everything there is to know about each other and they already have deep feelings fof love....not romantic love (well that is coming our way but you know what I mean
) for each other, but a love that you feel for your best friend. If you take D/L for example....they dated and then realized they had deep feelings for each other...these are realizing they have deep feelings for each other and are then going to date.
In my personal opinion this ship has a lot of potential....when was the last time on current tv that we have had a ship like this? something this meaningful? The guy said "he couldn't imagine living his life w/o her" that is deep. :lol:
It makes doing the things that all shows do to split up their characters, seem almost trivial in comparision to the things that had to happen in order for them to get to this level. Think about all the things E/C has gone through and then think about what could possibly be more dramatic and traumatic that could be used to break them up....there aren't many things.
I'm sure there will be but again, those are the parts of the pattern. It seems like once characters become a couple, all the trials and traumas that got them to that point disappear and reappear later to affect them in a way as such to be used to break them up
I could see E/C lasting b/c unlike most shows this ship is being built in the reverse of how most ships on tv are built....most ships happen from the two people meeting, being awkward around each other, then dating to developing those deep meaningful feelings for each other. This ship is happening in reverse! And while the patter will more than likely reer its ugly head, the writers have established that they can in fact make them on again, off again should they so choose.
Their frienship is already established, they know just about everything there is to know about each other and they already have deep feelings fof love....not romantic love (well that is coming our way but you know what I mean
In my personal opinion this ship has a lot of potential....when was the last time on current tv that we have had a ship like this? something this meaningful? The guy said "he couldn't imagine living his life w/o her" that is deep. :lol:
The writers are definely paying a lot of attention to Eric and Calleigh as a couple so I do believe that their future looks promising.I mean,Had they wanted just a fling they would have had it already and be dating other people.
Exactly! Although I think the writers saw the potential for these two and decided to shelve it until they were absolutely sure they wanted a possible long term ship on the show. This franchise was never meant to have real has always been about the forensics and police work. Then Grey's anatomy came along and showed everyone that you can have a drama and trauma driven show and have your characters be romantically involved. Many shows did it before Grey's but Grey's was the first show in a long time to challenge the power and popularity of this franchise. So like every other show and every other set of writers they had to learn to adapt....I think they also learned that people's tastes change and that fans want to go home with their favorite chracters....they want to be emotionally connected to them.
Hence the reworking of all 3 CSI's to incorporate more personal storylines, relationships and friendships.
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