Better they keep Riley away from Nick and Greg or .....:scream::scream::scream:
If this season they keep pairing Greg with Riley and Nick with Cath or Lawrence Fishburne character, then it will be like the split shift from season five. Not a good thing. IMO, the show has gone downhill since then. Like you, I hope they don't waste this chance and put Nick and Greg together on more cases.
^^ This make no freaking sense to me. In last weeks episode they said Riley was still CSI level 2. And in theory they never mentioned Greggo being promoted from level one on the show. *shakes fist at writers* So why why why would you pair your two newest CSIs together on cases. Why not pair them with other more senior CSIs. Like Riley and Cath (who would make a smoking hot couple

) and Nicky and Greggo. Just makes more sense on so many levels. But yet we have learned the writers have never felt the need to make sense of anything in the past.
I still haven't seen all episodes but no news about Greg's promotion are bad. But... totally agree that he should be with one senior CSI (I don't need to tell his name, it's obvious).
I'm glad that relationship with Riley is staying as a brother-sister relationship. And I hope that will be. Unfortunately, like
MLC mentioned, TPTB likes to change their minds so we can still have possibility of pairing Greg and Riley. But no, that won't happen. It's just early here so I can't think in correct way, lol. I'd like to see their friend's banter etc. But Greg's heart is with one person from lab. The greatest thing can be remarks by Riley about boys. Maybe we gonna see her saying something about Greg and Nick? Who knows?
I noticed that we gonna have here new ship, lol. I'm still Candy but I'm open-minded when is about femslash:devil:
Seabird, thank you so much for the Love reminders. Their chemistry is so strong. New girls won't destroy it.
Wojo, awesome manip. I snagged it to my collection of Love pics