I will try and write this as calmly as I can. In the premiere towards the end where Nicky has a gun on Mckeen, I saw something And I dont know how to take it. My innner shipper wants to get all giddy since discovering the one card in the wedding chapel episode on slow motion rewatching the tape.
What I saw was Nicky having a solid ring on his finger. Not a class ring or other ring. I saw it on slow motion. And b/c I got all giddy I asked my mom is there a reason for a guy to wear a solid ring that could look like a wedding ring. It was on his ring or middle finger. The shot in slow motion is not all that great so cant say for sure which one.
So did anyone else see it? Also and I will go back and check, but does Greggo have one?
*is going to shut up now b/c I could ramble on forever*
You username should be Eagle Eyes