When I saw the first victim, I thought he kinda looked like one of the Geico caveman.
:guffaw:He really did! haha! Good call!
I agree that the "bad sex" comment from Lindsay was way OOC. It was a funny line, but it would have been funnier if it had come from someone else. Lindsay has been protrayed more as the type of girl who does not come right out and say things like that. I think (while I like Lindsay) tptb must have seen some of the show's fans' comments about Lindsay not having enough of a personality and maybe they are trying to give her a little more of a personality. But, I think that it was a tad too early for that kind of comment from her. :lol: It would have been better suited for Angell. It's something I could picture Catherine Willows saying, but... Lindsay? I dunno... I just think that was the wrong person to have say that line. It was just odd.
You know, on the comment of the underwear. ( I am NOT making fun of Lindsay cause I love that character). With that said, in all actuality the relevance of clean underwear wouldn't have really mattered with this dead guy. All be it that yes there was seimen, but there should have been more. Much more, well in real life anyway. Once you are dead all your "opening"/sphincter muscles that make up parts of your gastrointestinal tract, both top and bottom relax and thus the no REAL need for clean undies. They are just gonna get soiled anyway. I have seen it too many times. NOW, on accidents......not sure. But, I just thought I would throw this out there. You know, just mindless ramblings of a woman who has too much time on her hands.
Good lord I just had a Dr. Cox (off of SCRUBS) moment.
:lol: I didn't know that, but that's a good point. I don't watch Scrubs, but it sounds like something Dr. Brennan on "Bones" would say.

I always try to listen to her comments cause you can learn a lot from the things she says. :lol:
Of course, given that Danny is the only guy that we know for sure Lindsay has had sex with, clearly the implication is that Danny is the source of the bad sex ;-)
I think in a past episode she mentioned an ex boyfriend she had back in Montana.

I honestly can't imagine Danny being the source of bad sex. :lol:
Okay, here are my thoughts that I wrote down while watching the episode:
The underwear line is funny. :lol:
:lol: at Flack and Hawkes. Flack's more of a tom & Jerry fan and Hawkes likes Mighty Mouse. :lol:
"The neighbors know him as Scooby."
"Dooby-doo." :lol: What's with all the cartoon references? :lol:
Why isn't Angell in any scenes with Flack? :sigh:
"It means a lot that the decision didn't come from you." Aww, poor Adam. I wanna hug him.
"You're not going anywhere, Adam." Mac you big ol' softie.
The vics were defendants? Well, there goes that trial. :lol:
"I never get to play with guns."
"You don't like lawyer jokes?"
"I don't like lawyers." :lol: Loved when Mac turned the guy's line back on him.
"Usually I'm a lot less charming." :lol:
The rolling paper was made with drugs?
I like Danny without his glasses, but also with. It's been awhile since he's been without them though.
Danny's cute on the swing. Aww! Now Flack's on the swings too. :swoon:
:lol: at Angell telling that chick not to call her a bitch.
Aww at Mac saying he'd choose Adam over the machines every time. Uh-oh, Adam overheard Stella. Poor baby.
Poor Maggie. She's right the guys got what they deserved.
Ooh Mac was peeved at that DA. :lol:
Love how everyone agreed that if it'd been their sister they would have done the same thing.
Adam in the locker room almost made me cry.
"Turns out San Francisco's closed in January." :guffaw:
Did Mac just ask Stella out to dinner? :swoon:
So sweet how everyone gave up their paid vacations for Adam. Aww! They love him and how could they not? He's just so darn loveable.
I didn't get previews either. Anyone know the name of next week's ep?