Caution: **Spoiler Lab** Ahead - Season 7

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Eric and Natalia's relationship was more of a fling.
A fling IMO is basically the same as a one night stand (IMHO) and Eden definitely had more than one night. But, whether it was a full fledged relationship is up to interpretation, but I don't think it's fair to call it a "fling"... it was a little bit more than that. Natalia for one wanted it to be more. She even told Eric in one ep (can't remember the title though), "all I know is, we could have had something real and you blew it"... so clearly she thought of them as more than a fling.

I wouldn't call it a fling and I wouldn't call it a full-fledged relationship. I remember her saying what you quoted her as saying. It seems to me that she thought of their involvement as being classified somewhere between "fling" and "something approaching serious", and she may have wanted them to be more, but by saying "we could have had something real", she was acknowledging that they had never moved beyond the limbo stage in which they'd been lingering during their involvement. So... yeah, that's how I interpreted it.

Believe it or not, most of the people want to see EC happen.
I have to respectfully disagree with this. It's not that most of the people want to see it, its just that ones who did are more vocal than the rest which makes it seem like a larger number. By that I mean that a lot of those who wanted to see it happen let tptb know that they wanted it (by emails, letters, etc). While it may be accurate to say "a lot" of people wanted to see the relationship happen, I'm not sure its really accurate to use the word "most". JMHO.

I really couldn't tell you with any degree of certainty whether "most" people want E/C to happen, but I think you're on the money when you say "a lot". I think the writers know that. Generally, I think relationships in shows aren't thrown together for sh*ts and giggles - they either exist to piss off the audience or to make the audience happy. Oddly, this pairing is doing BOTH for the audience!

First of all, the "garbage" comment was about the way TPTB have written them out.
I was just going to say that cause I knew that's what you meant. :) To some it may feel like this was too fast paced. We didn't get to see them on a date yet and all of a sudden they're gonna kiss. It's frustrating to some because some feel that the way it's been written is more fairytale-like than it is realistic.

Honestly, it feels like some past things have been swept under the rug to accomodate this current storyline. Remember how Calleigh and Jake had to break up because of that stupid rule? (Yes, I think it was a dumb rule because they are basically workaholics, where if not at work are they supposed to meet someone? They aren't required to be like nuns and Catholic priests and give a vow of lifelong celibacy for crying out loud lol.) Now Calleigh's suddenly with someone she works with EVERY DAY not just one case here and there and where is that rule now, will it return to cause a prob for them? I'm curious to see if the rule is going to come back into to play. Could make for some interesting dynamics. Will Calleigh react the same way as she did when she and Jake had to break up because of the rule? Or will she react differently? It'll seem a little unfair to some if the rule doesn't return and it'll be very frustrating (especially to Cal/Jake fans) and if it was reversed, the people on the other side would feel just as frustrated I would think.

I always got the feeling that Calleigh used the rule as an excuse to break things off with Jake. Most people will probably assume that I got such a feeling because I see things through E/C-tinted glasses, but I think such a position could be justified from an objective point of view. I could be wrong, though.

Anyway, I think that from the audience's perspective, the storyline is moving pretty quickly, but we have to keep in mind that lengths of time pass between each episode. Events transpire, storylines progress, relationships evolve, when we're not "looking". I mean, I remember Adam saying in an interview "I didn't see it coming. I looked at the script and thought 'oh, well, I guess I'm sleeping with Natalia now!" I'm paraphrasing, of course, but I think that was the gist of it. So yeah, things happen offscreen and often times we're supposed to go along with it.

The constant will they won't they stuff kind of felt like the writers couldn't make up their minds, in all honesty. And as much as I may not be a fan of the E/C pairing, at least it seems that the writers have finally made up their minds :lol: . I'm happy for all the E/C fans that you get to finally see your pairing on the show, but I'm a little disappointed for myself at the same time since it's not my preference. :lol:

I just honestly hope that the writers will focus primarily on what the show is intended to be about... the crime solving and not focus primarily on the relationship. When Vegas did that GSR, it turned off a lot of viewers and even lost a lot of viewers. I fear that if Miami makes that same mistake, they will lose a lot of viewers and maybe even moreso than Vegas did because there are a lot more things than a pairing that some people (in general) are disappointed in where Miami is concerned.

I'm sorry you feel disappointed. No, seriously, I am. I've known the same disappointment with other shows when my ships didn't happen or didn't progress.

And actually, even being a Hiphugger fan, I'm with you on the "I hope it doesn't overtake the focus of the show" bit. I want Miami to stay a CSI show and not turn into a soap opera. But... hehe... I admit, I do want just one or two mushy gushy episodes.

As for Ryan's upcoming predictament, I'm really hoping that the team will (once they realize what is truly going on) rally around him and be supportive and understanding... because he's trying to do right by Billy. He may be doing something "wrong", but he's doing it for all the right reasons... to save a little boy's life. If it was his own life and only his own life on the line, he'd said "then just kill me and get it over with", but since it's an innocent little boy's life that is threatened, it isn't something he can risk... he's been trained to protect the innocent. Hopefully the team will understand that's what he's doing.

I feel the same way. Ryan always seems to get a bum rap. Most of the other characters can screw up and they seem to get along fine, but when Ryan messes up, it's like he's treated like a loser and a jerk. He's human too, sheesh! Give him a break!
Eric and Natalia's relationship was more of a fling.

A fling IMO is basically the same as a one night stand (IMHO) and Eden definitely had more than one night. But, whether it was a full fledged relationship is up to interpretation, but I don't think it's fair to call it a "fling"... it was a little bit more than that. Natalia for one wanted it to be more. She even told Eric in one ep (can't remember the title though), "all I know is, we could have had something real and you blew it"... so clearly she thought of them as more than a fling.

I see what you're saying. To me, a "fling" is a a short relationship, not a one night stand. I definitely agree that Eric and Natalia had more than one night. But their overall relationship, however serious or not, didn't last too long, which was why I called it a "fling".

Ah, okay. I got'cha. I guess that makes sense. I guess we just have different interpretations of the word. :) Thanks for clarifying. :)

i am so confused with this calleigh sibling thing cause i thought that
a. she was an only child
b. she had two brothers

I really have no idea anymore so if anybody can clarify this????

I don't remember her ever mentioning any siblings. We know that Eric and Nat both have nieces. Eric had at least two sisters (one of course is deceased and had no children), maybe three? Ryan has at least one sibling since we know from that one ep that he has a niece (I think they said she was 12, but that was two years ago so she'd be 14 now). Horatio has a niece (Madison or is it Suzi- can't remember which is the mom and which is the little girl lol) and a nephew (Ray Jr). And as far as we know, H only had one brother and no other sibs. We know that Nat has two sisters (Anya and Christine, as I mentioned in the last post). But, I don't recall Calleigh ever mentioning having brothers or sisters. I'm still at this point trying to figure out if her parents are together or not. :lol: I think they split up because of his drinking, but then I thought he mentioned trying to work things out with her or something?

I think relationships in shows aren't thrown together for sh*ts and giggles - they either exist to piss off the audience or to make the audience happy. Oddly, this pairing is doing BOTH for the audience!

:lol: That is true, it is doing both. Honestly and obviously I'm not jumping for joy, but I kind of saw it coming, so I prepared myself ahead of time. It's not like its a huge shock or anything. :)

I feel the same way. Ryan always seems to get a bum rap. Most of the other characters can screw up and they seem to get along fine, but when Ryan messes up, it's like he's treated like a loser and a jerk. He's human too, sheesh! Give him a break!

Yeah, I honestly don't know why they write it like that. I think they should try something new and actually have the team be on his side for once ... instead of doing the predictable thing and having them being angry with him or questioning his loyalty, etc. Just surprise us once in a while, you know? :lol:

I always got the feeling that Calleigh used the rule as an excuse to break things off with Jake.

I thought it was Jake though who intially said they couldn't be together anymore because of the rule?

I think that from the audience's perspective, the storyline is moving pretty quickly, but we have to keep in mind that lengths of time pass between each episode. Events transpire, storylines progress, relationships evolve, when we're not "looking".

Well, I guess that's true. I know on Vegas that while technically for the audience it has only been a short time since Warrick's death, time has gone by a lot faster on the show and it's actually been closer to a year since Warrick's death than it actually is. So, that's a good point. But still, I think it would have been better if they'd allowed the audience to see the relationship developing rather than have the majority of it developing off screen.

I'm with you on the "I hope it doesn't overtake the focus of the show" bit. I want Miami to stay a CSI show and not turn into a soap opera. But... hehe... I admit, I do want just one or two mushy gushy episodes.

I can understand wanting the gushsy scenes. I would too if it was the ship in my avi. ;) However, I think the show turned into a Dallas like clone a long time ago (not because of E/C, but before that). I mean the whole thing about Horatio suddenly having a son he never knew about and one that's half grown no doubt was very Dallas-like IMO. :lol:
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My problem with both pro-EC and anti-EC people at the moment is that Calleigh isn't really running towards Eric in the promo. She might take a quick step forward, but she's never shown running/jogging forward. I wanted to point that out because it's been bothering me since I've heard the comments. Eric on the other hand is kind of jogging a bit, but it's never really shown.
I also don't want to see E/C taking over the show but I want at least an episode where we know exactly how this relationship started.And I just think that TPTB made the promo to attract viewers.This is probably the only CSI pairing that I actually like so I am really excited but I understand that all will not feel the same.

I do believe that Eric and Natalia could have been a strong couple had writers given them a chance.But now whatever they had is gone.Natalia was quite relaxed about Calleight kissing Eric.

I do like Ryan way better this season then in previous ones.I woudl not blame him for compromising a crime scene becouse he is saving a kid life.This is way different then the glmabling or the whole Erica situation.
Even though I'm an E/C shipper, I also agree with some of you that I don't want CSI:Miami to turn into the Calleigh and Eric Show. That would just be annoying, and bad for the show. If something happens that a lot of people hate, they're going to stop watching. Less viewers = Less money, and the show would end sooner than expected. I don't want that. The writers can tastefully include a couple of snippets every now and then of romantic relationships between main characters, but it would be beneficial to all parties involved to keep it to a tolerable level.

I just read the crossover info on Wikipedia. I'm seriously wondering if some random person did a bunch of drugs and came up with this plot. It's talking about it as though it's the second episode in the next season, and that's one of the reasons why it seems fishy to me. Have both CSI:Crime Scene Investigation and CSI:Miami been renewed for a 10th and 8th Season (respectively)? And even if they have, we haven't had any spoilers or hints about the last few episodes of this season. Why would anybody already know what's going to happen next season? It's only February!:confused:
Thanks, speed_cochrane, for answering my question. I appreciate it.

GNRFan, your comments echoed a lot of my thoughts.

It's not that most of the people want to see it, its just that ones who did are more vocal than the rest which makes it seem like a larger number.
Maybe a lot of people here think EC make a great couple, but here is not 'most' or 'everyone'. I think Eric and Calleigh make great friends; it's one aspect of the show that I always liked. I also liked the friendship Calleigh had with Ryan back in seasons 2 & 3. It's disappointing that the writers have abandoned that friendship while they have concentrated on turning Eric & Calleigh into a romance. I found it much more enjoyable to see a male and female coworker having a close friendship based on mutual fondness and respect without having to turn it into a romance.

It's frustrating to some because some feel that the way it's been written is more fairytale-like than it is realistic.
I couldn't agree more. While I don't expect realism from Miami, I don't expect a fairy tale along with the weekly dose of crime, either. Part of the problem for me, is that the writers have resorted to so much drama to bring these two together. If EC liked each other, how about just having them go out on a date and see what happens? Why the 'I can't imagine my life without you' confession before they've even had dinner? Why resort to a scene bordering on soap opera, like we saw in the promo (after yet another Eric-drama-filled, life-altering event)? I think the writing of the EC romance has been far too contrived to be believable. Something is simply missing with these two, whether it's the writing, the lack of sexual chemistry, the inconsistency in Calleigh's character this season or a combination of all those things - it's just not working for me.

But some of you love EC, and I can appreciate that. I just personally prefer the romance on Miami to stay a bit in the background, giving us just enough to remind us that these folks have lives and interests outside of work. I think the Jake & Calleigh pairing worked well in that regard. Jake wasn't a character Calleigh shared every other scene with, every single episode.

Honestly, it feels like some past things have been swept under the rug to accomodate this current storyline. Remember how Calleigh and Jake had to break up because of that stupid rule?
It'll seem a little unfair to some if the rule doesn't return and it'll be very frustrating (especially to Cal/Jake fans) and if it was reversed, the people on the other side would feel just as frustrated I would think.
I keep wondering if that policy is going to be swept under the rug or if it will come up in a future episode. I'm actually surprised that EC are keeping their relationship a secret. Isn't that a case of 'been there, done that'. Calleigh just went that route, didn't she learn nothing stays a secret in Miami? And didn't Eric already say he'd switch to nights if it were him (and not Jake)? Hopefully the writers won't forget what they've already written and the policy will come up again.
Oooo neat. I just went to wiki to check it out (yes, I know wiki isn't 100% reliable) and it says that she has a sister named Anna. It doesn't say whether she is younger or older and it doesn't say which episode we find it out in. It will be interesting. We go to briefly meet Natalia's sister. I like little snippets of family, nothing major, just letting us know that they(the team) wern't found in the cabbage patch or brought down by aliens. :)

Hey, did anyone see earlier on wiki they had something about the Vegas/Miami crossover. I'm posting the link right now:

and another one (two parter :))

Again, like CoahMom said, wiki isn't 100% reliable, but I've actually seen this up for a couple of days or so and haven't seen it here.

:eek: If they kill off Frank I will probably quit watching. Seriously. Calleigh gets kidnapped...AGAIN??? PLEASE! Julia gets killed. Well, that's one way to write her off the show. Ryan? Eric? Natalia? Where Are youuuu?
Oooo neat. I just went to wiki to check it out (yes, I know wiki isn't 100% reliable) and it says that she has a sister named Anna. It doesn't say whether she is younger or older and it doesn't say which episode we find it out in. It will be interesting. We go to briefly meet Natalia's sister. I like little snippets of family, nothing major, just letting us know that they(the team) wern't found in the cabbage patch or brought down by aliens. :)

Hey, did anyone see earlier on wiki they had something about the Vegas/Miami crossover. I'm posting the link right now:

and another one (two parter :))

Again, like CoahMom said, wiki isn't 100% reliable, but I've actually seen this up for a couple of days or so and haven't seen it here.

:eek: If they kill off Frank I will probably quit watching. Seriously. Calleigh gets kidnapped...AGAIN??? PLEASE! Julia gets killed. Well, that's one way to write her off the show. Ryan? Eric? Natalia? Where Are youuuu?
That crossover info sounds like fanfiction to me.Why would this info for next season be posted when we don't even have the spoilers completed for this season.
I'd take the spoilers for next season with a grain of salt - we don't even know how this season will end.
If this wikipedia stuff is right...I want to know how it got on wikipedia. Do they even have season 8 written yet? I doubt it...and even if they do...I highly doubt that information would be accessible. It sounds like a good episode...but really? Julia chopped in half, frank almost dead, and calleigh kidnapped?:wtf:
Oh, come on! :rolleyes: Those supposed episode titles even sound like fanfic titles! Flordia Fiasco and Nevada Nostaliga? Please! This so screams fake to me! Although the thing about Julia being found dead with Calleigh's ID is interesting. Though I don't know why the killer would put Cal's ID on Julia's body... unless is the Russian Mafia again sending H a message that his son's mother was only the first vic. I don't buy it, sorry. Not with those episode titles.
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^^ I agree sounds like fanfiction and it's way too early to know what will be going on in season 8 yet. Were still in season 7 and don't know the rest of the episodes are.
If this wikipedia stuff is right...I want to know how it got on wikipedia. Do they even have season 8 written yet? I doubt it...and even if they do...I highly doubt that information would be accessible. It sounds like a good episode...but really? Julia chopped in half, frank almost dead, and calleigh kidnapped?:wtf:

Yeah that is just some fan out there posting stuff to get people like us riled up....there is even a site out there that shows the titles for the rest of the seasons eps and so far NONE of them have been right.....Season 8 probably only a brainstorm in the minds of the writers right now!! They still need to finish this season! :lol:

Oh, come on! :rolleyes: Those supposed episode titles even sound like fanfic titles! Flordia Fiasco and Nevada Nostaliga? Please! This so screams fake to me! Although the thing about Julia being found dead with Calleigh's ID is interesting. Though I don't know why the killer would put Cal's ID on Julia's body... unless is the Russian Mafia again sending H a message that his son's father was only the first vic. I don't buy it, sorry. Not with those episode titles.

The idea does sound promising but it does scream that someone is out there fabricating these ideas to get people talking....those titles would never be titles of this show!

There are only two sources I believe in:
1) Corey
2) my spoiler site (and even then those change constantly from when I read them to when the ep airs!)

Unless someone hears something directly from another producer or even to some extent a cast member, I take everything with a huge grain of salt.
Whew, that makes me feel better. I don't know why I automatically trusted that source haha...Those titles are pretty dumb come to think of it.

I was like, man! Surely they aren't this stupid! This is where Holly STOPS watching Miami!!!
From what the original character bio was for Calleigh, she's morphed a lot. Originally she was supposed to have a couple of younger brothers, was conceived out of wedlock so her parents were forced into a shotgun wedding just before her birth. They were dirt poor and she was supposedly the first one in her family to go to college. Her parents were both supposed to be alcoholics and her father beat on her when he was drunk.

As she is as of this season: father is a public defender and she came from a relatively affluent background. So much so that Alexx actually inquired if she had a nanny growing up. Siblings aren't mentioned. Mom was now more of a buddy than a parent and apparently isn't an alcoholic, dad is now a loveable, singing drunk that still is the ipitome of a Southern Gentleman. Mom and dad have been divorced for 15 years as of "Just Murdered".

Yeah, talk about a 180 on a character.
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